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Quando passi dal primo posto nell'ordine di importanza nel reparto estetico al liceo e poi cadi in basso da adulto, è possibile tornare in cima?
Kang Joo Eun (Shin Min Ah) era invidiata da ogni ragazza e desiderata da ogni ragazzo al liceo come la Daejeon Venus a causa del suo bel viso e della sua figura mozzafiato.
Nonostante provenisse da una famiglia povera, era determinata a frequentare la facoltà di giurisprudenza e diventare avvocato.
At age 33, she has achieved her professional goals and has been in a stable relationship with her high-school boyfriend Im Woo Sik (Jung Gyu Woon) for 15 years. But she has let herself go over the years and is now overweight and often disregarded and overlooked by her co-workers and society.
On the plane ride back from a quick business trip to the United States, Joo Eun has an embarrassing run-in with Kim Yeong Ho (So Ji Sub) and his two sidekicks, Jang Joon Seong (Sung Hoon) and Kim Ji Woong (Henry).
Yeong Ho is a celebrity personal trainer who is involved in a scandal in the United States and forced to flee to Korea until things cool down. But his wealthy family has other plans for him.
As soon as they discover that he is back in Korea, his grandmother appoints him as the new president of the family medical-services company and prevents him from returning to the States.
A lost purse causes Yeong Ho to reconnect with Joo Eun and witness another personal embarrassment for her in the aftermath of being dumped by Woo Sik and finding out that he has been dating her new boss, Oh Soo Jin (Yoo In Young).
As it seems to become a habit for Yeong Ho to bail Joo Eun out of trouble, can he also help her to reclaim her former looks?
Suonare | Titolo | Artista |
O Ma-i Bi-neo-seu
Beautiful Lady
Darling U
Tae-woo Kim:
That Person (Duet version)
I'll be There
Love Moves On
That Person (Woman version) (Bonus track)