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Co-written by NY Times bestselling author Tom Woods, THE HOUSING BUBBLE is a critical, non-partisan examination of the policies and events that shaped the United States economy into one bursting bubble after another. Traveling the world for answers after starting a house painting business just in time for the crash, filmmaker Jimmy Morrison drove over 35,000 miles to track down the experts who saw it coming, seeking to understand the root causes, so that we can avoid being blindsided by the bigger bubbles and the inevitable crises that follow.
Informative, eye-opening, fresh, funny, and occasionally shocking, THE HOUSING BUBBLE skillfully demystifies the boom/bust link between the stock market, the FED, and the housing market for the economist and layperson alike. Released as a feature in 2019, the film is broken into 2 episodes for the 4 part series THE BIGGER BUBBLE. (2023).