Barry Adamson Trilhas sonoras

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Barry Adamson (nascido em 11 de junho de 1958) é um músico, compositor, escritor, fotógrafo e cineasta inglês de pop e rock. Ele ganhou destaque no final da década de 1970 como membro da banda pós-punk Magazine e passou a trabalhar com Visage, a Festa de Aniversário, Nick Cave e Bad Seeds e os músicos eletro-eletrônicos Pan Sonic. Além do prolífico trabalho solo, Adamson também remisturou Grinderman, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Recoil e Depeche Mode. Ele criou a obra de sete minutos Useless (Esca ...

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Toque Título Filme Tipo Comprar música
Richard, It's Business As Usual A Praia Writer Compre na Amazon
Richard, It's Business As Usual A Praia Performer Compre na Amazon
Jazz Devil .com for Murder Artista Compre na Amazon
Alfred Hitchcock Presents Metamorphosis Artista Compre na Amazon
Red Right Hand 2 Gritos 3 Cordas conduzidas e arranjadas Compre na Amazon
Come Hell or High Water O Último Beijo Writer Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Caçador de Condenados Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Caçador de Condenados Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Caçador de Condenados Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Caçador de Condenados Artista Compre na Amazon
Refugee Theme The Last of England Writer Compre na Amazon
Refugee Theme The Last of England Performer Compre na Amazon
Refugee Theme The Last of England Produced Compre na Amazon
The Man with The Golden Arm Frogs for Snakes Performer Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Dead Heat LittleBigPlanet 3 Performer Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Killer Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Killer Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Killer Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Killer Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation The Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps The Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie The Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation The Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Dead Heat White Teeth Artista Compre na Amazon
Tell Me (Revisited) Dreams of a Life Arranjo Compre na Amazon
The Hummingbird Mama V Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation All Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps All Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie All Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation All Natural Artista Compre na Amazon
It's Business As Usual The Picture Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 1 Tarantula Artista Compre na Amazon
The Big Bamboozle Men with Guns Writer Compre na Amazon
Set The Controls For The Heart Of Pelvis Men with Guns Performer Compre na Amazon
Set The Controls For The Heart Of Pelvis Men with Guns Writer Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Killer? Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Killer? Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Killer? Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Killer? Artista Compre na Amazon
The Hummingbird A Gum's Life Artista Compre na Amazon
Jazz Devil Music & Murder Artista Compre na Amazon
Tupelo Dandy Writer Compre na Amazon
On the Wrong Side of Relaxation Assassinos Natos Writer Compre na Amazon
On the Wrong Side of Relaxation Assassinos Natos Performer Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Assassinos Natos Writer Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Assassinos Natos Performer Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Assassinos Natos Writer Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Assassinos Natos Performer Compre na Amazon
The Violation of Expectation Assassinos Natos Writer Compre na Amazon
The Violation of Expectation Assassinos Natos Performer Compre na Amazon
What It Means The Teacher Artista Compre na Amazon
What It Means Tea 4 Two Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Killers - Assassinos Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Killers - Assassinos Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Killers - Assassinos Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Killers - Assassinos Artista Compre na Amazon
Il Solitario Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
These Boots Are Made For Walking Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Diamonds Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Boppin' Out/Eternal Morning Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
From Rusholme With Love Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
The Beaten Side of Town Alan Wake Performer Compre na Amazon
The Beaten Side of Town Alan Wake Writer Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Born to Kill Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Born to Kill Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Born to Kill Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Born to Kill Artista Compre na Amazon
What It Means The Teacher Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
What It Means Teachers Artista Compre na Amazon
It's Business As Usual The Picture Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation The Killers Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation De Natura Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps De Natura Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie De Natura Artista Compre na Amazon
The Violation Of Expectation De Natura Artista Compre na Amazon
The Sweetest Embrace Artista Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 2 Palindrome Artista Compre na Amazon
Sweetest Embrace Acid House Writer Compre na Amazon
Sweetest Embrace Acid House Performer Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes Eraser Artista Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes Artista Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes Gabbla Artista Compre na Amazon
From Her to Eternity A Paixão de JL Writer Compre na Amazon
Richard, It's Business As Usual A Praia Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Mascis) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Masics) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Flying Clouds Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Sideways (J. Mascis) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Soliloquy (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Odio-Amor, Odio-Amor (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Shade (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Insight (Antagonist) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Maria (The Mitch Green Experience Featuring Carlos) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Laverdad des Nuda (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Thunder (Renegade Soundwave) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Lament (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Women Respond to Bass (Renegade Soundwave) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Trudis Confession (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Magic (Louise Tollson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Cloud Chamber (Easy) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
We Call It Rock (The Velvet Monkeys) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Los Votos Segradas (Barry Adamson) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Love (Victoria Williams) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Sun Before the Dawn Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (Boyd Rice) Gas Food Lodging Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mixed Impressions Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Noir (ish) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation (Con't.) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Atmos Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Martin Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
A Beautiful Dress Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce Alone Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Electro Dreams Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Xmas Wrapping Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce's Father Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
To Be Somebody Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Memories of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce in Hospital Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Dreams of a Life Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Tell Me Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mixed Impressions Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Noir (ish) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation (Con't.) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Atmos Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Martin Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
A Beautiful Dress Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce Alone Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Electro Dreams Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Xmas Wrapping Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce's Father Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
To Be Somebody Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Memories of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce in Hospital Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Dreams of a Life Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Tell Me Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
I'm Deranged (David Bowie) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Videodrones; Questions (feat. Peter Christopherson) (Trent Reznor) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
The Perfect Drug (Nine Inch Nails) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Red Bats With Teeth (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Haunting And Heartbreaking (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Eye (The Smashing Pumpkins) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Dub Driving (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme #1 (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
This Magic Moment (Lou Reed) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme #2 (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Fred And Renee Make Love (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Apple Of Sodom (Marilyn Manson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Insensatez (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
I Put A Spell On You (Marilyn Manson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Fats Revisited (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Fred's World (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Rammstein (Rammstein) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Hollywood Sunset (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Hierate Mich (Rammstein) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Police (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Driver Down (Trent Reznor) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
SIDE A: I'm Deranged (David Bowie) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Videodrones; Questions (Trent Reznor) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
SIDE B: Dub Driving (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Disc Time: Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
SIDE C: Insensatez (Antonio Carlos Jobim) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
SIDE D: Hollywood Sunset (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Mascis) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Masics) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Flying Clouds Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Sideways (J. Mascis) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Soliloquy (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Odio-Amor, Odio-Amor (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Shade (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Insight (Antagonist) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Maria (The Mitch Green Experience Featuring Carlos) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Laverdad des Nuda (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Thunder (Renegade Soundwave) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Lament (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Women Respond to Bass (Renegade Soundwave) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Trudis Confession (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Magic (Louise Tollson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Cloud Chamber (Easy) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
We Call It Rock (The Velvet Monkeys) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Los Votos Segradas (Barry Adamson) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Love (Victoria Williams) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Sun Before the Dawn Food Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (Boyd Rice) Food Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Mixed Impressions Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Noir (ish) Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation (Con't.) Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Atmos Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Martin Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
A Beautiful Dress Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce Alone Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Electro Dreams Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Xmas Wrapping Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce's Father Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
To Be Somebody Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Memories of Joyce Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce in Hospital Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Dreams of a Life Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Tell Me Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mixed Impressions Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Noir (ish) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation (Con't.) Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Mystery Atmos Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Martin Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
A Beautiful Dress Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce Alone Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Electro Dreams Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Xmas Wrapping Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce's Father Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
To Be Somebody Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Memories of Joyce Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Joyce in Hospital Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Dreams of a Life Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Tell Me Dreams Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Mascis) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (J. Masics) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Flying Clouds Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Sideways (J. Mascis) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Soliloquy (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Odio-Amor, Odio-Amor (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Shade (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Insight (Antagonist) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Maria (The Mitch Green Experience Featuring Carlos) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Laverdad des Nuda (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Thunder (Renegade Soundwave) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Lament (Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Women Respond to Bass (Renegade Soundwave) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Trudis Confession (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Magic (Louise Tollson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Cloud Chamber (Easy) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
We Call It Rock (The Velvet Monkeys) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Los Votos Segradas (Barry Adamson) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Love (Victoria Williams) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Sun Before the Dawn Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Untitled (Boyd Rice) Gas Performer Compre na Amazon
Delusion Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Crossin The Line Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Il Soltario Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Patti's Theme Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
A Settlin' Kinda Scam Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Fish Face Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Go Johnny Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
The Life We Leave Behind Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
An Amendment Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
La Cucaracha Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
George's Downfall Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Got To Bet To Win Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
The Track With No Name Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Patti's Theme (Two Stage Variation) Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Death Valley Junction Delusion Performer Compre na Amazon
Dead Heat Circleen - Little Big Mouse Artista Compre na Amazon
I'm Deranged (David Bowie) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme #1 (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme #2 (Barry Adamson) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
Fred's World (Angelo Badalamenti) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
SIDE A: I'm Deranged (David Bowie) Lost Highway: Estrada Perdida Performer Compre na Amazon
The Investigation (Con't.) Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Profile of Joyce's Father Sonhos de Akira Kurosawa Performer Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Edit Bright Hair Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 1 Bright Hair Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 2 Bright Hair Artista Compre na Amazon
Hollywood Sunset Bright Hair Artista Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Edit Survivorman: Lost Pilots Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 1 Survivorman: Lost Pilots Artista Compre na Amazon
Mr. Eddy's Theme 2 Survivorman: Lost Pilots Artista Compre na Amazon
Hollywood Sunset Survivorman: Lost Pilots Artista Compre na Amazon
Hollywood Sunset An Bloem Artista Compre na Amazon
Something Wicked This Way Comes An Bloem Artista Compre na Amazon
Dead Heat The Plan Has Changed Artista Compre na Amazon
Dead Heat "Little People, Big World" Game Over? Artista Compre na Amazon
On The Wrong Side Of Relaxation Natural Born Hustlers Artista Compre na Amazon
Under Wraps Natural Born Hustlers Artista Compre na Amazon
Checkpoint Charlie Natural Born Hustlers Artista Compre na Amazon
Violation Of Expectation, The Natural Born Hustlers Artista Compre na Amazon