Laurence Rosenthal (Detroit, Michigan, 4 de Novembro de 1926) é um compositor americano que criaram as bandas sonoras clássicas para os filmes de acção. Para a adicionar as nossas preparações para a música. Depois criaram as bandas sonoras clássicas para o cinema. Como no filme: Meteóro (Meteor) (1979). Ler mais
Comprar discografia: Compre na Amazon
Toque | Título | Filme | Tipo | Comprar música |
Bicycle Montage | Wonder Boys - Prodígios | Das crônicas jovens de Indiana Jones (1992) | Compre na Amazon | |
How Long Is Loneliness? | The Member of the Wedding | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lovers | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Boyhood Of Perseus | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Dreams And Omens | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Pegasus | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lord Of The Marsh | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
The Kraken | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
The Farewell | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo And The Dive-Bomber | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Rescued | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellations - End Title | Choque de Titãs | (sem créditos) composto e conduzido | Compre na Amazon | |
How Long Is Loneliness? | The Member of the Wedding | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island Theme | A Ilha da Fantasia | Writer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island | Pequeno Grande Dave | Writer | Compre na Amazon | |
Theme to Fantasy Island | My Dinner with Hervé | Writer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Handia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Yellow Hands in Despair | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Vanished | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Gryce | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Gifts | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Buffalo Spirit Gone | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Hilltop | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Denial | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Elk Woman | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Portents | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Raven's Sacrifice | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Benediction | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Buffalo Hunt | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Captured Rik | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Riks Routed | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Training for War | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Death of the Chief | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Young Chief – The New Life | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sweat Lodge | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Knife | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Thin Dog | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Braves | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Training for War (original LP version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Braves (alternate) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Benediction (original version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady Will Prosecute | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Rev. Brown Prays | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Drummond Arrives | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Rev. Brown's Sermon | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Golden Dancer | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Stebbins Boy | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Rachel Breaks Down | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Stebbins Posts Bond | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Bible on Bed | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady on the Stand | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Come Sit With Us | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady's Death | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Drummond Departs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
EXTRA: Summer Days | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Preparation for The Ordeal | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Battle At The Fort | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Young Chief - The New Life | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brass Target - Mara | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Meteor (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Becket (Suite) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Main Title (Part I) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Fu cheng mi shi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Olympus | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Is Doomed | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Destroyed | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boyhood Of Perseus | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus's Judgment | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transformation Of Calibos | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dreams And Omens | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus Commands The Gifts | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magic Weapons | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fulfill Your Destiny | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invisible/Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pegasus/To The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lord Of The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fight In The Swamp/Fanfare | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Curse Ended/The Dancing Girl | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Justice Or Revenge/The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis/Pegasus In The Net | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“We Follow The North Star” | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“It Is My Wish” | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives/The Quest | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Farewell | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The River Styx | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple/Two Headed Dog | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Magic Sword | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Shackled | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Kraken | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans/Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellations – End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title (LP Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus’s Judgment | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
No Mercy | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa (Original Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Quest (Alternate Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Procession Drums | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 1: Prologue And Main Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 2: Invisible / Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. Andromeda | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Pegasus / To The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. The Lord Of The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Fight In The Swamp / Fanfare | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Curse Ended / The Dancing Girl | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 3: Justice Or Revenge / The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis / Pegasus In The Net | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
We Follow The North Star | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
It Is My Wish | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives / The Quest | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple / Two Headed Dog | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 4: Medusa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. The Magic Sword | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. Andromeda Shackled | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Kraken | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Clash Of The Titans / Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
07. The Constellations – End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellation / End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Giant | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Train Montage | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hands | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Doll and Ladder | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
She Folded Her Napkin | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Search / To the Garden House | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Nightmare | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lullaby | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching Montage | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Let Her Come | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come to Supper | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle / The Keys | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Percy | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Keys (Film Version) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title: Helen Alone | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Train | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The Garden House | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Epilogue: Helen And Annie | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Ein Wunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Friendly Neighbors | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Visitors From The Country | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boniface Escapes | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Trapeze Waltz | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Arrivals At The Hotel | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Nervous Tea Party | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chaos In The Corridors | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Police Arrive | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Next Morning | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Embarrassing Moments And Happy Surprises | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Palais Royale & End Title | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Madame l'Ambassadrice | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Port-au-Prince | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
I Am The Haitian Flag | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Columbus Statue | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Voodoo Temple | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Arrest At Dawn | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Blue Guest-Room | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tontons Macoute | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Operation Jones | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Night Watches | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Departures | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Original) | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Revised) | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disembarking/Jones Arrested | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brown's Arrival | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Haitian Flag | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha/Port-au-Prince | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Trianon | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Swimming Pool/Ministry | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vierge Marie, Priez Pour Moi | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Duvalierville | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cabana | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Embassy Interior | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Blue Room | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Philipot | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Duvalier Drums/The Market | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Wharf | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Priest/Ogou Fe (Traditional)/Ecstasy | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brown Awakened | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Bible (Original Version) | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Patience/Jones As Cook | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha's Car | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magiot Asleep | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magiot's Death | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hospital/Signals | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fraulein Bridge/Highway/Slap Bridge | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shank's Pony/Cemetery | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Philipot And Jones | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rebels | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Petit Pierre | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Military Band | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chez La Mere Catherine Cafe | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Requiem | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Castle | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Room / Pepe Tail | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2 / Piano Source #1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2A | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Head On - Part 2 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Escape To Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A-Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claudia / Dein Vater | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Street Shoot-out / Miller Dies | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Streets | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Roth Tails / Park Meeting | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Leaving Peter | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 2 / In The Crosshairs | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | A Sun | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | Vida | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Fan | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Gia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Si | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | A Ilha do Dr. Moreau | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Asia | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Friendly Neighbors | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Visitors From The Country | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boniface Escapes | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Trapeze Waltz | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Arrivals At The Hotel | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Nervous Tea Party | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chaos In The Corridors | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Police Arrive | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Next Morning | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Embarrassing Moments And Happy Surprises | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Palais Royale & End Title | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Madame l'Ambassadrice | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Port-au-Prince | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
I Am The Haitian Flag | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Columbus Statue | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Voodoo Temple | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Arrest At Dawn | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Blue Guest-Room | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tontons Macoute | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Operation Jones | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Night Watches | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Departures | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Original) | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Revised) | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disembarking/Jones Arrested | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brown's Arrival | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Haitian Flag | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha/Port-au-Prince | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Trianon | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Swimming Pool/Ministry | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vierge Marie, Priez Pour Moi | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Duvalierville | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cabana | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Embassy Interior | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Blue Room | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Philipot | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Duvalier Drums/The Market | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Wharf | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Priest/Ogou Fe (Traditional)/Ecstasy | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brown Awakened | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Bible (Original Version) | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Patience/Jones As Cook | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha's Car | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magiot Asleep | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magiot's Death | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hospital/Signals | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fraulein Bridge/Highway/Slap Bridge | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shank's Pony/Cemetery | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Philipot And Jones | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rebels | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Petit Pierre | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Military Band | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chez La Mere Catherine Cafe | Hotell | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Train Montage | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hands | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Doll and Ladder | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
She Folded Her Napkin | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Search / To the Garden House | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Nightmare | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lullaby | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching Montage | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Let Her Come | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come to Supper | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle / The Keys | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Title | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Percy | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Keys (Film Version) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title: Helen Alone | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Train | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The Garden House | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Epilogue: Helen And Annie | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | A Obra | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | Die kanadische Reise | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue – The Revolt | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Puerto De Mexico | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confession | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Banana Barn | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transition | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brigida | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Of Mass | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lieutenant's Entrance | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Priest Departs | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mestizo | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
All The Hope Of The World | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prison | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Montage | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Church | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celebration | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Trap | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hut | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Power And The Glory | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Refusal | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prayer | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Execution And End Title | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Train Montage | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hands | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Doll and Ladder | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
She Folded Her Napkin | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Search / To the Garden House | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Nightmare | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lullaby | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching Montage | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Let Her Come | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come to Supper | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle / The Keys | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Percy | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Keys (Film Version) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title: Helen Alone | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Train | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The Garden House | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Epilogue: Helen And Annie | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Willy Nilly | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The One I Love | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lara Arrives | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
You Looked For Me | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Driving Lessons | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Bank News | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Wise Aborigine | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Dingo | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cave Painting | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fire | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Digging Up The Coin | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hatchet | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Finding Collins | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Palms | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dad's Home | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death Of Thunderwith | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Melting | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Credits | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: To Heal a Nation | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Reconnect | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Five Dollars | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: The Trio | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: To the Capitol | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: An Ivory Moment | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Hope No Mistake | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Jan and Becky | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Fund Raising | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: The Compromise | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: Military Tattoo | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
TO HEAL A NATION: The Names | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Main Title | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: You Cut and Run | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Winoon Gets It | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: C.J. is Home | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: The Round-Up | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Charlie Falls | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Charlie Sr. and Rene | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Busting the Bronco | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Handcuffs | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Dirge | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: Proud Men | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
PROUD MEN: End Credits | Proud Men | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich Main Title | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
First Death | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Schreiber | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Hostages No. 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Terrorists | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Spitzer | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Photographs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Tunnel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Anneliese Curtain | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Munich | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
God Be With You | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Under the Wing | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Holocaust | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Munich End Credits | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
THE EXTRA: Disco Source | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich Main Title | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Death | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Schreiber | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hostages No. 1 | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Terrorists | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Spitzer | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Photographs | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tunnel | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anneliese Curtain | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
God Be With You | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Under the Wing | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Holocaust | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich End Credits | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE EXTRA: Disco Source | 21: A Última Cartada | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 1 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 2 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 3 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bumpers | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Collectors | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Capture (Jeff Alexander) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Innocent (Jerrold Immel) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man Out of Time | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Half Life (Immel) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fear Factor (Bruce Broughton) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Futurepast | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Visitors (Broughton) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna - Assassina Profissional | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | A Ilha | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich Main Title | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Death | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Schreiber | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hostages No. 1 | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Terrorists | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Spitzer | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Photographs | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tunnel | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anneliese Curtain | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
God Be With You | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Under the Wing | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Holocaust | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich End Credits | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE EXTRA: Disco Source | Horas | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Olympus | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Is Doomed | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Destroyed | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boyhood Of Perseus | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus's Judgment | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transformation Of Calibos | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dreams And Omens | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus Commands The Gifts | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magic Weapons | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fulfill Your Destiny | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invisible/Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pegasus/To The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lord Of The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fight In The Swamp/Fanfare | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Curse Ended/The Dancing Girl | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Justice Or Revenge/The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis/Pegasus In The Net | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“We Follow The North Star” | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“It Is My Wish” | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives/The Quest | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Farewell | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The River Styx | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple/Two Headed Dog | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Magic Sword | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Shackled | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Kraken | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans/Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellations – End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title (LP Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus’s Judgment | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
No Mercy | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa (Original Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Quest (Alternate Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Procession Drums | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 1: Prologue And Main Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 2: Invisible / Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. Andromeda | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Pegasus / To The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. The Lord Of The Marsh | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Fight In The Swamp / Fanfare | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Curse Ended / The Dancing Girl | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 3: Justice Or Revenge / The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis / Pegasus In The Net | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
We Follow The North Star | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
It Is My Wish | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives / The Quest | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple / Two Headed Dog | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 4: Medusa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. The Magic Sword | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. Andromeda Shackled | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Kraken | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Clash Of The Titans / Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
07. The Constellations – End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lovers | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Rescued | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellation / End Title | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich Main Title | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Death | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Schreiber | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hostages No. 1 | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Terrorists | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Spitzer | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Photographs | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tunnel | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anneliese Curtain | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
God Be With You | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Under the Wing | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Holocaust | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich End Credits | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE EXTRA: Disco Source | The Hour | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Train Montage | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hands | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Doll and Ladder | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
She Folded Her Napkin | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Search / To the Garden House | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Nightmare | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lullaby | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching Montage | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Let Her Come | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come to Supper | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle / The Keys | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Percy | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Keys (Film Version) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title: Helen Alone | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Train | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The Garden House | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Teaching | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Epilogue: Helen And Annie | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Miracle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Overture | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lord Thomas Fairfax | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fox Hunt | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Survey Montage | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
George Meets Sally | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Sally And Martha | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The French Ambassador | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Goodbye To Sally | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Stable | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
George's Fury | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fort Duquesne | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
No Discipline | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Wedding | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Patsy's Seizure | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fan Remembered | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Patsy Dies | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Under The Willow Tree | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
George Accepts | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
George Washington – Main Title | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Officer’s Arrive | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Looting | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chasing The Carriage | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“I’m Benedict Arnold” | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Embattled (“Bunker Hill”) | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raising The Flag | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Crossing | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Battle Of Monmouth | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Declaration Of Independence (“Chester”) | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Crossing The Delaware | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Marquis De Lafayette | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha At Valley Forge | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boots | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
General Rochambeau | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Treason | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Before Yorktown | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle Of Yorktown | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Washington’s Triumph | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Going Home (End Credits) | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Indian | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | Kid - Sede de Matar | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | Dr. M | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | Billy the Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | O Sol | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | O Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Castle | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Room / Pepe Tail | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Piano Source #2 / Piano Source #1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Piano Source #2A | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Head On - Part 2 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Escape To Bonn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
A-Bonn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Bonn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Claudia / Dein Vater | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Street Shoot-out / Miller Dies | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
In The Streets | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Roth Tails / Park Meeting | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Leaving Peter | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Hunters - Part 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Hunters - Part 2 / In The Crosshairs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Main Title | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Wei | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 1 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 2 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 3 | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bumpers | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Collectors | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Capture (Jeff Alexander) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Innocent (Jerrold Immel) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man Out of Time | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Half Life (Immel) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fear Factor (Bruce Broughton) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Futurepast | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Visitors (Broughton) | Run | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Threats | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bad Deal | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Date | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Cap/Questionable Judgement | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Things Are Looking Up | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Soft Side | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title/The Chauffeur | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Memories Of Big Walter/In My House There Is Still God | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Kitty Kat Club | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meet Joseph Asagai/Asagai Departs | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
$10,000.00 Check | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stand Up, Walter Lee | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flaming Spear | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
How Bad THings Are/She Bought You A Chouse | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Hurt And Pain/You Be The Head Of This Family | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New House | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Phonograph | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Welcoming Committee | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Packing/Willie Is Gone! | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invitation To Nigeria/On His Knees | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
He Come Into His Manhood Today (Finale) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Pecado | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Home To Milan | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Villa Torlonia | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Barone Russo | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New Office/The Squadristi | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Matteotti Murdered | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Mirror | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Assassination Attempt/The Caesars | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tree Climbing | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Rebels/Astia Road | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Boyfriend | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Music In The Park | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bicycles | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Betrothal | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Fear/Sharing Secrets | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Off To Capri/Bruno And Papa | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Veteran's Day Fanfare/“Giovanezza” | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Red Roadster | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training Montage | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dockside Band | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flower Shower/Bruno And Gino | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chat By The Window | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Opera | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Benito And Claretta | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bruno Crashes | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bruno's Funeral | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Credits: Shows 1 & 2 | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Il Duce/Bruno's Baby | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Welcome To Berlin | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Royal Palace | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachele Weeps | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
FDR Speaks | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Embarks | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta's Villa/Edda Returns | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Field Of The Dead | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vittorio And Mama/Bombs At Night | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bonfires | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Farewell | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lion's Den | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Operation Rescue | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Return To Italy | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Glass Of Water | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Blood For Blood | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Embrace | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Firing Squad | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda And The Children | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Refuge | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“It's Over, Piccola” | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachele's Grief | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Benito's Letter | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta Returns | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Last Supper/Milan | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
His New Office; TheSquadristi | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Assassination Attempt; The Caesars | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Rebels; Astia Road | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Fear; Sharing Secrets | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Off to Capri; Bruno and Papa | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Veteran's Day Fanfare; "Giovanezza" | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flower Shower; Bruno and Gina | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Il Duce; Bruno's Baby | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta's Villa; Edda Returns | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vittorio and Mama; Bombs at Night | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
"It's Over, Piccola" | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Last Supper; Milan | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Untold | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 1 | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 2 | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pilot - Suite Part 3 | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bumpers | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Collectors | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Capture (Jeff Alexander) | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Innocent (Jerrold Immel) | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man Out of Time | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Half Life (Immel) | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fear Factor (Bruce Broughton) | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Futurepast | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Night Visitors (Broughton) | No Way back - Die ultimative Menschenjagd | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | Billy the Kid - A Lenda | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue – The Revolt | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Puerto De Mexico | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confession | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Banana Barn | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transition | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brigida | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Of Mass | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lieutenant's Entrance | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Priest Departs | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mestizo | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
All The Hope Of The World | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prison | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Montage | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Church | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celebration | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Trap | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hut | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Power And The Glory | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Refusal | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prayer | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Execution And End Title | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich Main Title | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
First Death | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Schreiber | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hostages No. 1 | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Terrorists | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Spitzer | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Photographs | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Tunnel | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anneliese Curtain | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
God Be With You | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Under the Wing | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Holocaust | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Munich End Credits | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE EXTRA: Disco Source | Urs | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy The Kid | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tunstalls Death | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billys Revenge | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Rattlesnake | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celsa | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pat And Billy | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Returns | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Cattle Rustling | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fatal Fire | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brining In Billy | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy Escapes | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Judas | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Premonition | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Kiss | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Legend | The Kid | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | To nisi | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Ana | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus's Judgment | Titans | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Raven's Sacrifice | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Rev. Brown's Sermon | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady's Death | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Dad's Home | The Echo of Thunder | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
George's Fury | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Patsy's Seizure | George Washington | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mara's Theme / The Man From Switzerland | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Violence In The Bell Tower | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ferry On Lake Lucerne | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Weapon And The Disguise | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Reminiscing | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Setting The Stage | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The “Accident” | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Of Webber / End Title (Mara's Theme) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Reminscing | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Settling The Stage | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The "Accident" | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Brass | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | Inherit the Wind | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Castle | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Room / Pepe Tail | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2 / Piano Source #1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2A | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Head On - Part 2 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Escape To Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A-Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claudia / Dein Vater | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Street Shoot-out / Miller Dies | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Streets | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Roth Tails / Park Meeting | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Leaving Peter | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 2 / In The Crosshairs | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Castle | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Room / Pepe Tail | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2 / Piano Source #1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Piano Source #2A | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Head On - Part 2 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Escape To Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A-Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bonn | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claudia / Dein Vater | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Street Shoot-out / Miller Dies | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Streets | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Roth Tails / Park Meeting | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Leaving Peter | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hunters - Part 2 / In The Crosshairs | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Home To Milan | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Villa Torlonia | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Barone Russo | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The New Office/The Squadristi | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Matteotti Murdered | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
In The Mirror | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Assassination Attempt/The Caesars | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Tree Climbing | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Rebels/Astia Road | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Boyfriend | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Music In The Park | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bicycles | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Betrothal | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Fear/Sharing Secrets | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Off To Capri/Bruno And Papa | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Veteran's Day Fanfare/“Giovanezza” | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Red Roadster | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training Montage | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dockside Band | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flower Shower/Bruno And Gino | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Chat By The Window | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Opera | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Benito And Claretta | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bruno Crashes | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bruno's Funeral | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Credits: Shows 1 & 2 | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Il Duce/Bruno's Baby | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Welcome To Berlin | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Royal Palace | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachele Weeps | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
FDR Speaks | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Embarks | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta's Villa/Edda Returns | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Field Of The Dead | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vittorio And Mama/Bombs At Night | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bonfires | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Farewell | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lion's Den | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Operation Rescue | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Return To Italy | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Glass Of Water | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Blood For Blood | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Last Embrace | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Firing Squad | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda And The Children | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Refuge | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“It's Over, Piccola” | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachele's Grief | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Benito's Letter | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta Returns | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Last Supper/Milan | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
His New Office; TheSquadristi | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Assassination Attempt; The Caesars | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda Rebels; Astia Road | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Edda's Fear; Sharing Secrets | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Off to Capri; Bruno and Papa | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Veteran's Day Fanfare; "Giovanezza" | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Flower Shower; Bruno and Gina | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Il Duce; Bruno's Baby | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Claretta's Villa; Edda Returns | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vittorio and Mama; Bombs at Night | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
"It's Over, Piccola" | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Last Supper; Milan | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Untold Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title / The Jungle | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
On The Beach / More Questions | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Andrew | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bear Man / To The Cave / In The Garden / Tiger Fight / Dead Tiger | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain / Funeral Pyre | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Involution | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Man And Beast | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Holocaust | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Real Maria - End Credits | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
BONUS TRACKS: Jungle Pursuit (Alternate) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To The House Of Pain (Alternate) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Sløborn | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue – The Revolt | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Puerto De Mexico | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confession | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Banana Barn | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transition | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brigida | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
End Of Mass | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Lieutenant's Entrance | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Priest Departs | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mestizo | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
All The Hope Of The World | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prison | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Montage | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Church | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Celebration | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Trap | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hut | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Power And The Glory | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Refusal | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prayer | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Execution And End Title | The Power | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna: Culpada ou Inocente | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | O Regresso | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Madame l'Ambassadrice | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brown's Arrival | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Martha's Car | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magiot's Death | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shank's Pony/Cemetery | Hotel | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | The Forgotten | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Maria And Friend / After Dinner / Doctor's Study | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Forest Murmurs / Dr. Moreau's Zoo / Moreau Explains | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Braddock's Cage / The Humanimals | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Moreau's Death | The Island | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Westford's Toast / Thunderstorm / Head On - Part 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Pepe's Suicide - Part 1 | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Pepe's Suicide - Part 2 / Westford Murdered | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Brady Remembers / Bao Dvan's Story | Performer | Compre na Amazon | ||
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part I) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Ballroom | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
To Siberia | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sled; Ekaterinburg | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Family Only | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Cellar | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Confronting Sophie | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
After The Interview | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Railroad Car | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Main Title (Part II); Faces From The past | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Denial | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Shopping Spree | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Romanoffs | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
At The Astor | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Russian Antiques | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Darya Says No | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Luncheonette | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Back To Europe | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anna And Erich | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Anna | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Olympus | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Is Doomed | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Argos Destroyed | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Boyhood Of Perseus | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus's Judgment | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Transformation Of Calibos | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Dreams And Omens | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus Commands The Gifts | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Magic Weapons | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fulfill Your Destiny | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Invisible/Joppa | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Pegasus/To The Marsh | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lord Of The Marsh | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Fight In The Swamp/Fanfare | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Curse Ended/The Dancing Girl | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Justice Or Revenge/The Lovers | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Disc Time: | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis/Pegasus In The Net | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“We Follow The North Star” | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
“It Is My Wish” | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives/The Quest | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Farewell | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The River Styx | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple/Two Headed Dog | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Magic Sword | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Shackled | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Kraken | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans/Andromeda Rescued | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellations – End Title | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Prologue And Main Title (LP Version) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Zeus’s Judgment | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
No Mercy | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa (Original Version) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Quest (Alternate Version) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Procession Drums | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 1: Prologue And Main Title | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 2: Invisible / Joppa | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. Andromeda | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Pegasus / To The Marsh | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. The Lord Of The Marsh | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Fight In The Swamp / Fanfare | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Curse Ended / The Dancing Girl | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 3: Justice Or Revenge / The Lovers | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Head Of Thetis / Pegasus In The Net | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
We Follow The North Star | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
It Is My Wish | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bubo Arrives / The Quest | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Medusa Temple / Two Headed Dog | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
SIDE 4: Medusa | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
02. The Magic Sword | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
03. Bubo The Dive-Bomber | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
04. Andromeda Shackled | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
05. The Kraken | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
06. Clash Of The Titans / Andromeda Rescued | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
07. The Constellations – End Title | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Lovers | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Joppa | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash Of The Titans | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Andromeda Rescued | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Constellation / End Title | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | Titã | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | La isla | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Massacre | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Yellow Hands in Despair | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Vanished | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gryce | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Gifts | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Buffalo Spirit Gone | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Hilltop | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Denial | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Elk Woman | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge – Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Portents | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Raven's Sacrifice | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Buffalo Hunt | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Captured Rik | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Riks Routed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
THE RETURN OF A MAN CALLED HORSE (cont.): Battle at the Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Death of the Chief | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief – The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRAS: The Massacre (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Morgan Haunted by His Memories | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sweat Lodge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Knife | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Thin Dog | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Training for War (original LP version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Braves (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Benediction (original version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
INHERIT THE WIND: Religion Prologue (alternate) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady Will Prosecute | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown Prays | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Arrives | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rev. Brown's Sermon | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Golden Dancer | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Stebbins Boy | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Rachel Breaks Down | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Stebbins Posts Bond | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Bible on Bed | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady on the Stand | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Come Sit With Us | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brady's Death | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Drummond Departs | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
EXTRA: Summer Days | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Gifts for The Yellow Hands | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Preparation for The Ordeal | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow: The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision - The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Battle At The Fort | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Chief - The New Life | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Sun Vow / The Sweat Lodge - Morgan's Vision / The Sun Dance | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Return of a Man Called Horse (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Miracle Worker (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Michelangelo: The Last Giant (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Brass Target - Mara | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Billy the Kid (Main Title) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Clash of the Titans (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Fantasy Island (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Mussolini: The Untold Story (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna - Berlin Bridge | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Requiem for a Heavyweight (Main Title - Revised Version) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Meteor (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
A Raisin in the Sun - Today, He Came Into His Manhood | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (Theme) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles: Ireland, April 1916 (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Young Indiana Jones and the Hollywood Follies (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon | |
Becket (Suite) | The Return | Performer | Compre na Amazon |