Roberto Cacciapaglia Trilhas sonoras

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Roberto Cacciapaglia (nascido em 1953 em Milão) é um pianista e compositor italiano. Suas composições mesclam a música experimental eletrônica com a tradição clássica.

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Toque Título Filme Tipo Comprar música
Ancient Evenings - Piano Solo Version The Optimists Artista Compre na Amazon
Atlantico Klakier Artista Compre na Amazon
Endless Time Intimate Artista Compre na Amazon
Atlantico Jenny Artista Compre na Amazon
Oceano Die Trying Artista Compre na Amazon
Find Your Way Rainbow Brite Artista Compre na Amazon
My Time Rainbow Brite Artista Compre na Amazon
Tree of Life Suite Eye For An Eye Artista Compre na Amazon
Find Your Way Artista Compre na Amazon
Atlantico Sea Fog Artista Compre na Amazon
Atlantico Moving Picture Artista Compre na Amazon
Tree of Life Suite: Wild Side Paul s'en va Artista Compre na Amazon
Atlantico The Rehearsal Artista Compre na Amazon
Oceano The Rehearsal Artista Compre na Amazon
Eclipse Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Wolf and the Sword Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Aviano Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Abul the Turk Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Great Tournament Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Kara Mustafa Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Coronation of the Grand Vizier Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Topkapi Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Attraction Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Wild Side - Lena's Theme Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Prophecy Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Golden Apple Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Duchess of Lorena Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Sultan Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Declaration of War Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Murad Giray the Tartar Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Emperor Abandons Wien Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Fallen Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Lena is Captured Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Great Explosion Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Rainbows in the Dark Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Drums of War Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Sense of Dawn - Battlefield Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Future Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The King Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Father and Son Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Temple - Death of the Grand Vizier Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
The Future - The End Ember Performer Compre na Amazon
Wild Side - Lena's Theme Ember Performer Compre na Amazon