12 Anos Escravo Banda sonora (

12 Anos Escravo Banda sonora (2013) cobrir

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Avaliação: 8.10/10 do 743000 votos
Etiquetas: tortura, sequestro, racismo, chicotadas, escravidão
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

12 años de esclavitud

Título em Italiano:

12 anni schiavo

Título em English:

12 Years a Slave


Saratoga Springs, New York, 1841. Solomon Northup, the free-born African-American son of a freed slave, finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Abducted and sold into slavery, Solomon ends up in the sugarcane and cotton plantations of antebellum Louisiana, doomed to work his fingers to the bone away from his wife and two kids.

Sold to the highest bidder, Northup adopts a new identity and does everything he can to survive a succession of hardened deep-South enslavers bent on breaking his spirit. But as the weeks turn into years, a ray of hope shines in the shape of a benevolent abolitionist who crosses paths with the forsaken captive. And after twelve cruel years of soul-crushing slavery, Solomon finally sees his family again.

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Toque Título Artista
12 Anos Escravo
My Lord, Sunshine
Nicholas Britell: Writer
Roosevelt Credit: Performer
The Devil's Dream
Nicholas Britell: Arranjo
Tim Fain: Performer
Trio in B-flat, D471
Franz Schubert: Writer
Nicholas Britell: Arranjo
Tim Fain: Performer
The Old Promenade
Nicholas Britell: Writer
Tim Fain: Performer
Money Musk
Nicholas Britell: Arranjo
Tim Fain: Performer
Run Nigger Run
John A. Lomax: Coletados, adaptados e organizados
Paul Dano: Performer
Awake on Foreign Shores
Colin Stetson: Performer
Colin Stetson: Writer
Apache Blessing Song
Chesley Wilson: Performer
Chesley Wilson: Writer
Cotton Song
Miller's Reel
Nicholas Britell: Arranjo
Tim Fain: Performer
Yarney's Waltz
Nicholas Britell: Writer
Tim Fain: Performer
O Teach Me Lord
Nicholas Britell: Writer
Tami Tyree: Performer
John Davis: Writer
Roll Jordan Roll
Nicholas Britell: Writer
Topsy Chapman: Performer
The Devil's Dream
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Miller's Reel
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Yarney's Waltz
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Devil's Dream (Tim Fain)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Roll Jordan Roll (John Legend)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Freight Train (Gary Clark Jr.)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Yarney's Waltz (Tim Fain & Caitlin Sullivan)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Driva Man (Alabama Shakes)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
My Lord Sunshine (Sunrise) (David Hughey & Roosevelt Credit)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Move (John Legend, feat. Fink)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Washington (Hans Zimmer)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
(In the Evening) When the Sun Goes Down (Gary Clark Jr.)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Queen of the Field (Patsey's Song) (Alicia Keys)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Solomon (Hans Zimmer)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Little Girl Blue (Laura Mvula)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Misery Chain (Chris Cornell, feat. Joy Williams)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Roll Jordan Roll (Topsy Chapman, feat. Chiwetel Ejiofor)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Money Musk (Tim Fain)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
What Does Freedom Mean (To a Free Man) (Cody ChesnuTT)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Cornfield Chase - Interstellar
Hans Zimmer: Performer
S.T.A.Y. - Interstellar
Hans Zimmer: Performer
No Time for Caution - Interstellar
Hans Zimmer: Performer
You're That Spider Guy - The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Look Closely - Winter's Tale) (The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Home - The Lone Ranger (The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World? - Man Of Steel
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Lost But Won - Rush
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Solomon - 12 Years a Slave (The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Why Do We Fall? - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Imagine the Fire - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Rise - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
New York City Surprise - Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Mermaids - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Disc Time:
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Rango Suite - Rango
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Mombasa - Inception
Hans Zimmer: Performer
A Dream Within a Dream - Inception
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hero - Kung Fu Panda
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Why So Serious? - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Watergate - Frost / Nixon
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Maestro - The Holiday
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Zoosters Breakout - Madagascar
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Homeland - Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Leave No Man Behind - Black Hawk Down
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Red Sea - The Prince of Egypt
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Peacemaker (End Titles)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Fighting 17th - Backdraft (The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra)
Hans Zimmer: Performer
A World Apart
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Look Closely - Winter's Tale
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Home - The Lone Ranger
Hans Zimmer: Performer
What Are You Going To Do When You Are Not Saving The World - Man of Steel
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Solomon - 12 Years A Slave
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Mind If I Cut In - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Fear Will Find You - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Why Do We Fall - The Dark Knight Rises
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Mutiny - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Angelica - Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Dream Is Collapsing - Inception
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Dream Within A Dream - Inception
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Time - Inception
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Honor - The Pacific
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Discombobulate - Sherlock Holmes
Hans Zimmer: Performer
160 BPM - Angels & Demons
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Opening Titles - Call of Duty modern Warfare 2
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Why So Serious - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Aggressive Expansion - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Like A Dog Chasing Cars - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Introduce A Little Anarchy - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
A Watchful Guardian - The Dark Knight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
I See Dead People in Boats - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Up Is Down - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Hans Zimmer: Performer
What Shall We Die For? - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Hans Zimmer: Performer
I Don't Think Now Is The Best Time - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Drink Up, Me Hearties - Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Chevaliers de Sangreal - The Da Vinci Code
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Watergate - Frost/Nixon
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Davy Jones - Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Kraken - Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Dinner Is Served - Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Jack Sparrow - Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Vespertilio - Batman Begins
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Eptesicus - Batman Begins
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Barbastella - Batman Begins
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Antrozous - Batman Begins
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Molossus - Batman Begins
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Woad To Ruin - King Arthur
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Opening Theme / Safe Passage / Way of the Sword - The Last Samurai
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Moonlight Serenade - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hans Zimmer: Performer
To The Pirate's Cave / Skull and Crossbones - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Underwater March - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Black Pearl / Will and Elizabeth - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Barbossa is Hungry - Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Hans Zimmer: Performer
This Is Going To Hurt - The Ring
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Heart Of The Volunteer - Pearl Harbor
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Might of Rome / The Battle / Honour Him - Gladiator
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Now We Are Free - Gladiator
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Injection - Mission: Impossible II
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Village - The Thin Red Line
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Peacemaker (End Titles) - The Peacemaker
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Rock
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Roll Tide - Crimson Tide
Hans Zimmer: Performer
This Land - The Lion King
Hans Zimmer: Performer
You're So Cool - True Romance
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Walking, Talking Man - Regarding Henry
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Main Theme - Thelma and Louise
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Fighting 17th - Backdraft
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Main Title - Days Of Thunder
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Restless Elephants - Green Card
Hans Zimmer: Performer
End Title - Driving Miss Daisy
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Las Vegas / End Credits - Rain Man
Hans Zimmer: Performer
End Credits - A World Apart
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Waking Up - Oblivion
Wanna Fight - Only God Forgives
Where To? - The Wolverine
Iron Man 3 - Iron Man 3
The Quest for Erebor - The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
I Need You - The Hunger Games: Catching Fire
London Calling - Star Trek Into Darkness
Come Back To Me - The Evil Dead
The Book Thief - The Book Thief
Gravity - Gravity
Let It Go - Frozen

Críticas de usuários

Carlos Gomes

A banda sonora de 12 Anos Escravo é absolutamente comovente e intensa, capturando perfeitamente a dor e o sofrimento de Solomon Northup.

José Ribeiro

Os arranjos musicais conseguem transmitir a atmosfera sombria e desesperadora dos campos de plantação no sul dos Estados Unidos.

Laura Ferreira

A música consegue transmitir a sensação de isolamento e solidão que Solomon enfrenta longe de sua família.

Rita Vieira

A trilha sonora do filme 12 Anos de Escravidão é simplesmente deslumbrante. Cada música consegue transmitir as emoções e a atmosfera da época de forma excepcional.

Elena Pereira

Os arranjos e composições musicais são excepcionais, criando uma experiência auditiva que complementa perfeitamente a intensidade das cenas e a jornada emocional do protagonista.

Manuel Araújo

A combinação entre as imagens poderosas e a música arrebatadora torna a experiência de assistir a 12 Anos Escravo ainda mais impactante.

Rita Marques

A banda sonora de 12 Anos Escravo é um elemento fundamental para a imersão do espectador na trama e na época retratada.

Filipe Nunes

A banda sonora de 12 Anos Escravo é simplesmente magnífica! Cada música consegue transmitir as emoções e a atmosfera do filme de forma poderosa e tocante.

Teresa Correia

Os cantos e ritmos africanos presentes na banda sonora adicionam uma camada extra de autenticidade e profundidade à narrativa.

Sónia Nunes

A música consegue expressar a resiliência e a esperança de Solomon, mesmo diante das adversidades mais cruéis.

André Sousa

A escolha dos instrumentos e melodias é realmente impactante, criando uma conexão emocional forte com a história de Solomon.

David Gonçalves

A trilha sonora consegue emocionar e fazer o espectador sentir na pele as injustiças e crueldades vividas pelo protagonista.

David Gomes

A combinação de instrumentos tradicionais com coros poderosos criaram uma experiência auditiva única e emocionante, que complementou perfeitamente a intensidade da narrativa do filme.

Paula Ribeiro

A melodia envolvente das músicas me transportou diretamente para o cenário de Saratoga Springs em 1841, e pude sentir a dor e a luta de Solomon Northup em cada nota.

Ana Maria Rocha

Cada faixa musical é uma obra-prima por si só, capaz de nos transportar para a época e o cenário do filme, nos fazendo sentir a dor, a esperança e a resiliência do personagem principal. Uma verdadeira obra de arte sonora que engrandece ainda mais a narrativa cinematográfica.

António Rodrigues

Os momentos mais intensos do filme são elevados pela trilha sonora, que intensifica a tensão e o drama da narrativa.