Arthur Banda sonora (

Arthur Banda sonora (2011) cobrir

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Etiquetas: personagem john lennon, Serra de mesa, assistindo TV, nome do personagem como título, desenho animado na tv
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Título em Español:

Arthur, el soltero de oro

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Arthur (Russell Brand) é um playboy rico e alcoólatra que não se preocupa com sua vida profissional. Depois de outro desentendimento bêbado com a lei, sua mãe indiferente se cansou e o obriga a se casar com Susan (Jennifer Garner), uma mulher de negócios adequada, ou então ele perderá sua herança. Assim que está noivo de Susan, ele conhece Naomi (Greta Gerwig), uma garota de espírito livre que Arthur acha que é perfeita para ele. Qualquer tentativa de manter um emprego é infrutífera, então Arthur tem que decidir o que é mais importante: o amor ou o dinheiro da mãe.

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Toque Título Artista
A Harmless Game of Dress Up
Mark Ronson: Writer
Mark Ronson: Produtor
Eternal Summers: Performer
Chapel of Love
The Dixie Cups: Performer
Ellie Greenwich: Writer
Pass Out
Tinie Tempah: Performer
Marc Williams: Writer
Cues from Two Scent's Worth
Milt Franklyn: Writer
Cues from Who Scent You?
Milt Franklyn: Writer
We Go Hard
Start at the Bottom
The Newton Brothers: Performer
Where Our Destination Lies
Benjamin Gibbard: Performer
Benjamin Gibbard: Writer
Jon Brion: Produced
I've Been Horribly Emasculated
Russell Brand: Performer
Michael Rafter: Produced
Peter Baynham: Writer
When the Sun Goes Down
Benjamin Gibbard: Performer
Benjamin Gibbard: Writer
Jon Brion: Produced
Hello I Must Be
Mark McAdam: Writer
Mark McAdam: Performer
While You Wait
Mark McAdam: Writer
Mark McAdam: Performer
Can't Buy You
Mark Ronson: Produced
Guy Chambers: Writer
Daniel Merriweather: Performer
Mark Ronson: Produced
Daniel Merriweather: Performer
Daniel Merriweather: Writer
A Little Bit Better
Mark Ronson: Produced
Daniel Merriweather: Performer
Daniel Merriweather: Writer
Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
1, 2, 3
A Harmless Game Of Dress Up (Arthur Orchestra)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
A Little Bit Better (Daniel Merriweather)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Where Our Destination Lies (Ben Gibbard)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Dazed (Daniel Merriweather)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Hello I Must Be (Mark McAdam & Dermot Mulroney)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
While You Wait (Marc McAdam)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
When The Sun Goes Down (Ben Gibbard)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Can't Buy You (Daniel Merriweather)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Pogo (Eternal Summers)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Arthur's Theme (The Best That You Can Do) (Fitz & The Tantrums)
Theodore Shapiro: Performer
Arthur's Theme (Best That You Can Do)
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Fool Me Again
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Poor Rich Boy
Burt Bacharach: Performer
It's Only Love
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Moving Pictures
Burt Bacharach: Performer
Connecticut Yankee Main Title
William Goldstein: Performer
Class Room Day Dream
William Goldstein: Performer
Time Travel
William Goldstein: Performer
King Arthur's Court
William Goldstein: Performer
Camelot, Beauty & Danger
William Goldstein: Performer
Karen & Clarence Meet Mordrid & Lancelot
William Goldstein: Performer
Merlin the Mysterious
William Goldstein: Performer
Gentle Queen
William Goldstein: Performer
March & Battle
William Goldstein: Performer
Eclipse, Escape & Home!
William Goldstein: Performer
Main Title (A Kid In King Arthur's Court)
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Strike Out / Earthquake
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Captured In Camelot
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Combat Rock
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Now Let Us Eat!
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Merlin's Lair
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Two Modest Proposals
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Successful Swording
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
The Law of the Land
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Calvin and Katie
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
The Plot Thickens
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Between You and Me / Under Arrest
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
You Do Care
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Horses to Water
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Rescuing Katie
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
The Fight In the Castle / Sir Calvin of Reseda
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
The Tournament
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Black Magic
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
In Shining Armor
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
Warm Goodbyes / Home Run
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
A Kid In King Arthur's Court (End Title)
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
The Conscience of the King
J.A.C. Redford: Performer
A Time of War
Graham Plowman: Performer
The Tuadaan
Graham Plowman: Performer
Graham Plowman: Performer
Wynar Forest
Graham Plowman: Performer
Graham Plowman: Performer
The Battle
Graham Plowman: Performer
Graham Plowman: Performer
Dark Visions
Graham Plowman: Performer
The Parting
Graham Plowman: Performer
Journey to Wynar
Graham Plowman: Performer
No Longer a Man
Graham Plowman: Performer
Nya's Loss
Graham Plowman: Performer
Marked Man
Graham Plowman: Performer
Graham Plowman: Performer
Stealer of Souls
Graham Plowman: Performer
Well of Annun
Graham Plowman: Performer
Rise of Hafgan
Graham Plowman: Performer
A New King / End Titles
Graham Plowman: Performer
The Two Worlds Overture
Éric Serra: Performer
Not a Good Omen
Éric Serra: Performer
Adventure Is Waiting for Us
Éric Serra: Performer
Martin's New Partner
Éric Serra: Performer
The Green Devil
Éric Serra: Performer
Bug Express
Éric Serra: Performer
Volunteers of Daisy Town
Éric Serra: Performer
Family Morning Routine
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Preference for Shady Places
Éric Serra: Performer
Visit of the Giant House
Éric Serra: Performer
Dizzy Riders
Éric Serra: Performer
Stranger in the House
Éric Serra: Performer
Kindly Step Aboard
Éric Serra: Performer
The Train Fight, Pts. 1 & 2
Éric Serra: Performer
The Train Fight, Pts. 3 & 4
Éric Serra: Performer
The Train Fight, Pt. 5
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Masters of Disguise
Éric Serra: Performer
Beat's Whistling Sundays
Éric Serra: Performer
I Can't Wait for Sundays
Éric Serra: Performer
Flight in a Wooden Plane
Éric Serra: Performer
Crash of the Wooden Plane
Éric Serra: Performer
The Swamp Air Fleet
Éric Serra: Performer
Air Bumblebee
Éric Serra: Performer
Symposium in the Hive
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Message for the Bees
Éric Serra: Performer
Second Attempt
Éric Serra: Performer
Each to His Own World
Éric Serra: Performer
The Giant Ant with a Pink Hat
Éric Serra: Performer
Rifing the Wooden Horse
Éric Serra: Performer
The Didge Is Back
Éric Serra: Performer
Archibald's Magic Potions
Éric Serra: Performer
Who Can Be Trusted
Éric Serra: Performer
I Love Your Haid
Éric Serra: Performer
Don't Run out on Me Now
Éric Serra: Performer
Seides at the Supermarket
Éric Serra: Performer
Moskifight in Daisy Town, Pt. 1
Éric Serra: Performer
Arch's New Haircut
Éric Serra: Performer
Moskifight in Daisy Town, Pt. 2
Éric Serra: Performer
Royal Urgency
Éric Serra: Performer
Insidious Flattery
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Forget Your Dreams of Greatness
Éric Serra: Performer
Good Job
Éric Serra: Performer
Darkos at the Antique Shop
Éric Serra: Performer
When George Met Darkos
Éric Serra: Performer
Daddies and Sons
Éric Serra: Performer
Sunday Family Dinner
Éric Serra: Performer
Ca m'enerve
Éric Serra: Performer
Poker Face
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Hot N Cold
Éric Serra: Performer
Like a Hobo
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Viva la Vida
Éric Serra: Performer
Toi + moi
Éric Serra: Performer
The Boy Does Nothing
Éric Serra: Performer
On s'attache
Éric Serra: Performer
I'm Yours
Éric Serra: Performer
Meet Me Halfway
Éric Serra: Performer
The Minimoys Awakening
Éric Serra: Performer
Ride of the Valkyries
Éric Serra: Performer
Nuts and Berries
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
The Bee Raid
Éric Serra: Performer
Three Rites of Initiation
Éric Serra: Performer
Houdi Bee
Éric Serra: Performer
The Red Car
Éric Serra: Performer
The Ants Train Station
Éric Serra: Performer
The Hive and the Stone
Éric Serra: Performer
Still My Home
Éric Serra: Performer
Daddy and His Angel
Éric Serra: Performer
Pack Your Bags
Éric Serra: Performer
I'm Sorry Mum
Éric Serra: Performer
The Spider Messenger
Éric Serra: Performer
He Will Be Back
Éric Serra: Performer
The Fine Pair
Éric Serra: Performer
Alfred at the Gas Station
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Ram Crash
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
The Pickpocket Dutchess
Éric Serra: Performer
Paradise Alley
Éric Serra: Performer
Snow My Man
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Get Lost Snow
Éric Serra: Performer
The Rat Trap Principle
Éric Serra: Performer
Not Just Yet Home
Éric Serra: Performer
Archibald and Armando
Éric Serra: Performer
Cocoon Airport
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
The Spider and the Lollipop
Éric Serra: Performer
Big Fat Red Eyes
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Our Guest Has Arrived
Éric Serra: Performer
The King Is Home
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Emancipation Is the Key Word
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
Éric Serra: Performer
The Pantry Hide Out
Éric Serra: Performer
Your Sleep Will Be Eternal
Éric Serra: Performer
Heading to the Humans World
Éric Serra: Performer
The Evil M
Éric Serra: Performer
The Passage is Broken
Éric Serra: Performer
A Big Bag of Marshmallows
Éric Serra: Performer
The Revenge of Maltazard
Éric Serra: Performer
Trelew, Cornwall, England
Operation Christmas
Mission Control
One Missed Child
Bring Them Home
Dash Away
Paris Zoo?
The Wrong Trelew
Race to Gwen's House
Arthur's Sadness
Serengeti Escape
"Worry Me!"
Space Travel
Goodbye Evie
Christmas Morning
We Wish You A...
Make Someone Happy (Bill Nighy)