"Aurora Teagarden Mysteries" Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game Banda sonora (


Librarian and member of Lawrenceton's Real Murders discussion club Aurora Teagarden - "Ro" to her friends and family - has acted as big sister to her cousin Phillip Pifer ever since he started attending Lawrenceton College. Her time with him is somewhat to take her mind off missing who was her serious boyfriend Martin Bartell, the two who broke up after he moved away to rejoin the CIA. Although Ro states she isn't ready to date again yet, her best friend, newspaper reporter Sally Allison, and her mother, realtor Aida Teagarden, believe otherwise.

For Phillip's birthday, Ro and Aida invite him out to dinner along with his dorm roommate Josh Farrell and Josh's girlfriend Tammy Driscoll. When Ro goes looking for them after they miss dinner on what ended up being a lie told by Phillip, she discovers Tammy's dead body in the back alley behind the salon where she had a hair appointment, her death in a seeming hit and run. The police investigation is led by Detective Arthur Smith, once a Real Murders club member himself.

With Phillip and Josh having gone missing, they become the initial suspects in Tammy's death, especially since colleagues report that Josh and Tammy were always arguing about Josh's possessiveness toward her. To protect family, Ro, along with fellow Real Murders members Sally and Jason Dell, try to find out what happened, much to Arthur's chagrin who just wants them to stay out of his way unless he needs them. Included among the amateur sleuths is Nick Miller, Tammy's Psychology professor and Ro's new neighbor, he who Aida and Sally see as Ro's potential first suitor post-Martin.

Complicating the investigation is when Clayton Harrison also goes missing, he the son of Aida's longtime friends, wealthy Dan and Carolyn Harrison. Also a student at the college and someone Phillip used to associate with when they were kids whenever he came to town, Clayton is largely seen as a privileged and entitled rich kid. Clayton has gotten into one scrape after another, the latest being caught defacing a monument on campus donated by local businessman, Dale Murphy. Could Phillip, Josh and Clayton's disappearance be them running from the police for committing the crime of killing Tammy, or could they just be caught in the crossfire of who actually killed her?

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"Aurora Teagarden Mysteries" Aurora Teagarden Mysteries: The Disappearing Game

Críticas de usuários

Miguel Costa

Cada faixa da banda sonora parece ter sido cuidadosamente selecionada para intensificar os momentos-chave da narrativa, criando uma experiência auditiva envolvente.

Luisa Rocha

No entanto, em alguns momentos, a trilha sonora pode parecer um pouco genérica e previsível, não se destacando tanto como em outras produções do gênero. Isso pode fazer com que as músicas passem despercebidas pelos espectadores mais exigentes.

Carlos Barbosa

Ana Maria Neves

As músicas escolhidas para cada cena são muito bem pensadas e acrescentam uma camada extra de suspense e emoção à história.

Luís Guerreiro

Por outro lado, é louvável a escolha de músicas que ajudam a intensificar as emoções dos personagens em momentos-chave da trama. A trilha sonora consegue transmitir eficazmente a tensão e a angústia dos protagonistas, contribuindo para a imersão do público na história.

Rafael Neves

A combinação de instrumentos e melodias cria uma atmosfera única que me fez mergulhar ainda mais na trama e me sentir parte do mistério.

Francisco Marques

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na banda sonora é impressionante, proporcionando momentos de tensão, mistério e até mesmo de nostalgia.

Laura Teixeira

A forma como a música se integra perfeitamente às cenas de investigação e suspense demonstra um excelente trabalho de composição e produção.

José Martins

A trilha sonora consegue captar com maestria as nuances das relações entre os personagens, adicionando profundidade emocional às cenas.