Change Banda sonora (

Change Banda sonora (2008) cobrir

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Keita Asakura, 35 anos, professora da escola rural da província de Nagano, cujo pai recentemente falecido era dietista de Kyushu. Um cara legal, Keita não tem interesse em política e concorda em correr apenas para tirar todo mundo de suas costas de uma vez por todas. Mas com a ajuda de alguns agentes políticos afiados, ele será levado para a Dieta e em direção à primeira ministração. Uma vez eleito, ele é atacado e manipulado pelos anciãos do Seiyuto (Partido dos Amigos Políticos) enquanto tenta usar seu poder para mudar as coisas para melhor.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
Miles Away
Madonna: Performer
Madonna: Writer
Main Titles (New Years)
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Owen Falls off a Roof
Jeff Toyne: Performer
More Than a Passing Thought
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Vera Calls to Say Goodnight
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Driving with Adam
Jeff Toyne: Performer
A Little Sadder Than I Meant
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Kenny's Cabin
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Dinner with Adam
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Sharks in San Diego
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Emergency Contact
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Restocking Pam's Machine
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Bowling Alley Blow Out
Jeff Toyne: Performer
No Ball Game for Adam
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Mr. Wheeler
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Not My Father
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Baseball Practice
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Not the Plan
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Fishing with Kenny
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Carrie Maynard
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Kenny's Suicide
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Why Did He Do It
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Mom Loved the Fall
Jeff Toyne: Performer
In Bed with the Woman I Love
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Not Long Ago
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Leaving the Scene
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Main Theme
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Alone in the House
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
The Meeting
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Leaving Home
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Don't Stop at the Wreck
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
First Blood
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Interlude / Going Back for Kimberley / Back on the Road
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Missy and Jonathan / The Change
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
The Collision / Hit and Run
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Just Make It out Alive
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Is There Anyone out There / A Distraction / A Place to Hide
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Just an Accident / The Change Spreads
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
A Quick Escape / Highway Six
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Hell from Above / Out of Town
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Reflection / Epilogue
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
End Credits - Orchestral Suite
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
PART 1: Main Title
Henry Mancini: Performer
Son Of Main Title
Henry Mancini: Performer
Bye Bye Roselli / Willing To Forget
Henry Mancini: Performer
Taco & Salsa
Henry Mancini: Performer
Alex And The Hoods
Henry Mancini: Performer
Missing Money
Henry Mancini: Performer
Tall Building / Basta
Henry Mancini: Performer
Clean Hands
Henry Mancini: Performer
Good News
Henry Mancini: Performer
Celia / All About Celia
Henry Mancini: Performer
Henry Mancini: Performer
The Fireplace Ploy
Henry Mancini: Performer
March Of The Moneychangers
Henry Mancini: Performer
Here Comes Mrs. Dorsey
Henry Mancini: Performer
Wainwright Hates Easton
Henry Mancini: Performer
Key Change Ad Music / Drummonburg, Here I Come
Henry Mancini: Performer
Miles Behind
Henry Mancini: Performer
PART 2: The Snitch
Henry Mancini: Performer
Visit To The Morgue
Henry Mancini: Performer
The Big Q
Henry Mancini: Performer
Karla (Once Is Not Enough)
Henry Mancini: Performer
Welcome To The Bahamas No. 1
Henry Mancini: Performer
Avril's Theme No. 1
Henry Mancini: Performer
Avril's Theme No. 2
Henry Mancini: Performer
Welcome To The Bahamas No. 2
Henry Mancini: Performer
Avril's Theme (Guitar/Orchestra)
Henry Mancini: Performer
It's Done
Henry Mancini: Performer
Easy Money Montage
Henry Mancini: Performer
Pull The Drapes
Henry Mancini: Performer
Free Lunch
Henry Mancini: Performer
Lunch Money
Henry Mancini: Performer
Let Them Eat Cake
Henry Mancini: Performer
Ain't For Sale
Henry Mancini: Performer
Fire Bomb
Henry Mancini: Performer
Disc Time:
Henry Mancini: Performer
PART 3: Fade In
Henry Mancini: Performer
Trick Or Treat
Henry Mancini: Performer
I've Missed You
Henry Mancini: Performer
Miles Returns
Henry Mancini: Performer
An Idea / Buzz Saw
Henry Mancini: Performer
H.E.L.P. / Flamenco
Henry Mancini: Performer
Face To Face / Margot Loves Alex
Henry Mancini: Performer
Good Things Take Time / Mucho Gusto Senor
Henry Mancini: Performer
Something For Miles
Henry Mancini: Performer
Stay Out Of It
Henry Mancini: Performer
How Was Church? / We Will We Will
Henry Mancini: Performer
Good As Gold / The Big Q Skips
Henry Mancini: Performer
The Big Bug
Henry Mancini: Performer
PART 4: The Deacon Speaks
Henry Mancini: Performer
I Heard
Henry Mancini: Performer
Hang On
Henry Mancini: Performer
Find Him
Henry Mancini: Performer
White Girl Boogie / Black Girl Boogie
Henry Mancini: Performer
Purchase Is Approved
Henry Mancini: Performer
Meet The Wizard
Henry Mancini: Performer
For Money / One Guess
Henry Mancini: Performer
The Shootout
Henry Mancini: Performer
Roscoe Takes A Cab
Henry Mancini: Performer
The End
Henry Mancini: Performer
End Credits
Henry Mancini: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Between Earth and Sky
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Glacier Pt. 2
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Into the Atmosphere
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Lake of Fire
Amy Faris: Performer
Between Earth and Sky Reprise
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Decline Pt. 2, Flowering
Amy Faris: Performer
Dark Glacier
Amy Faris: Performer
All of Us
Amy Faris: Performer
Tipping Point
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
All of Us Reprise
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
Amy Faris: Performer
16 Feet Beneath The Sea
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Radio
Tony Kushner: Performer
Laundry Quintet
Tony Kushner: Performer
Noah Down The Stairs
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Cigarette
Tony Kushner: Performer
Laundry Finish
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Dryer
Tony Kushner: Performer
I Got Four Kids
Tony Kushner: Performer
"Caroline, There's Extra Food"
Tony Kushner: Performer
"There Is No God, Noah"
Tony Kushner: Performer
Rose Stopnick Can Cook
Tony Kushner: Performer
Long Distance
Tony Kushner: Performer
Dotty And Caroline
Tony Kushner: Performer
Moon Change
Tony Kushner: Performer
Moon Trio
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Bus
Tony Kushner: Performer
That Can't Be
Tony Kushner: Performer
Noah And Rose
Tony Kushner: Performer
Inside / Outside
Tony Kushner: Performer
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: No One Waitin'
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: 'Night Mamma
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: Gonna Pass Me A Law
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: Noah Go To Sleep
Tony Kushner: Performer
Noah Has A Problem
Tony Kushner: Performer
Stuart And Noah
Tony Kushner: Performer
Quarter In The Bleach Cup
Tony Kushner: Performer
Caroline Takes My Money Home
Tony Kushner: Performer
Roosevelt Petrucius Coleslaw
Tony Kushner: Performer
Santa Comin' Caroline
Tony Kushner: Performer
Little Reward
Tony Kushner: Performer
Tony Kushner: Performer
Mr. Gellman's Shirt
Tony Kushner: Performer
Ooh Child
Tony Kushner: Performer
Rose Recovers
Tony Kushner: Performer
I Saw Three Ships
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Chanukah Party
Tony Kushner: Performer
Dotty And Emmie
Tony Kushner: Performer
I Don't Want My Child To Hear That
Tony Kushner: Performer
Mr. Stopnick And Emmie
Tony Kushner: Performer
Kitchen Fight
Tony Kushner: Performer
A Twenty Dollar Bill And Why
Tony Kushner: Performer
I Hate The Bus
Tony Kushner: Performer
"Moon, Emmie And Stuart Trio"
Tony Kushner: Performer
The Twenty Dollar Bill
Tony Kushner: Performer
Caroline And Noah Fight
Tony Kushner: Performer
Tony Kushner: Performer
Sunday Morning
Tony Kushner: Performer
Lot's Wife
Tony Kushner: Performer
Salty Teardrops
Tony Kushner: Performer
Why Does Our House Have A Basement?
Tony Kushner: Performer
Tony Kushner: Performer
Tony Kushner: Performer
Main Title
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Ride To School
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Mom's On Call/Late To Trolley
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Looking For Walter/Waiting For Police
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Where Do You Live/Who Are You
Clint Eastwood: Performer
I Want My Son Back
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Arrive At Ranch/Looking For Sanford
Clint Eastwood: Performer
People Can't Change
Clint Eastwood: Performer
We Killed Some Kids
Clint Eastwood: Performer
I Won't Sign It
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Sanford Digs
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Room 18
Clint Eastwood: Performer
What Is Happening/Trial Montage
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Davey Tells Story
Clint Eastwood: Performer
I Want To Go Home
Clint Eastwood: Performer
End Title
Clint Eastwood: Performer
Kenny's Cabin
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Restocking Pam's Machine
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Kenny's Suicide
Jeff Toyne: Performer
Don't Stop at the Wreck
Geoffrey Hewitt: Performer
Avril's Theme No. 1
Henry Mancini: Performer
Avril's Theme No. 2
Henry Mancini: Performer
Avril's Theme (Guitar/Orchestra)
Henry Mancini: Performer
It's Done
Henry Mancini: Performer
Ain't For Sale
Henry Mancini: Performer
I've Missed You
Henry Mancini: Performer
"Caroline, There's Extra Food"
Tony Kushner: Performer
That Can't Be
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: No One Waitin'
Tony Kushner: Performer
Duets: 'Night Mamma
Tony Kushner: Performer
Santa Comin' Caroline
Tony Kushner: Performer
Mr. Gellman's Shirt
Tony Kushner: Performer
I Don't Want My Child To Hear That
Tony Kushner: Performer
Lot's Wife
Tony Kushner: Performer
Mom's On Call/Late To Trolley
Clint Eastwood: Performer
People Can't Change
Clint Eastwood: Performer
I Won't Sign It
Clint Eastwood: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Rui Melo

A banda sonora de Change não me conquistou, pois achei as músicas muito genéricas e sem personalidade. Não contribuíram para criar a atmosfera necessária para a narrativa da série.

Carlos Carvalho

As músicas conseguem transmitir com maestria a jornada de Keita Asakura, desde a sua entrada na política até os desafios enfrentados como primeiro ministro.

Joaquim Rocha

A banda sonora de Change é simplesmente incrível. Cada música consegue captar perfeitamente a intensidade e as emoções das cenas, aumentando ainda mais a imersão do espectador na história.

José Carvalho

A escolha das músicas para as cenas de confronto político é acertada, contribuindo para a construção da tensão e drama presentes na narrativa.

Marta Reis

Os arranjos musicais são excepcionais, destacando-se pela sua originalidade e pela forma como se integram perfeitamente às cenas da série.

Teresa Barbosa

A diversidade de estilos musicais presentes na banda sonora enriquece a experiência auditiva do espectador, proporcionando momentos de tensão, emoção e reflexão.

José Luis Barbosa

Além disso, senti que a trilha sonora não estava bem integrada com as cenas, muitas vezes parecendo deslocada e não acompanhando as emoções dos personagens. Isso acabou prejudicando a imersão na história e no desenvolvimento dos personagens.

Marta Antunes

A maneira como a música é utilizada para ressaltar os pontos altos e baixos da trama é brilhante, contribuindo para a construção de personagens complexos e multifacetados.

Luís Figueiredo

A banda sonora de Change é simplesmente incrível, pois consegue captar perfeitamente a essência e as emoções dos personagens.

António Rocha

A qualidade da produção musical é impressionante, demonstrando o cuidado e a dedicação dos compositores em cada faixa.

Mariana Marques

A banda sonora consegue capturar com precisão as nuances emocionais dos personagens, tornando suas jornadas mais envolventes e cativantes.

Carlos Figueiredo

Cada música da trilha sonora contribui de forma única para a narrativa, criando uma atmosfera envolvente e emocionante.

Joaquim Nunes

A banda sonora de Change é adequada para a atmosfera política da série, criando uma sensação de tensão e intriga ao longo dos episódios.

Carlos Correia

A banda sonora consegue evocar uma ampla gama de sentimentos, desde esperança e determinação até frustração e desafio, refletindo a profundidade da narrativa de Change.

Manuel Martins

No geral, a trilha sonora de Change complementa de forma eficaz a narrativa da série, elevando o impacto emocional das situações apresentadas.

Natalia Ferreira

As melodias são cativantes e memoráveis, tornando a banda sonora de Change um elemento essencial para a imersão na história.

João Rodrigues

As composições musicais são tão bem escolhidas que conseguem transmitir com precisão a jornada emocional e os conflitos internos dos personagens, enriquecendo ainda mais a narrativa e tornando a experiência de assistir à série ainda mais envolvente.

Carlos Teixeira

Alguns temas musicais são marcantes e conseguem transmitir a complexidade dos dilemas morais enfrentados pelos personagens principais.

Paula Cardoso

No geral, a banda sonora de Change é um verdadeiro destaque, elevando a experiência da série para um nível superior e demonstrando a importância da música na construção de um mundo ficcional rico e envolvente.

José Gonçalves

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na trilha sonora enriquece a experiência auditiva, tornando cada cena mais memorável.

André Pinheiro

As músicas de fundo conseguem destacar os momentos emocionantes da trama, proporcionando uma experiência mais imersiva para o espectador.