Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) Banda sonora (

Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) Banda sonora (2009) cobrir

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Avaliação: 6.20/10 do 2300 votos
Etiquetas: stripper masculino, nudez frontal feminina, sucesso de público local, título de uma palavra
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Ex: Todos tenemos uno

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Ex é um filme de drama que conta a história de um casal que decide se separar após anos de relacionamento. A trama se desenrola mostrando os altos e baixos do término, os sentimentos de tristeza, raiva e saudade que surgem após a separação.

O filme explora a complexidade das relações amorosas e como o fim de um relacionamento pode afetar profundamente as pessoas envolvidas.

Os personagens principais, interpretados por atores renomados, passam por um processo de autoconhecimento e reflexão sobre o que deu errado na relação.

Ex aborda temas como perdão, superação e recomeço, mostrando que mesmo após o fim de um relacionamento, é possível encontrar a felicidade novamente.

O desfecho do filme deixa uma mensagem de esperança e renovação, mostrando que o término de um relacionamento pode ser o início de uma nova fase na vida das pessoas envolvidas.

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Toque Título Artista
Ex - Jeder hat eine(n)
Wherever You Will Go
Aaron Kamin: Writer
The Calling: Performer
Il Cielo Ha Una Porta Sola
It May Be Winter Outside (But In My Heart It's Spring)
Barry White: Writer
Sex Bomb
Mousse T.: Writer
La Canzone Dell'Amore Perduto
Arrivano gli ex
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Ex suite
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Incroci pericolosi
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Ti amerò per sempre
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Ti amo
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Il cielo ha una porta sola (Biagio Antonacci)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Goodbye My Lover (James Blunt)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Sex Bomb (Jones with Mousse T)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Fiumi di parole (Jalisse)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
La canzone dell'amore perduto (Franco Battiato
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
It May Be Winter Outside (Emma)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Stop Crying Your Heart Out (Oasis)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
White Flag (Dido
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Dimentica (Raf)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Save Room (John Legend)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
If Ain't Got You (Alicia Keys)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Come sei veramente (Giovanni Allevi)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Just Like a Doll (Pink)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Vieni da me (Le Vibrazioni)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Ho voglia di innamorarmi (Francesco Baccini)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Chariot (Gavin Degraw)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Over My Head (The Fray)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Farfallina (Luca Carboni)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Daughters (John Mayer)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Perduto Amore (Enrico Ruggieri)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Spaccacuore (Samuele Bersani)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
Seq. 1 - Titoli
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 2
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 3
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 4
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 5
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 6
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 7
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 8
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 9
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 10
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 11
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 12
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 13
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 14
Carlo Savina: Performer
Seq. 15 - Finale
Carlo Savina: Performer
Eleven Revisited
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Silent Green
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Slaughtered Tree
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
Bernd Jestram: Performer
A 40 all'ombra (Version 1)
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Ma dove sei
Guido De Angelis: Performer
All'ombra del Vesuvio
Guido De Angelis: Performer
A 40 all'ombra (Version 2)
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Guido De Angelis: Performer
...c'è il lenzuolo
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 1
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 2
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 3
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 4
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 5
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 6
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 7
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 8
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 9
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 10
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 11
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 12
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 13
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 14
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 15
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 16
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 17
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 18
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 19
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 20
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Sequence 21
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Rich and Famous Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Platoon Finale and End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Her Alibi End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Beaches Friendship
Georges Delerue: Performer
Exposed Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Biloxi Blues Main Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Steel Magnolias Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Interlude Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
The Escape Artist Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
The Pick-up Artist Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Disc Time:
Georges Delerue: Performer
Something Wicked This Way Comes Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Hommage à François Truffaut
Georges Delerue: Performer
Maxie End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
House on Carroll Street Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
A Little Sex Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Maid to Order Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Man Woman and Child Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Memories of Me Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Crimes of the Heart Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Platoon - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Rich and Famous - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Her Alibi - End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Beaches - Friendship
Georges Delerue: Performer
Exposed - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Biloxi Blues - Main Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Steel Magnolias - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Interlude - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
The Escape Artist - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
The Pick Up Artist - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Man Woman And Child - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Memories Of Me - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Something Wicked This Way Comes - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Homage A Francois Truffaut
Georges Delerue: Performer
Maxie - End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
House on Carroll Street - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
A Little Sex - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Maid To Order - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
Crimes of the Heart - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Man Trouble - End Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
A Little Romance - Main Title
Georges Delerue: Performer
Rich In Love - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Agnes of God - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Black Robe - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Hosue On Carrol Street - Theme
Georges Delerue: Performer
True Confessions - Suite
Georges Delerue: Performer
Erwin Arrives
Stephen Barber: Performer
The Walk to the Set
Stephen Barber: Performer
Oh Shit
Stephen Barber: Performer
A Fallen Star
Stephen Barber: Performer
Guided to Town
Stephen Barber: Performer
West Texas Baptism
Stephen Barber: Performer
Escape from Chicken Heist
Stephen Barber: Performer
You Gotta Be the Land Man
Stephen Barber: Performer
Grandad's Pecan Trees
Stephen Barber: Performer
Poking Around in the Plats Office
Stephen Barber: Performer
Searching for a Lease
Stephen Barber: Performer
I Have One Week
Stephen Barber: Performer
How Do We Get into Sun Pride
Stephen Barber: Performer
Erwin Overhears Dugan
Stephen Barber: Performer
Waddaya Think, Eddie
Stephen Barber: Performer
Stephen Barber: Performer
Life Goes On
Stephen Barber: Performer
We're Back in Business
Stephen Barber: Performer
Bullheading All the Way
Stephen Barber: Performer
Helicopter Attack
Stephen Barber: Performer
An Odd Thing About Life
Stephen Barber: Performer
The Last Push
Stephen Barber: Performer
A New Day
Stephen Barber: Performer
You're an Oil Man Now
Stephen Barber: Performer
Addio Alexandra
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Tema di Alexandra - Pianoforte solo
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Hotel Atlanta
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Tentazione Shake
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage a trois #2 (Piero Piccioni & Nora Orlandi)
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Passeggiata al mare
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Lasciarsi andare
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Hotel Atlanta - Chitarra 12 corde
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Addio Alexandra - Tensivo jazzato
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Archi e organo
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Organo
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Addio Alexandra - Tensivo jazzato #2
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Versione corta
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Organo, flauto e sax
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Organo e sax
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Organo, batteria e sax
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Organo e sax #2
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Ménage à trois - Flauto
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Addio Alexandra - Finale (Pianoforte solo)
Piero Piccioni: Performer
Main Theme
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Istanbul Station
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Cabin Secrets
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Midnight Intrigue
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Twisted Alibis
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Jazz Quartet
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Hidden Truth
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
The Detective's Dilemma
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Clandestine Meetings
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Mind Map (feat. Roman Perreton) (Radio Edit)
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Istambul Hotel (feat. Roman Perreton)
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Jazz Piano Solo (feat. Roman Perreton)
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Venice (feat. Roman Perreton)
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Opening Title
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Shooting Friends
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Pillow Talk
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Guns Guns Guns
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Cry Baby
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Closet Boy
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Hi Papa
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Bye Papa
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Finding Reza
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Snap Your Fingers
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
One for Daddy
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Make It Right
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Jon Ekstrand: Performer
Chances (feat. Zeshan B & Jordan Lewis)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Love Letters
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Tashmoo (feat. Jordan Lewis)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Then He Kissed Me (feat. Zeshan B & Habib Wardak) (Farsi Version)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Andrew Edwards: Performer
No Joke
Andrew Edwards: Performer
90% Different
Andrew Edwards: Performer
A Different Way of Thinking
Andrew Edwards: Performer
To Know Him Is to Love Him (feat. Zeshan B & Habib Wardak) (Farsi Version)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Phone Call
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Nadir (feat. Zeshan B)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
What Might Have Been
Andrew Edwards: Performer
I Am the Water, You Are the Sea (feat. Zeshan B & Jordan Lewis)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Reunion (Orchestral)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
90% Different (Orchestral)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Everything Will Correct Itself (Orchestral)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Unchained Melody (Unused) (Farsi Version)
Andrew Edwards: Performer
Alex Cross Opening
John Debney: Performer
Going To Pop Pop
John Debney: Performer
Maria Is Pregnant
John Debney: Performer
MMA Enterance
John Debney: Performer
Picasso Breaks An Arm
John Debney: Performer
Picasso Seduces Women
John Debney: Performer
Tommy / Monica Talk
John Debney: Performer
Alex Accesses Crime Scene
John Debney: Performer
Next Target
John Debney: Performer
Aqua Building
John Debney: Performer
Boom He's Gone
John Debney: Performer
Alex Profiles Killer
John Debney: Performer
I Don't Want To Die
John Debney: Performer
Picasso Kills Maria
John Debney: Performer
Alex Comforts Janelle
John Debney: Performer
Detroit P.D. Breakin
John Debney: Performer
Give Me A Name
John Debney: Performer
Shutdown Courthouse Square
John Debney: Performer
Picasso Takes Train
John Debney: Performer
Confronting Picasso
John Debney: Performer
Alex / Picasso Do Battle
John Debney: Performer
It Ain't Over Tommy
John Debney: Performer
Restrained Satisfaction
John Debney: Performer
Alex Walks to House
John Debney: Performer
New York
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Geoffrey Daniels
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Target Acquired
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Point Blanc
Raffertie: Performer
Restricted Access
Raffertie: Performer
Two Minutes
Raffertie: Performer
New Security Protocol
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Destroy Everything
Raffertie: Performer
Eighth Child
Raffertie: Performer
Eyes On Kyra
Raffertie: Performer
Raffertie: Performer
Normal Life
Raffertie: Performer
"Blame" - Transluzent Feat. Carla Vallet
Alex Parker: Performer
Uncle Ian
Alex Parker: Performer
"On The Road" - Rooster
Alex Parker: Performer
When the Doorbell Rings
Alex Parker: Performer
Bicycle Chase
Alex Parker: Performer
"Chinese Burn
Alex Parker: Performer
Breakers Yard Fight
Alex Parker: Performer
Over London
Alex Parker: Performer
Into the Lion's Den
Alex Parker: Performer
"Alright Alright (Here's My Fist Where's the Fight)" - Sahara Hotnights
Alex Parker: Performer
Kill Him
Alex Parker: Performer
Get Me Out Of Here
Alex Parker: Performer
Science Museum
Alex Parker: Performer
"Hey Kid" - Matt Willis
Alex Parker: Performer
At Sayle Tower
Alex Parker: Performer
You Don't Belong to My World
Alex Parker: Performer
"Good To Be Here" - Rooster
Alex Parker: Performer
"Be My Saviour" - Colin MacIntyre
Alex Parker: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Preparing to Leave
Antonio Escobar: Performer
A Farewell to DC
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Indian Roads
Antonio Escobar: Performer
New Ways
Antonio Escobar: Performer
I Think I Could Like This
Antonio Escobar: Performer
The Strip
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
A New Friend
Antonio Escobar: Performer
The Protester
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Neither Do You
Antonio Escobar: Performer
You're Hurting Him
Antonio Escobar: Performer
An Impossible Demand
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
About my Past
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
A New Kind of Sweetness
Antonio Escobar: Performer
I Know I Hurt You
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
The Payment
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
I Finally Meet You
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Post Blast
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
First Shock
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Concentric Pain
Antonio Escobar: Performer
I Know What Happened
Antonio Escobar: Performer
This is the Strip
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Antonio Escobar: Performer
La cinta de Alex
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Young Alexander
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
The Drums of Gaugamela
Vangelis: Performer
One Morning At Pella
Vangelis: Performer
Roxane's Dance
Vangelis: Performer
Eastern Path
Vangelis: Performer
Gardens of Delight
Vangelis: Performer
Roxane's Veil
Vangelis: Performer
Bagoas' Dance
Vangelis: Performer
The Charge
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Across the Mountains
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Dream of Babylon
Vangelis: Performer
Eternal Alexander
Vangelis: Performer
Tender Memories
Vangelis: Performer
SIDE A: Introduction
Vangelis: Performer
SIDE B: Roxane's Veil
Vangelis: Performer
Chariots of Fire: Main Title (Synth)
Vangelis: Performer
Bitter Moon: Suite
Vangelis: Performer
Francesco: Suite
Vangelis: Performer
Blade Runner: Memories of Green
Vangelis: Performer
Blade Runner: End Titles
Vangelis: Performer
Missing: Main Theme
Vangelis: Performer
Cosmos: Heaven and Hell (Main Title)
Vangelis: Performer
Alexander: Titans
Vangelis: Performer
Alexander: Eternal Alexander
Vangelis: Performer
1492: Conquest of Paradise: Main Titles
Vangelis: Performer
La Peste (The Plague): Main Theme
Vangelis: Performer
The Bounty: Main Title
Vangelis: Performer
The Bounty: End Credits
Vangelis: Performer
Chariots of Fire: Main Title (Orchestral)
Vangelis: Performer
Conquest of Paradise - 1492: Conquest of Paradise
Vangelis: Performer
Titles - Chariots of Fire
Vangelis: Performer
End Titles - Blade Runner
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Eternal Alexander - Alexander
Vangelis: Performer
Anthem - 2002 FIFA World Cup Official Anthem
Vangelis: Performer
Line Open - 1492: Conquest of Paradise
Vangelis: Performer
To the Unknown Man
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Up and Running - Blade Runner
Vangelis: Performer
Main Titles - Blade Runner
Vangelis: Performer
Tears in Rain - Blade Runner
Vangelis: Performer
So Long Ago, So Clear (with Jon Anderson)
Vangelis: Performer
I'll Find My Way Home (with Jon Anderson)
Vangelis: Performer
State of Independence (with Jon Anderson)
Vangelis: Performer
I Hear You Now (with Jon Anderson)
Vangelis: Performer
Rachel's Song
Vangelis: Performer
Theme - Missing
Vangelis: Performer
Love Theme - Blade Runner
Vangelis: Performer
Ask the Mountains
Vangelis: Performer
Theme - Bitter Moon
Vangelis: Performer
Dream in an Open Place
Vangelis: Performer
Twenty Eighth Parallel - 1492: Conquest of Paradise
Vangelis: Performer
Memories of Green
Vangelis: Performer
La Petite Fille de la Mer
Vangelis: Performer
Song of the Seas
Vangelis: Performer
Memories of Blue
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Hurricane (The Vamps)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Best Worst Day Ever (Justine Dorsey)
Christophe Beck: Performer
We Are the Ones (Own the World) (Charles William)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Surf Surf Don't Drown (The Narwhals)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Perfect World (IDK & The Whatevs)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Suite from Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad (Christophe Beck)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Robin Hood And His Merry Men - The Adventures Of Robin Hood
Song About Alexander Nevsky - Alexander Nevsky
Title Theme - Laura
Conquest - Captain from Castile
Morning On The Ranch - The Red Pony
Suite - A Place In the Sun
Theme - High Noon
Prelude - East Of Eden
Working On The Bridge - The Bridge On the River River Kwai
Parade Of The Charioteers - Ben-Hur
Theme - The Magnificent Seven
The Murder
La Passerella Di Addio - 8 1/2
Main Title - The Lion In Winter
Main Theme - Star Wars
The Imperial March - The Empire Strikes Back
The John Dunbar Theme - Dances with Wolves
Leaving Port - Titanic
King Kong - Prelude
John Barry: Performer
The Adventures of Robin Hood - Love Theme
John Barry: Performer
Alexander Nevsky
John Barry: Performer
Wuthering Heights - Cathy's Theme
John Barry: Performer
The Sea Hawk - Suite
John Barry: Performer
The Thief of Bagdad - The Love of the Princess
John Barry: Performer
The Mark of Zorro - Overture
John Barry: Performer
John Barry: Performer
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
John Barry: Performer
War of the Worlds - Main Title / Prelude
John Barry: Performer
Prince Valiant - Prelude
John Barry: Performer
The Caine Mutiny - March
John Barry: Performer
To Catch A Thief - Suite
John Barry: Performer
The Vikings - Finale
John Barry: Performer
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Moon River
John Barry: Performer
The Guns of Navarone - The Legend of Navarone
John Barry: Performer
El Cid - Love Theme
John Barry: Performer
Dr. No - The James Bond Theme
John Barry: Performer
How The West Was Won - Prelude
John Barry: Performer
Dr. Strangelove - The Bomb Run
John Barry: Performer
The Longest Day - March
John Barry: Performer
Hatari - Baby Elephant Walk
John Barry: Performer
The Sandpiper
John Barry: Performer
The Thomas Crown Affair
John Barry: Performer
Romeo & Juliet - Suite
John Barry: Performer
2001: A Space Odyssey - Also Sprach Zarathustra
John Barry: Performer
Once Upon A Time in the West - Main with the Harmonica
John Barry: Performer
Ryan's Daughter - Suite
John Barry: Performer
Summer of '42 - The Summer Knows
John Barry: Performer
Last Tango in Paris
John Barry: Performer
The Godfather - The Godfather Waltz
John Barry: Performer
The Godfather - Speak Softly Love
John Barry: Performer
The Way We Were
John Barry: Performer
Papillon - Out to Sea / Main Theme
John Barry: Performer
The Deer Hunter - Vacatina
John Barry: Performer
Star Trek: The Motion Picture - Finale
John Barry: Performer
Body Heat
John Barry: Performer
Excalibur - O Fortuna from Carmina Burana
John Barry: Performer
The Right Stuff - Finale
John Barry: Performer
The Cotton Club - Main Theme
John Barry: Performer
Jean De Florette - Theme
John Barry: Performer
Lethal Weapon - Meet Martin Riggs
John Barry: Performer
Batman - Suite
John Barry: Performer
Ghost - Unchained Melody
John Barry: Performer
Basic Instinct - Theme
John Barry: Performer
Prince of Tides - Main Title
John Barry: Performer
Last of the Mohicans - Main Theme
John Barry: Performer
The Bodyguard - Love Theme
John Barry: Performer
Il Postino - Theme / The Bicycle
John Barry: Performer
Braveheart - End Titles
John Barry: Performer
Apollo 13 - Main Title
John Barry: Performer
Independence Day - Finale
John Barry: Performer
The English Patient - As Far as Florence / Rupert Bear
John Barry: Performer
Titanic - Take Her to Sea, Mr. Murdoch
John Barry: Performer
Saving Private Ryan - Hymn to the Fallen
John Barry: Performer
The Mask of Zorro - Suite
John Barry: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
Coming to Get You
Alan Bergman: Performer
Ready Now
Alan Bergman: Performer
Welcome Home
Alan Bergman: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
Dangerous Flight
Alan Bergman: Performer
Dickens Returns / Closing
Alan Bergman: Performer
End Credits
Alan Bergman: Performer
SYBIL: Part 1 Main Title
Alan Bergman: Performer
The Awakening / End Title
Alan Bergman: Performer
I Remember Me (full version)
Alan Bergman: Performer
COMBAT!: Main Title
Alan Bergman: Performer
Soldiers Searching
Alan Bergman: Performer
A Hero's Death
Alan Bergman: Performer
Enemy Territory
Alan Bergman: Performer
Wartime Liaison
Alan Bergman: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
Tortured Crawling
Alan Bergman: Performer
French Café
Alan Bergman: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
Hand to Hand Combat
Alan Bergman: Performer
Brief Respite / Finale
Alan Bergman: Performer
Combat! March
Alan Bergman: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
The Hanged
Alan Bergman: Performer
Meet Alexander
Alan Bergman: Performer
The Dagger
Alan Bergman: Performer
Alan Bergman: Performer
On the Move
Alan Bergman: Performer
Antigonus Dies
Alan Bergman: Performer
The Pursuit
Alan Bergman: Performer
Ada's Dance
Alan Bergman: Performer
Big Battle / Conquered
Alan Bergman: Performer
Main Titles (From Alexander The Great)
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Philips Return
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Olympias Party And Burning Of Alexandropolis
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Eurydice And Alexander
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
The Battle Of Cheronea
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Barsina And Alexander
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Battle Of Granicus
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Hemnons Death And Storming Of Mileto
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Battle Of Gaugamela
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Chase And Death Of Darius
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Alexanders Death
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Main Titles (From Barabbas)
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Oriental Dance
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
The Empty Tomb
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
The Mines
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Arrival In Rome
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Rome Afire
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
The Death Of Barabbas
Mario Nascimbene: Performer
Overture to A Bridge Too Far
John Addison: Performer
Battle of Britain Theme
John Addison: Performer
Kelly's Heros Theme
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to 633 Squadron
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to Alexander The Great
John Addison: Performer
Zulu Theme from Zulu
John Addison: Performer
The Great Train Robbery Theme
John Addison: Performer
Overture from Ice Station Zebra
John Addison: Performer
Ride to Dubno (from Taras Bulba)
John Addison: Performer
I Am Hawaii (From Hawaii)
John Addison: Performer
Suite from Birdman of Alcatraz
John Addison: Performer
Regnar Returns (from The Vikings)
John Addison: Performer
North by Northwest Finale Suite
John Addison: Performer
Main Theme from Elmer Gantry
John Addison: Performer
Theme from Mutiny on the Bounty
John Addison: Performer
The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 Main Title
John Addison: Performer
They Call Me Mr. Tibbs Main Title
John Addison: Performer
In the Heat of the Night
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to F.I.S.T.
John Addison: Performer
Paris Blues
John Addison: Performer
Some Like It Hot (Instrumental)
John Addison: Performer
Harlem Love Theme (from Across 100th St.)
John Addison: Performer
Some Like It Hot (Vocal)
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to The Barefoot Contessa
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to Ryan's Daughter
John Addison: Performer
The Tango I Saved For You (from Gaily Gaily)
John Addison: Performer
Black Stallion Theme Reprise
John Addison: Performer
Main Title from Carrie
John Addison: Performer
Women in Love
John Addison: Performer
Roma Suite (from Fellini's Roma)
John Addison: Performer
Main Title from Tom Jones
John Addison: Performer
Uketalia (from After The Fox)
John Addison: Performer
Love Theme from Ben-Hur
John Addison: Performer
Theme from The Greatest Story Ever Told
John Addison: Performer
Theme from King of Kings
John Addison: Performer
Main Title from Patch of Blue
John Addison: Performer
Main Title from Inherit the Wind
John Addison: Performer
Judgement at Nuremberg Suite
John Addison: Performer
Red River Suite
John Addison: Performer
The Long Riders
John Addison: Performer
Wild Rovers Theme
John Addison: Performer
Goodbye Colonel (from For a Few Dollars More)
John Addison: Performer
Generique (from Viva Maria)
John Addison: Performer
Hour of the Gun Main Title
John Addison: Performer
Crossing the Missouri (from The Missouri Breaks)
John Addison: Performer
Love Theme from The Missouri Breaks
John Addison: Performer
"Paris, Paris, Paris" (from Viva Maria) - Brigitte Bardot and Jeanne Moreau
John Addison: Performer
THE FORMATIVE YEARS: Main Title / Nob Hill Concert
Irving Berlin: Performer
Dirty Eddie's
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Alexander's Ragtime Band"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"My Ragtime Violin"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"In My Harem"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"He's A Rag Picker"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"The International
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Everybody's Doin' It Now
Irving Berlin: Performer
NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: Cliff House Announcement/Charlie's New Song (
Irving Berlin: Performer
The Band Picks it Up
Irving Berlin: Performer
The Cliff House / Stella's Performance
Irving Berlin: Performer
Love Scene
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"This is the Life"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"When the Midnight Choo Choo Leaves For Alabam"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Dressing Room Showdown
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Assembly" / "At the YMCA"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Oh, How I Hate to Get Up in the Morning"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"We're On Our Way to France"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Great War Montage
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"A Pretty Girl is Like a Melody"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Some Sunny Day"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Blue Skies"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Blue Skies" Encore
Irving Berlin: Performer
EUROPEAN SKYROCKET / STELLA'S SPIRAL: "Pak Up Your Sins and Go to the Devil"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"What'll I Do?"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"My Walking Stick"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Everybody Step" / "All Alone"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Marching Along with Time"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Charlie and Alex Reunited
Irving Berlin: Performer
CARNEGIE HALL: Orchestra Tunes Up
Irving Berlin: Performer
Overture / "Marie"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Slumming on Park Avenue"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Cheek to Cheek"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Easter Parade"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Now It Can Be
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Heat Wave"
Irving Berlin: Performer
End Title / End Cast
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
EXIT MUSIC: "Remember"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Let Yourself Go"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Top Hat, White Tie and Tails"
Irving Berlin: Performer
The Hostess with the Mostess
Irving Berlin: Performer
Steppin' Out With My Baby
Irving Berlin: Performer
I Got The Sun in the Morning
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
Blue Skies
Irving Berlin: Performer
Puttin' on the Ritz
Irving Berlin: Performer
Isn't This A Lovely Day (To Be Caught In The Rain)
Irving Berlin: Performer
Shaking The Blues Away
Irving Berlin: Performer
Heat Wave
Irving Berlin: Performer
Vaudeville Medley from Easter Paradise
Irving Berlin: Performer
Let Me Sing And I'm Happy
Irving Berlin: Performer
A Pretty Girl Is Like A Melody
Irving Berlin: Performer
Top Hat, White Tie and Tails
Irving Berlin: Performer
Colonel Buffalo Bill (Outtake)
Irving Berlin: Performer
You Can't Get A Man With A Gun
Irving Berlin: Performer
Marching Along With Time (Outtake)
Irving Berlin: Performer
They Say It's Wonderful (Outtake)
Irving Berlin: Performer
Cheek to Cheek
Irving Berlin: Performer
After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It
Irving Berlin: Performer
Anything You Can Do (Outtake)
Irving Berlin: Performer
You're Just In Love
Irving Berlin: Performer
Let's Face The Music and Dance
Irving Berlin: Performer
Easter Parade
Irving Berlin: Performer
There's No Business Like Show Business
Irving Berlin: Performer
Alexander's Ragtime Band
Irving Berlin: Performer
Alexander the Great
Taran Mitchell: Performer
King Darius
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Fire and Blood (Taran Mitchell & Joseph Stevenson)
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Greatest Love
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Persian Supremacy
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Boy King
Taran Mitchell: Performer
The Oracle
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Stateira's Fate
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Gods and Demons
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
World to Conquer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Purge Them All
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Darius's Downfall
Taran Mitchell: Performer
King of Kings
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
In the Tent
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Dust of Roads
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Lyrical Guitar
Andrey Sigle: Performer
Andrey Sigle: Performer
The Wrath of Poseidon (Hanks)
Austin Wintory: Performer
No More Love (Score) (Austin Wintory)
Austin Wintory: Performer
The Only One (Tom Chapell)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Now or Later (James T. Huy)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Gimme Whatcha Got (Stevee)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Ghetto Star (feat. Ruff Dog & Stylie Ray) (B'nezha)
Austin Wintory: Performer
My Shine (B'nezha)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Glory Road (Serg Flo & Akay47)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Sweet - N - Sour (feat. Tony Fuego) (Serg Flo)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Cryin (Serg Flo & Akay47)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Silly Strings (Julie the Band)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Beach Ruminations (Score) (Austin Wintory)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Batting Cages (Score) (Austin Wintory)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Unstoppable (Keaton Simons)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Take My Everything (War Stories)
Austin Wintory: Performer
Architecture (Hanks)
Austin Wintory: Performer
When It Hurts (Jennifer Love Hewitt & Sophie B. Hawkinst)
Austin Wintory: Performer
La canzone dell'amore perduto (Franco Battiato
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
If Ain't Got You (Alicia Keys)
Bruno Zambrini: Performer
A 40 all'ombra (Version 1)
Guido De Angelis: Performer
All'ombra del Vesuvio
Guido De Angelis: Performer
A 40 all'ombra (Version 2)
Guido De Angelis: Performer
...c'è il lenzuolo
Guido De Angelis: Performer
Grandad's Pecan Trees
Stephen Barber: Performer
We're Back in Business
Stephen Barber: Performer
You're an Oil Man Now
Stephen Barber: Performer
The Detective's Dilemma
Jean-Luc Briancon: Performer
Boom He's Gone
John Debney: Performer
I Don't Want To Die
John Debney: Performer
It Ain't Over Tommy
John Debney: Performer
Into the Lion's Den
Alex Parker: Performer
"Alright Alright (Here's My Fist Where's the Fight)" - Sahara Hotnights
Alex Parker: Performer
You Don't Belong to My World
Alex Parker: Performer
You're Hurting Him
Antonio Escobar: Performer
Roxane's Dance
Vangelis: Performer
Roxane's Veil
Vangelis: Performer
Bagoas' Dance
Vangelis: Performer
SIDE B: Roxane's Veil
Vangelis: Performer
I'll Find My Way Home (with Jon Anderson)
Vangelis: Performer
Rachel's Song
Vangelis: Performer
Vangelis: Performer
Surf Surf Don't Drown (The Narwhals)
Christophe Beck: Performer
Wuthering Heights - Cathy's Theme
John Barry: Performer
Breakfast at Tiffany's - Moon River
John Barry: Performer
Ryan's Daughter - Suite
John Barry: Performer
Summer of '42 - The Summer Knows
John Barry: Performer
A Hero's Death
Alan Bergman: Performer
Ada's Dance
Alan Bergman: Performer
Kelly's Heros Theme
John Addison: Performer
Main Title to Ryan's Daughter
John Addison: Performer
Roma Suite (from Fellini's Roma)
John Addison: Performer
Dirty Eddie's
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Alexander's Ragtime Band"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"He's A Rag Picker"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"Everybody's Doin' It Now
Irving Berlin: Performer
NOW IT CAN BE TOLD: Cliff House Announcement/Charlie's New Song (
Irving Berlin: Performer
The Cliff House / Stella's Performance
Irving Berlin: Performer
Irving Berlin: Performer
"We're On Our Way to France"
Irving Berlin: Performer
EUROPEAN SKYROCKET / STELLA'S SPIRAL: "Pak Up Your Sins and Go to the Devil"
Irving Berlin: Performer
"What'll I Do?"
Irving Berlin: Performer
Steppin' Out With My Baby
Irving Berlin: Performer
Puttin' on the Ritz
Irving Berlin: Performer
Isn't This A Lovely Day (To Be Caught In The Rain)
Irving Berlin: Performer
Let Me Sing And I'm Happy
Irving Berlin: Performer
You Can't Get A Man With A Gun
Irving Berlin: Performer
They Say It's Wonderful (Outtake)
Irving Berlin: Performer
After You Get What You Want, You Don't Want It
Irving Berlin: Performer
You're Just In Love
Irving Berlin: Performer
Let's Face The Music and Dance
Irving Berlin: Performer
There's No Business Like Show Business
Irving Berlin: Performer
Alexander's Ragtime Band
Irving Berlin: Performer
Stateira's Fate
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Darius's Downfall
Taran Mitchell: Performer
Ghetto Star (feat. Ruff Dog & Stylie Ray) (B'nezha)
Austin Wintory: Performer
My Shine (B'nezha)
Austin Wintory: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Fernando Lopes

A banda sonora de Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) não conseguiu capturar a profundidade e a complexidade das emoções retratadas no filme. As músicas pareciam genéricas e não contribuíram para enriquecer a narrativa.

Luisa Carvalho

A banda sonora de Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) é simplesmente incrível! Cada música escolhida para compor a trilha sonora do filme se encaixa perfeitamente com as emoções e os momentos vividos pelos personagens. A forma como a música acompanha as cenas de tristeza, raiva e saudade após a separação é tocante e emocionante.

Paula Rocha

As escolhas musicais para acompanhar as cenas de maior impacto emocional muitas vezes falharam em provocar a emoção esperada. A falta de uma trilha sonora mais envolvente e impactante prejudicou a experiência geral de assistir ao filme Ex.

Rui Moreira

Por outro lado, algumas faixas da banda sonora podem parecer um pouco repetitivas e previsíveis, não trazendo muita originalidade ao filme. A falta de diversidade musical pode limitar a capacidade da trilha sonora de explorar plenamente as nuances emocionais presentes no enredo de Ex.

Rosa Pereira

A banda sonora de Ex - Jeder hat eine(n) contribui de forma significativa para a atmosfera emocional do filme. As músicas escolhidas conseguem transmitir de maneira eficaz os sentimentos de tristeza e melancolia presentes na história, adicionando camadas de profundidade à narrativa.

Susana Martins

Em vários momentos, a trilha sonora parecia desconexa com as cenas em que estava inserida, causando uma quebra na imersão do espectador. A falta de harmonia entre a música e a história do filme foi bastante decepcionante.