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Julie é uma adolescente que encontra sua paixão pela música e pela vida com a ajuda de uma banda de alto conceito de meninos adolescentes (The Phantoms), que está morta há 25 anos. Julie, por sua vez, os ajuda a se tornar a banda que nunca foram capazes de ser.
Toque | Título | Artista |
Julie and the Phantoms
Edge of Great (feat. Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Madison Reyes: Artista Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
Now or Never (feat. Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
Wake Up (feat. Madison Reyes)
Bright (feat. Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Madison Reyes: Artista Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
This Band is Back (Reggie's Jam) (feat. Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
Wow (feat. Savannah Lee May)
Flying Solo (feat. Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Madison Reyes: Artista Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
I Got the Music (feat. Madison Reyes & Jadah Marie)
The Other Side of Hollywood (feat. Cheyenne Jackson)
All Eyes On Me (feat. Savannah Lee May)
Finally Free (feat. Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Madison Reyes: Artista Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
Perfect Harmony (feat. Madison Reyes & Charlie Gillespie)
Unsaid Emily (feat. Charlie Gillespie)
You Got Nothing to Lose (feat. Cheyenne Jackson)
Stand Tall (feat. Madison Reyes, Charlie Gillespie, Owen Patrick Joyner & Jeremy Shada)
Julie and the Phantoms Cast:
Madison Reyes: Artista Charlie Gillespie: Artista Owen Patrick Joyner: Artista Jeremy Shada: Artista |
Supersonic Rocket Ship
The Kinks:
New York Groove
Ace Frehley:
Mood (feat. iann dior)