Chances are at least one item in your clothes closet started its life in Bangladesh. Este é um história das mulheres que fazem nossos jeans e camisetas, contada como um conto emocionante e cheio de suspense, não apenas de exploração, mas também de empoderamento.
Director Rubaiyat Hossain has achieved something remarkable, turning what could have been simply dry or guilt-inducing into a colorful, constantly engaging drama. Shimu (Rikita Nandini Shimu) fugiu de sua aldeia quando criança, quando sua madrasta ameaçou casá-la com um homem de meia-idade. Agora, aos 23 anos e vivendo na capital, ela trabalha horas exaustivas por somas irrisórias em uma fábrica têxtil enquanto seu marido procura emprego.
After a fire in the factory results in the death of a co-worker, Shimu is approached by a union advocate who provides her with a crash course in women workers' rights - and the tools to enforce them. But Shimu's attempt to unionize her workplace is met with resistance at every turn, not only from her patriarchal employers, who openly threaten her, but also her colleagues, who are desperate to keep their jobs in a world where options for survival are few.