O Gangue do Parque Banda sonora (

O Gangue do Parque Banda sonora (2014) cobrir

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Avaliação: 5.70/10 do 26296 votos
Etiquetas: guaxinim, esquilo, assalto a banco, roubo, rato, Esquilo
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

Operación Cacahuete

Título em Italiano:

Nut Job - Operazione noccioline

Título em English:

The Nut Job


Em um parque da cidade, Surly, o esquilo, finalmente foi longe demais com sua última travessura. Agora exilado, o pesadelo coletivo de Surly e seu amigo rato Buddy nas ruas termina quando eles descobrem uma loja de nozes para invadir. Sem outras opções, ela consegue um acordo para ajudar no roubo de Surly pela colônia, mesmo quando Surly pretende traí-la. No entanto, há mais coisas acontecendo com a loja de malucos sendo uma fachada para ladrões de banco, enquanto Raccoon tem sua própria agenda para garantir seu próprio poder. No caos que está por vir, Surly se encontra desafiado de maneiras que ele nunca esperava e descobrindo o verdadeiro prêmio para guardar nesta aventura.

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Toque Título Artista
O Gangue do Parque
Alana Da Fonseca: Writer
Alana Da Fonseca: Performer
Fish Out of Water
Chief WaKil: Writer
Wonderful Sound
Harry Bluestone: Writer
What's Tomorrow's Weather
Harry Bluestone: Writer
Oh Well
Zack Arnett: Writer
Skully Boyz: Performer
Push Play
Cheapshot: Writer
Heist Man Trophy
Eric Goldman: Writer
Gangnam Style
Psy: Writer
Psy: Performer
The Nut Job Fanfare
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly's Lullaby / Community Gathers
Paul Intson: Performer
‘Gotta Get Those Nuts' / Lucky & Fingers
Paul Intson: Performer
Andi & Surly
Paul Intson: Performer
The Chase Begins
Paul Intson: Performer
Jet Propelled Nut Cart / Raccoon's Proclamation
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly's Trial & Bannishment
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly in the City
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly's First Night / Alley Rats
Paul Intson: Performer
Rat Jeopardy
Paul Intson: Performer
King Enters / Plan Revealed
Paul Intson: Performer
Grayson's March / Off to the City
Paul Intson: Performer
Grayson's Rescue
Paul Intson: Performer
In Walked Lana
Paul Intson: Performer
Precious to the Rescue
Paul Intson: Performer
Nut Caper / Halleluyah
Paul Intson: Performer
Sneakin' Round Fingers & Lucky
Paul Intson: Performer
Precious Changes Alliance
Paul Intson: Performer
Raccon's Rally+march
Paul Intson: Performer
Buddy's March
Paul Intson: Performer
‘We're Not Saying?' / A Precious Reveal
Paul Intson: Performer
Paul Intson: Performer
Lucky & Finger's Brainstorm / Knuckles
Paul Intson: Performer
On the Rooftop / Raccoon's Plan Revealled
Paul Intson: Performer
Lana's Discovery / Water in the Hole
Paul Intson: Performer
Precious to the Rescue / Mole Chase
Paul Intson: Performer
Paul Intson: Performer
Grayson's Kudos / Rooftop Dissention
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly Is Captured / King & Lana / Surly's Set Free
Paul Intson: Performer
‘it's Showtime' / Raccoon Revealed
Paul Intson: Performer
The Heist Jump
Paul Intson: Performer
Basement Jeopardy
Paul Intson: Performer
Surly to the Rescue
Paul Intson: Performer
Dilemna in the Van
Paul Intson: Performer
Bridge Takedown / Over The Damn
Paul Intson: Performer
Hanging By a Thread
Paul Intson: Performer
Waterfall Battle / Surly's Fate / A New Day
Paul Intson: Performer
By Surlys Side
Paul Intson: Performer
All Together Again
Paul Intson: Performer
Final Fanfare (Version 2)
Paul Intson: Performer
Final Fanfare (Version 1)
Paul Intson: Performer