O Gigante Africano Banda sonora (

O Gigante Africano Banda sonora (1949) cobrir

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Avaliação: 7.00/10 do 5700 votos
Nomes alternativos:
Título em English:

Mighty Joe Young

Título em Español:

El gran gorila

Título em Italiano:

Il re dell'Africa

Título em Français:

Monsieur Joe

Título em Türk:

Mighty Joe Young

Título em Deutsch:

Panik um King Kong


Seven-year-old Jill Young is a lonely little girl living on her father's farm in Africa. One day she barters for a pet/friend: a baby gorilla carried by two African natives.

Twelve years later, a New York nightclub entrepreneur, Max O'Hara, plans to open an African-themed nightclub in Hollywood. Gregg Johnson, a champion roper from Oklahoma, visits to ask to go to Africa with O'Hara, who agrees, having come up with the idea of having the cowboy lasso lions.

In Africa, O'Hara's encampment is close to the Young farm. The gorilla, now grown, sees the strangers, who decide to rope him (although the local agent, Crawford, tells them "You can't rope a gorilla!") A wild-and-wooly Western style scene ensues, with cowboys and horses converging on Joe, who breaks the ropes like wet mop strings! He captures O'Hara just as Jill, now nineteen, shows up.

O'Hara recovers in time to see Jill command and Joe obey and O'Hara is stunned. He tracks Jill down and convinces her to come to Hollywood with Joe to star in his nightclub, commanding Joe as Jill the Jungle Queen.

As O'Hara predicted, the opening night is a resounding success. The opening act consists of Jill playing "Beautiful Dreamer" - Joe's favorite tune - on a fancy grand piano, while Joe lifts a platform holding Jill, piano, and all!

But the novelty wears off. Joe must live in a somber gray cage in the basement. He loses his appetite; so does Jill. Ten weeks follow; Jill cries on Gregg's shoulder ("It seems like ten years!") She decides to quit; O'Hara talks her out of it.

Seven more weeks pass. An organ-grinder act turns out to be a bad idea. Three drunks sneak backstage and ply Joe with liquor; one also touches a lighted cigarette to Joe's bare skin and Joe loses control, and wrecks the place. A court orders him shot.

O'Hara cooks up a plan, and the remainder of the movie is a thrilling chase scene beginning when O'Hara plays sick so the guard has to leave his post, allowing Jill to free Joe. They sneak him into a moving van, and almost get away when a transient worker/tramp sees Joe in the van. He tells this at the police station, and the cops are almost on the van's heels when they transfer Joe to a truck.

O'Hara delays the police in the van. The truck continues, and, in the climax, approaches a burning orphanage. Jill and Gregg - using his roping expertise - rescue two more children hiding in a closet inside. Last of all, Joe himself climbs a tree to rescue a little girl trapped on a parapet, and when the tree he clings to burns he falls with it almost to the ground.

Jill approaches the exhausted, bruised Joe, and an unidentified male voice assures her, "Nobody in the world is gonna shoot Joe now!"

The epilog shows O'Hara back in New York, months later. Windy shows him a film the agent, Crawford, took of Gregg and Jill - and Joe. O'Hara says, "They're back in Africa where they belong. Goodbye from Joe Young."

Email: dougm90248@aol.com

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
O Gigante Africano
Sacred Guardian Of The Mountain
James Horner: Performer
James Horner: Performer
Attempted Capture
James Horner: Performer
The Trees
James Horner: Performer
Our Last Chance - A New World
James Horner: Performer
A Broken Promise
James Horner: Performer
Leaving By Night
James Horner: Performer
Hollywood Boulevard
James Horner: Performer
Freeway Crossing
James Horner: Performer
The Carnival
James Horner: Performer
The Burning Ferris Wheel
James Horner: Performer
Dedication And Windsong
James Horner: Performer
The Mummy - The Sand Volcano
David Arnold: Performer
The Mask of Zorro - Don't Mess With "Z" (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
The Mask of Zorro - Main Title
David Arnold: Performer
Air Force One - Main Title / The Parachutes
David Arnold: Performer
The Rock - Chopper Flyby (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
The Rock - End Title
David Arnold: Performer
Contact - End Credits
David Arnold: Performer
Mighty Joe Young - Dedication and Windsong
David Arnold: Performer
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Day at the Races (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace - Main Title from Star Wars / The Flag Parade
David Arnold: Performer
L.A. Confidential - Badge of Honor / L.A. Confidential
David Arnold: Performer
The Prince of Egypt - When You Believe
David Arnold: Performer
The X-Files - What's That Hum? (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
The X-Files - Threnody in X
David Arnold: Performer
A Bug's Life - The Time of Your Life
David Arnold: Performer
Elizabeth - Main Title
David Arnold: Performer
Godzilla - A Stroll in New York City (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
Godzilla - Main Title
David Arnold: Performer
Shakespeare in Love - Main Title
David Arnold: Performer
Titanic - Iceberg! (sfx)
David Arnold: Performer
Titanic - Back to Titanic
David Arnold: Performer
Armageddon - Main Title
David Arnold: Performer
Stargate Overture
David Arnold: Performer
Giza, 1928
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
The Coverstones
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
The Stargate Opens
David Arnold: Performer
You're On The Team
David Arnold: Performer
Entering The Stargate
David Arnold: Performer
The Other Side
David Arnold: Performer
Mastradge Drag
David Arnold: Performer
The Mining Pit
David Arnold: Performer
King Of The Slaves
David Arnold: Performer
Caravan To Nagada
David Arnold: Performer
Daniel And Shauri
David Arnold: Performer
Symbol Discovery
David Arnold: Performer
Sarcophagus Opens
David Arnold: Performer
Daniel's Mastadge
David Arnold: Performer
Leaving Nagada
David Arnold: Performer
Ra - The Sun God
David Arnold: Performer
The Destruction Of Nagada
David Arnold: Performer
Myth, Faith, Belief
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
Slave Rebellion
David Arnold: Performer
The Seventh Symbol
David Arnold: Performer
Quartz Shipment
David Arnold: Performer
Battle At The Pyramid
David Arnold: Performer
We Don't Want To Die
David Arnold: Performer
The Surrender
David Arnold: Performer
Kasuf Returns
David Arnold: Performer
Going Home
David Arnold: Performer
Drop Zone
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Hyphopera (Ryeland Allison)
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Hi Jack
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Terry's Dropped Out
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Flashback & Fries (Nick Glennie-Smith)
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Miami Jump
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Too Many Notes - Not Enough Rests
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
After The Dub
Nick Glennie-Smith: Performer
Set Me In Motion
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Fighting 17th
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Arsonist's Waltz
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Burn It All
Hans Zimmer: Performer
You Go, We Go
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Fahrenheit 451
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Show Me Your Firetruck
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Show Goes On
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Main Title
A Good Trade & A Surprise for Dad
Beautiful Dreamer & Baby Joe and Transition to New York (Pt.1)
Baby Joe and Transition to New York (Pt. 2)
African Camp
Joe and the Lion
Joe and the Ropers
Tragedy Averted Pt. 2
Jill Meets Gregg
Night Club Fanfare
African March
African Dance No. 1
African Dance No. 2
Fanfare No. 2
Beautiful Dreamer
Curtain Fanfare
Fanfare #4
Fanfare #5
Fanfare #6
Fanfare #7
Fanfare #8
Fanfare #9
Fanfare #10
Fanfare #11
Fanfare #12
Fanfare #13
Tenth Week
Joe Breaks Loose
Joe Runs Amok, Pt. 1
Joe Runs Amok, Pt. 2
Joe Knocked Out
Rough Houser
Jill and Gregg, Pt. 2
Chase, Pt. 2
Chase, Pt. 3
Joe Eludes the Cops, Pt. 2 & Fire, Pt. 1
Fire, Pt. 2
Fire, Pt. 4
Fire, Pt. 6
End Title
Schneer's Emblem & Heaven
Pa Warns Rudolph
Jericho's Arrest
Galley Fire
He is Dead
The Birth of the Creature
My Gloves (I) & The Cage
Next Morning
Bookworm (new)
Trailer & Fisticuffs
Trial and Escape
Meet One Trouble
Evil Dead
My Gloves (II)
Throws Stone
Moon Mystery and End Title
Survival? & The Ceratosaurus

Críticas de usuários

Marta Neves

Os momentos mais intensos e emocionantes do filme são ainda mais impactantes graças à trilha sonora envolvente e bem elaborada. As músicas conseguem transmitir toda a tensão, a alegria e a tristeza dos personagens de uma forma que nos faz sentir parte da jornada deles. Realmente, a trilha sonora de O Gigante Africano é um verdadeiro destaque e enriquece ainda mais a experiência cinematográfica.

José Manuel Pereira

A trilha sonora de O Gigante Africano consegue transportar o espectador para o cenário exótico e emocionante da África, enriquecendo a experiência cinematográfica.

Maria Figueiredo

A música durante a cena da abertura da boate em Hollywood é animada e cativante, adicionando um toque de glamour e festividade à tela.

Francisco Antunes

A trilha sonora de O Gigante Africano é simplesmente incrível. Cada música consegue capturar perfeitamente a atmosfera única e emocionante da história, adicionando camadas de emoção e profundidade a cada cena do filme.

Marta Neves

A utilização de elementos musicais africanos ao longo do filme enriquece a experiência auditiva e transporta o espectador para o continente africano, reforçando a ambientação da narrativa.

André Moreira

A banda sonora transmite a sensação de aventura e drama vividos pelos protagonistas, adicionando camadas de profundidade à narrativa.

Paula Ramos

As composições musicais conseguem expressar os sentimentos dos personagens de forma impactante, adicionando uma dimensão extra ao filme.

Natalia Almeida

A trilha sonora de O Gigante Africano é emocionante e envolvente, contribuindo para a atmosfera exótica e emocional do filme.

Susana Saraiva

Os momentos mais emotivos do filme são acentuados pela trilha sonora, que consegue transmitir a dor e a esperança dos personagens de forma poderosa.

Pedro Lopes

A música durante a cena do incêndio no orfanato é arrepiante e angustiante, aumentando a sensação de urgência e perigo.

Manuel Correia

A trilha sonora consegue capturar a essência da jornada de Joe, Jill e Gregg, acompanhando cada reviravolta da história com a trilha sonora certa.

Sónia Araújo

Os momentos de tensão são intensificados pela trilha sonora, criando uma atmosfera envolvente e imersiva.

Elena Nunes

A tensão dramática da perseguição final é intensificada pela trilha sonora, que mantém o ritmo acelerado e empolgante até o desfecho emocionante.

Carolina Morais

A escolha da música Beautiful Dreamer para a cena do piano é tocante e melódica, criando um momento de ternura e conexão entre Joe e Jill.

Ana Maria Fonseca

A música se torna um elemento fundamental na narrativa do filme, ajudando a transmitir a jornada emocional dos personagens e a intensidade das situações vividas por eles.

Silvia Araújo

A escolha de Beautiful Dreamer como música tocada por Jill no piano para Joe é um toque emocionante e significativo na história.

Miguel Morais

A trilha sonora de O Gigante Africano é envolvente e emocionante, acompanhando perfeitamente as cenas do filme.

Catarina Cardoso

As músicas escolhidas para cada momento da história são tocantes e contribuem para a conexão emocional com os personagens.