O Uivo do Coiote Banda sonora (

O Uivo do Coiote Banda sonora (1999) cobrir

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Etiquetas: nudez, seios nus, nudez feminina, nudez masculina, sexo
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Fino all'inferno

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Em uma noite de tempestade, o renomado professor de simbologia Robert Langdon é chamado às pressas para um hospital em Florença, Itália. Lá, ele se depara com um misterioso cilindro que contém um enigma que o levará a uma corrida contra o tempo para desvendar um plano diabólico que ameaça a humanidade.

Com a ajuda da médica Sienna Brooks, Langdon segue as pistas deixadas por Dante Alighieri em sua obra-prima, A Divina Comédia, e se vê envolvido em uma conspiração que envolve a superpopulação mundial e a disseminação de um vírus mortal.

Enquanto tenta decifrar os enigmas deixados pelo enigmático vilão, Langdon se vê perseguido por agentes do governo e membros de uma organização secreta que farão de tudo para impedir que ele descubra a verdade por trás do Inferno que se aproxima.

Em uma corrida contra o tempo, Langdon e Sienna precisam desvendar os segredos do passado para salvar o futuro da humanidade.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
O Uivo do Coiote
All Roads Lead To You
Ted Perlman: Vocais de fundo: peggi blu, maxine waters willard (como maxine waters), maxi anderson produzidos
Paul Williams: Letra da música
Bill Conti: Performer
Mark Campbell: Vocal principal
Cigareetes, Whusky and Wild Wild Women
Tim Spencer: Letra da música
Tim Spencer: Performer
Nearer My God to Thee
Sarah F. Adams: Writer
Stacy McAdams: Arranjo
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Rock of Ages
White Dog
Marc Bonilla: Performer
Marc Bonilla: Writer
Amazing Grace
John Newton: Writer
Ron Finn: Performer
Brian Tarquin: Performer
Brian Tarquin: Writer
The Battle Hymn of the Republic
William Steffe: Performer
Ron Finn: Performer
Maybe Pain Can Save Us
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Cerca Trova
Hans Zimmer: Performer
I'm Feeling A Tad Vulnerable
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Seek And Find
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Via Dolorosa #12 Apartment 3C
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Remove Langdon
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Doing Nothing Terrifies Me
Hans Zimmer: Performer
A Minute To Midnight
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Cistern
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Beauty Awakens The Soul To Act
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Hans Zimmer: Performer
The Logic Of Tyrants
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Life Must Have It's Mysteries
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Our Own Hell On Earth
Hans Zimmer: Performer
LATO A: Inferno (Main Title Theme)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Rose's Descent Into The Cellar
Keith Emerson: Performer
Taxi Ride (Rome)
Keith Emerson: Performer
The Library
Keith Emerson: Performer
Sarah In The Library Vaults
Keith Emerson: Performer
Bookbinder's Delight
Keith Emerson: Performer
Rose Leaves The Apartment
Keith Emerson: Performer
Rose Gets It
Keith Emerson: Performer
LATO B: Elisa's Story
Keith Emerson: Performer
A Cat Attic Attack
Keith Emerson: Performer
Kazanian's Tarantella
Keith Emerson: Performer
Mark's Discovery
Keith Emerson: Performer
Mater Tenebrarum
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno Finale
Keith Emerson: Performer
Cigarretes, Ices, Etc.
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno (Main Title Theme)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Taxi Ride Rome
Keith Emerson: Performer
Elisa's Story
Keith Emerson: Performer
Mater Tenebrarum (Godfrey Salmon)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno (Finale)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Cigarettes, Ices, Ect
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno (Take 2)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno (Take 3)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Inferno(Main Titles Theme)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Taxi Ride(Rome)
Keith Emerson: Performer
Rose Gets In
Keith Emerson: Performer
Cigarettes, Ices, Etc
Keith Emerson: Performer
CD ONLY: Inferno(Outtakes Suite)
Keith Emerson: Performer
ORIGINAL ALBUM (Stereo): Una stagione all'inferno
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Canoe sul tana
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Amour difficile
Maurice Jarre: Performer
La commune
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Battaglia a Tchelenko
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Al mio piu' caro amico
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Mal d'afrique
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Vocali e sillabe
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Caffe' arabo
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Una stagione all'inferno
Maurice Jarre: Performer
BONUS TRACKS (Mono): Seq.01
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Impossible Thing - L'Impossibile
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Canoe on the Tana - Canoe sul Tana
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Difficult Love - Amore Difficile
Maurice Jarre: Performer
The Commune - La Comune
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Battle at Tchelenko - Battaglia a Tchelenko
Maurice Jarre: Performer
My Best Loved Friend - Al Mio Più Caro Amico
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Yearning For Africa - Mal D' Africa
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Words And Syllabes - Vocali e Sillabe
Maurice Jarre: Performer
The Caravan - Carovana
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Arabian Coffee - Caffè Arabo
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Donasdogama Micma
Garry Schyman: Performer
Beatrice Taken
Garry Schyman: Performer
Dante, Casarma Treloch
Garry Schyman: Performer
Above Acheron
Garry Schyman: Performer
Bleeding Charon
Garry Schyman: Performer
Path To Minos
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Arphe, The Descent
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Storms Of Lust
Garry Schyman: Performer
Whores Of Babylon
Garry Schyman: Performer
The Second Circle
Garry Schyman: Performer
The Harrowing
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Ciacco The Pig
Garry Schyman: Performer
Hall Of Gluttons
Garry Schyman: Performer
Greed Minions
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Excessum Alighiero
Garry Schyman: Performer
Barma Beigla TeCarma
Garry Schyman: Performer
Tower At River Styx
Garry Schyman: Performer
Crossing The Styx
Garry Schyman: Performer
The Queen Of Hell
Garry Schyman: Performer
Phlegyas Marches To Dis
Garry Schyman: Performer
Phlegyas Ravages Dis
Garry Schyman: Performer
Flaming Tombs
Garry Schyman: Performer
Jas Davos Cha Dante Va
Garry Schyman: Performer
Abyssus Incendia
Garry Schyman: Performer
Hall Of Abraham
Garry Schyman: Performer
Battle With Adraman
Garry Schyman: Performer
Abominable Sands
Garry Schyman: Performer
Bella's Secret Revealed
Garry Schyman: Performer
Limbo Prisoners
Garry Schyman: Performer
Adgt Vpaah Zong
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Babalon Ors
Garry Schyman: Performer
The Defeat Of Lucifer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Garry Schyman: Performer
Donasdogama Micma Decepto
Garry Schyman: Performer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
In der Umkleide: "Bei mir zu Hause war was"
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Eine furchtbare Entdeckung
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Sturz in die Donau
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Der nächste Morgen - Öl und Feuer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
In der Taxizentrale
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Die Notunterkunft
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Ranyas Ermordung
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Zu spät
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Wieder im Dienst: "Bei Ihrer Familie?"
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Verfolgungsjagd auf der Ringstrasse
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Im Spiegel
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Flucht aus dem Krankenhaus
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Bei den Eltern
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Endlich in Sicherheit
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Dem Mörder auf der Spur
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Schäferhund: Flucht vor der Polizei
Marius Ruhland: Performer
"Die UNO!": Koran: Gerettet
Marius Ruhland: Performer
U-Bahn Verfolgung
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Flucht aus der UNO
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Mit dem Mörder in der Wohnung
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Özge brennt
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Rache - Rettung in letzter Sekunde
Marius Ruhland: Performer
"Ich kann das nicht": Nocturne d'amour
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Ardenne's theme marcia*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Open sesame*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Flee, guys*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Tema di Cristine*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Impossible job*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Tema di Cristine
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Papers and diamonds*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Cristine's doubt*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Action plan*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
L'ultimo respiro
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Lunga attesa
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Last breath*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Circling line*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Cornering the story*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Dawn of love*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Falling from the sky*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
After the battle*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
A shortcut Ardenne's theme*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ardenne's theme marcia (LP version)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ultimo respiro
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Lunga attesta
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Victima paschali laudes
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Con serena gioia (finale profano)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Lauda sion
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Stabat mater
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Dies irae
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
The Nun
Tom McFarland: Performer
The Floor Is Yours
Tom McFarland: Performer
Inferno pt. 1
Tom McFarland: Performer
Inferno pt.2
Tom McFarland: Performer
Tom McFarland: Performer
Tom McFarland: Performer
Tom McFarland: Performer
Meeting the Nun pt.1
Tom McFarland: Performer
Meeting the Nun pt.2
Tom McFarland: Performer
Checking the Bathroom
Tom McFarland: Performer
Where D'You Go?
Tom McFarland: Performer
The Fight
Tom McFarland: Performer
Back Together, Serious Conversation
Tom McFarland: Performer
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 1
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 2
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 3
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 4
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 5
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 6
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 7
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 8
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 9
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 10
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 11
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 12
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 13
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 14
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 15
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 16
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 17
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 18
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 19
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 20
Générique début / Romy en bateau
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
La Colombe d'Or / Paris 1964
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Promenade / Les Paquets
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Essais des costumes
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Le nouvel univers plastique
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Instabilité / Illusions d'optique
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Essais de course
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Débuts prometteurs
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Le lac
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Romy cinétique
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
La terrasse / Filature dans la ville
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Suivre ce car
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Visions du lac / Vus!
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Incohérences / Essais de course avec Reggiani
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Poursuite autour du lac
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Rejet / Jalousie / Début de la fin / Clouzot dans le marché
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Meurtre / Départ de Reggiani / Tourner, tourner
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Générique de fin
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Coyote Moon / Eddie's Dream and Desert Heat
Bill Conti: Performer
Eddie Lives / Airplane Lands
Bill Conti: Performer
Getting the Bullet and Cafe Rednecks /Redneck Trouble
Bill Conti: Performer
Eddie Wakes Up / I Remember Killing Too...
Bill Conti: Performer
Good Morning and Trek Into Town
Bill Conti: Performer
The End of Lester and Leon
Bill Conti: Performer
Eddie and Rhonda's Love Theme
Bill Conti: Performer
Jubai and Eddie / “Something Better than a .45”
Bill Conti: Performer
Lester and Leon's Final Resting Place
Bill Conti: Performer
Roadhouse Rumble
Bill Conti: Performer
Sweet Dreams
Bill Conti: Performer
“Why Didn't You Kill Him?"
Bill Conti: Performer
We Have Company
Bill Conti: Performer
Night Shootout
Bill Conti: Performer
Johnny Dies and Rhonda Warns Eddie
Bill Conti: Performer
Town Firefight
Bill Conti: Performer
Check It Out
Bill Conti: Performer
Eddie Gets his Hat Back / Stringer (Unused)
Bill Conti: Performer
Showdown at Sunrise / Eddie Kicks Ass
Bill Conti: Performer
A Happy Ending
Bill Conti: Performer
I'm Feeling A Tad Vulnerable
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Life Must Have It's Mysteries
Hans Zimmer: Performer
Rose's Descent Into The Cellar
Keith Emerson: Performer
Bookbinder's Delight
Keith Emerson: Performer
LATO B: Elisa's Story
Keith Emerson: Performer
Kazanian's Tarantella
Keith Emerson: Performer
Mark's Discovery
Keith Emerson: Performer
Elisa's Story
Keith Emerson: Performer
ORIGINAL ALBUM (Stereo): Una stagione all'inferno
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Al mio piu' caro amico
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Mal d'afrique
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Caffe' arabo
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Una stagione all'inferno
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Impossible Thing - L'Impossibile
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Yearning For Africa - Mal D' Africa
Maurice Jarre: Performer
Bella's Secret Revealed
Garry Schyman: Performer
"Ich kann das nicht": Nocturne d'amour
Marius Ruhland: Performer
Ardenne's theme marcia*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Cristine's doubt*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
L'ultimo respiro
Ennio Morricone: Performer
A shortcut Ardenne's theme*
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ardenne's theme marcia (LP version)
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Ennio Morricone: Performer
Where D'You Go?
Tom McFarland: Performer
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 1
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 2
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 3
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 4
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 5
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 6
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 7
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 8
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 9
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 10
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 11
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 12
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 13
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 14
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 15
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix,Pt. 16
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 17
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 18
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 19
Formula 1 nell'inferno del gran prix, Pt. 20
La Colombe d'Or / Paris 1964
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Instabilité / Illusions d'optique
Bruno Alexiu: Performer
Coyote Moon / Eddie's Dream and Desert Heat
Bill Conti: Performer
Eddie and Rhonda's Love Theme
Bill Conti: Performer
Lester and Leon's Final Resting Place
Bill Conti: Performer
“Why Didn't You Kill Him?"
Bill Conti: Performer