O Vírus Assassino Banda sonora (

O Vírus Assassino Banda sonora (1994) cobrir

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Avaliação: 7.20/10 do 39000 votos
Etiquetas: EUA, bomba atômica, explosão nuclear, explosão atômica, baseado nas obras de stephen king
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Título em Italiano:

L'ombra dello scorpione

Título em English:

The Stand


The Stand é um romance de terror pós-apocalíptico escrito por Stephen King. A história se passa em um mundo devastado por uma pandemia de gripe que matou a maioria da população. Os sobreviventes se dividem em dois grupos: os seguidores de Mother Abagail, uma mulher idosa que representa o bem, e os seguidores de Randall Flagg, um homem misterioso que representa o mal.

Enquanto os dois grupos se preparam para uma batalha final, alguns dos sobreviventes começam a desenvolver habilidades psíquicas, o que os torna peças-chave no confronto iminente. A narrativa explora temas como o bem contra o mal, a fé e a redenção, em um cenário apocalíptico que desafia a sobrevivência e a moralidade dos personagens.

The Stand é considerado um dos melhores trabalhos de Stephen King e um clássico do gênero de terror. A história foi adaptada para uma minissérie de televisão em 1994 e uma nova adaptação foi lançada em 2020, recebendo elogios da crítica e dos fãs do autor.

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Toque Título Artista
O Vírus Assassino
Al Kooper: Performer
Al Kooper: Produced
Al Kooper: Compositor
Freddie Perren: Writer
Freddie Perren: Performer
The Sylvers: Performer
Donald Roeser: Writer
Blue Öyster Cult: Performer
Frank Beard: Writer
ZZ Top: Performer
Bill Ham: Performer
P.F. Sloan: Writer
Adam Storke: Performer
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Joseph M. Scriven: Palavras (sem crédito)
Charles Crozat Converse: Performer
Ruby Dee: Performer
Heartaches for a Guy
Don't Dream It's Over
Neil Finn: Writer
Crowded House: Performer
Final Warning
Mike Mogis: Performer
Garden Burial
Mike Mogis: Performer
Drugs and a Shower
Mike Mogis: Performer
Stu Works His Way Out
Mike Mogis: Performer
Harold Out West / Finds a Wolf
Mike Mogis: Performer
List of Five Names
Mike Mogis: Performer
Larry Looks for Mom
Mike Mogis: Performer
Stu and Larry Reach Boulder
Mike Mogis: Performer
Larry Meets Nick / Flagg Winks
Mike Mogis: Performer
Trouble in Jail
Mike Mogis: Performer
While Larry Slept
Mike Mogis: Performer
Nadine Will Be Queen
Mike Mogis: Performer
Lesson Plans
Mike Mogis: Performer
Hottest Woman on Earth
Mike Mogis: Performer
Sucking Gas
Mike Mogis: Performer
See You Around, Stu
Mike Mogis: Performer
Nick Wakes Up
Mike Mogis: Performer
Queen Nadine
Mike Mogis: Performer
Stu Asks for Volunteers
Mike Mogis: Performer
Trucker Standoff
Mike Mogis: Performer
Rabbit Hole
Mike Mogis: Performer
Guns Aren't Toys
Mike Mogis: Performer
Moon and Nick Meet Mother A
Mike Mogis: Performer
Frannie Writing
Mike Mogis: Performer
Mother A Scolds Nick / Vegas Vision
Mike Mogis: Performer
Flagg Speaks of the Old Days
Mike Mogis: Performer
Trashcan Man
Mike Mogis: Performer
Speed Death Along
Mike Mogis: Performer
Bobby Terry
Mike Mogis: Performer
Nick Finds the Bomb / Bomb Blows
Mike Mogis: Performer
Mother A Summons the Group
Mike Mogis: Performer
Stu Swears to Try
Mike Mogis: Performer
Goodbye Photo
Mike Mogis: Performer
Pills and Goodbyes
Mike Mogis: Performer
Kojak by the Fire
Mike Mogis: Performer
Nadine Plunges out the Window
Mike Mogis: Performer
Lloyd Introduces Flagg
Mike Mogis: Performer
Kneeling Traitor Speech
Mike Mogis: Performer
Hand of God, Pt. 1
Mike Mogis: Performer
Hand of God, Pt. 3
Mike Mogis: Performer
Stu and Fran Reunited
Mike Mogis: Performer
Frannie and Stu Head East
Mike Mogis: Performer
Fran Stands
Mike Mogis: Performer
Nebraska Talk
Mike Mogis: Performer
Baby, Can You Dig Your Man? (Durand Jones, Mike Mogis & Nathaniel Walcott)
Mike Mogis: Performer
Project Blue
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
The Dreams Begin
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
On The Road To Kansas
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
The Trashman In Vegas
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Headin' West
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Larry & Nadine (The Rejection)
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Mother Abigail
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
“Sorry Mister, I Don't Understand” (Tom & Nick Meet)
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Mid Country: By The Stream
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Mother Greets The Multitudes
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
M-O-O-N…That Spells Suicide
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
“One Will Fall By The Way”
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Beginning Of The End
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
The Stand
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Tom & Stu Go Home
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
“Ain't She Beautiful”
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Disc Time:
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Streets Of New York
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Trashy And The Dark Man
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Sewing The Canvas
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Corn Fields
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Locked Up
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
New York No More
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
The Funeral
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Leaving Mother Abigail's
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Las Vegas
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Nadine Seduction
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Table Talk
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Boulder To Vegas
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Trashy Lights Up
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Nadine's Dream
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
War Preparations
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
"Sorry Mister, I Don't Understand" (Tom & Nick Meet)
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
M-O-O-N... That Spells Suicide
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
"One Will Fall By the Way"
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
"Ain't She Beautiful"
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Main Titles
James Newton Howard: Performer
Finding The Keys / Be Careful
James Newton Howard: Performer
Accident / To The Cabin
James Newton Howard: Performer
Gathering Wood / Remembering Duddits
James Newton Howard: Performer
Memory Warehouse
James Newton Howard: Performer
Toasting Duddit
James Newton Howard: Performer
Saving Duddits
James Newton Howard: Performer
Finding Rick
James Newton Howard: Performer
Animal Exodus
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Bathroom / What Is It?
James Newton Howard: Performer
Weasel Kills Beaver
James Newton Howard: Performer
Military Moves In
James Newton Howard: Performer
Scout's Honor
James Newton Howard: Performer
Becky Bleeds
James Newton Howard: Performer
Weasel Attacks Pete
James Newton Howard: Performer
Jonesy And Gray Debate
James Newton Howard: Performer
Henry Returns To The Cabin
James Newton Howard: Performer
Boys Find Josie
James Newton Howard: Performer
I'm That Monster
James Newton Howard: Performer
Gray Kills Pete / Trucker
James Newton Howard: Performer
Jonesy Gets Files
James Newton Howard: Performer
Soldiers Find Henry
James Newton Howard: Performer
Reading Curtis' Mind
James Newton Howard: Performer
Henry Tells Owen
James Newton Howard: Performer
Owen Rescues Henry
James Newton Howard: Performer
Jonesy Calls Henry
James Newton Howard: Performer
Picking Up Duddits
James Newton Howard: Performer
Killing Trooper
James Newton Howard: Performer
Duddits Tells Story
James Newton Howard: Performer
Curtis Takes Chopper
James Newton Howard: Performer
Curtis And Owen Battle
James Newton Howard: Performer
Owen Dead
James Newton Howard: Performer
Mr. Gray Go Away
James Newton Howard: Performer
Duddits and Mr. Gray
James Newton Howard: Performer
It's Over
James Newton Howard: Performer
End Credits
James Newton Howard: Performer
Crystal Voice
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Run
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
Charly The Kid
James Newton Howard: Performer
Escaping Point
James Newton Howard: Performer
Rainbirds Move
James Newton Howard: Performer
Burning Force
James Newton Howard: Performer
Between Realities
James Newton Howard: Performer
Shop Territory
James Newton Howard: Performer
Flash Final
James Newton Howard: Performer
Out Of The Heat
James Newton Howard: Performer
Main Titles – Night #1
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
Hello / Nice Day For Croquet (Tied)
James Newton Howard: Performer
Tire Slash Time / Time To Play
James Newton Howard: Performer
Memory Of Dad
James Newton Howard: Performer
Scary Stop Sign
James Newton Howard: Performer
Read Between The Lines
James Newton Howard: Performer
A Scary View
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Hotel Waits / Comin' To Get Doc / Lend Me A Hand
James Newton Howard: Performer
Danny Holds Back
James Newton Howard: Performer
That's How It Is For Me
James Newton Howard: Performer
Give Me A Holler
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Lonely Wind / The Picture Changes / What's So Sweet About It?
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
A Near Fall
James Newton Howard: Performer
No Sale
James Newton Howard: Performer
Safe As Safe Can Be / There Is No Tony
James Newton Howard: Performer
Night Nest / Freeze You Bastards
James Newton Howard: Performer
End Credits – Night #1
James Newton Howard: Performer
Main Titles – Night #2
James Newton Howard: Performer
How Did He Break His Arm?
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Usual Suspects
James Newton Howard: Performer
Behind The Door
James Newton Howard: Performer
Are You Gonna Hurt Me? / What Does Redrum Mean?
James Newton Howard: Performer
Please Stay
James Newton Howard: Performer
Dollhouse Mallet / Into The Room
James Newton Howard: Performer
Dad On The Radio / That Was Close
James Newton Howard: Performer
A Key Is Missing
James Newton Howard: Performer
Boy On The Stairs
James Newton Howard: Performer
Not My Shade
James Newton Howard: Performer
I'm Not Seeing That / Trapped
James Newton Howard: Performer
They're After Danny
James Newton Howard: Performer
End Credits – Night #2
James Newton Howard: Performer
Main Titles – Night #3
James Newton Howard: Performer
Someone Got Their Fuse Blown
James Newton Howard: Performer
That's Not The Problem
James Newton Howard: Performer
Dad In The Window / Where There's A Will
James Newton Howard: Performer
Drive Through The Snow
James Newton Howard: Performer
Girl With A Knife / Interfering Again
James Newton Howard: Performer
It's A Drag
James Newton Howard: Performer
Nothing But Spooks / Unmask
James Newton Howard: Performer
Batter Up / Run And Hide
James Newton Howard: Performer
Between The Eyes
James Newton Howard: Performer
Here's Jack
James Newton Howard: Performer
What's Been Forgotten
James Newton Howard: Performer
Take Your Medicine
James Newton Howard: Performer
What Could You Know?
James Newton Howard: Performer
Dump It
James Newton Howard: Performer
Think The Party's Over
James Newton Howard: Performer
All's Well That Ends Well
James Newton Howard: Performer
End Credits – Night #3
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
Nice Day For Croquet
James Newton Howard: Performer
What Could You Know
James Newton Howard: Performer
King's Row - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Mr. Destiny - "Mr. Destiny"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Golddiggers - "Bear Mountain"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Boy Who Could Fly - "In The Air"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Adventures Of Huck Finn - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Animal Farm - "End Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Paulie - "Medley"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Mousehunt - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
My Dog Skip - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Diamonds - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Amazing Grace And Chuck - "Hometown"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Bed And Breakfast - "End Credits"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Kimberly - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Free Willy 3 - "Awakening"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael - "In Her Limousine"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
I'll Do Anything - "Matt"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
War Of The Buttons - "Front Titles"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Lionheart - "King Richard"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Deep Blue Sea - "Aftermath"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Evolution - "Our Heroes"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Burbs - "End Titles"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Dragonheart: A New Beginning - "Main Titles"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Amazing Stories: The Mission - "The Landing"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Sky Bandits - "End Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Kull the Conquerer - "Kull the Conquerer"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Terminal Velocity - "Cadillac Freefall"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Vertical Limit - "Three Years Later"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Drop Zone - "Too Many Notes"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Watcher - "Driven"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Alien 3 - "Adagio"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Man on Fire - "Man on Fire"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
We're No Angels - "Introduction and Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Big Kahuna - "The Big Kahuna"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
This World, Then the Fireworks - "The Pick-up"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Touch of Evil - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Man Who Knew Too Little - "The Man Who Knew Too Little"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Cool World - "The Cool World Stomp"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Trimph Of The Spirit - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
On The Beach - "From The Beach, Silently Weeping"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Last Butterfly - "End Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Crossing The Line - "End Titles"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
And The Band Played On - "And The Band Played On"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
It's My Party - "It's My Party"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Careful, He Might Hear You - "Main Theme"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Return To Paradise - "Looking At You"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Instinct - "Everybody Goes"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Tailor Of Panama - "Harry Pendel : The Tailor Of Panama"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Linguini Incident - "Habanera"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Mrs. Parker And The Vicious Circle - "Into Love And Out Again"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Mobsters - "Theme For Mara"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Guilty By Suspicion - "End Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
White Palace - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Lover's Prayer - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Lovesick - "Main Theme"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Zelly And Me - "Zelly And Me"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Dead Again - "The Headlines"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Dolores Claiborne - "End Credits"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Pacific Heights - "Part II"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Bloodline - "Out Of The Past"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Bliss - "Wedding"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Cruel Intentions - "Pussy"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Wild Things - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Presumed Innocent - "Presumed Innocent"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Damage - "The Last Time"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Stars Fell On Henrietta - "Theme And Variations"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Rich In Love - "Stop Thinking About Her"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Stand - "Ain't She Beautiful"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Golden Gate - "Golden Gate"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
M. Butterfly - "M. Butterfly"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Pavilion Of Women - "Together Forever"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Tai Pan - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Othello - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Much Ado About Nothing - "Overture"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Christopher Colombus : The Discovery - "A Hero's Welcome"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Guns Aren't Toys
Mike Mogis: Performer
Headin' West
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
“Sorry Mister, I Don't Understand” (Tom & Nick Meet)
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
“Ain't She Beautiful”
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Leaving Mother Abigail's
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Nadine's Dream
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
"Sorry Mister, I Don't Understand" (Tom & Nick Meet)
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
"Ain't She Beautiful"
W.G. Snuffy Walden: Performer
Scout's Honor
James Newton Howard: Performer
I'm That Monster
James Newton Howard: Performer
Reading Curtis' Mind
James Newton Howard: Performer
It's Over
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Hotel Waits / Comin' To Get Doc / Lend Me A Hand
James Newton Howard: Performer
That's How It Is For Me
James Newton Howard: Performer
The Lonely Wind / The Picture Changes / What's So Sweet About It?
James Newton Howard: Performer
I'm Not Seeing That / Trapped
James Newton Howard: Performer
They're After Danny
James Newton Howard: Performer
That's Not The Problem
James Newton Howard: Performer
Dad In The Window / Where There's A Will
James Newton Howard: Performer
It's A Drag
James Newton Howard: Performer
Here's Jack
James Newton Howard: Performer
What's Been Forgotten
James Newton Howard: Performer
Think The Party's Over
James Newton Howard: Performer
All's Well That Ends Well
James Newton Howard: Performer
King's Row - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
I'll Do Anything - "Matt"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
We're No Angels - "Introduction and Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
It's My Party - "It's My Party"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Lover's Prayer - "Main Title"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
The Stand - "Ain't She Beautiful"
Marco Beltrami: Performer
Christopher Colombus : The Discovery - "A Hero's Welcome"
Marco Beltrami: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Rafael Nunes

As composições musicais conseguem transmitir com maestria os conflitos entre o bem e o mal, refletindo a dualidade presente na narrativa. A trilha sonora é tão impactante que consegue nos transportar para dentro da história, fazendo com que sintamos toda a tensão e drama vividos pelos personagens.

Francisco Leite

No geral, a banda sonora de O Vírus Assassino é um elemento fundamental para a experiência do espectador, complementando de forma brilhante a narrativa e os personagens desta história épica de terror pós-apocalíptico.

Marta Teixeira

A escolha dos instrumentos e dos temas musicais é extremamente acertada, contribuindo para a construção de um ambiente opressivo e desafiador, característico do universo criado por Stephen King.

Teresa Gonçalves

Os temas musicais exploram de forma magistral os dilemas morais enfrentados pelos personagens, adicionando camadas de complexidade emocional à trama.

Rita Pinheiro

Em suma, a trilha sonora é um elemento marcante e essencial para a completa apreciação da adaptação cinematográfica de O Vírus Assassino.

Natalia Gonçalves

A trilha sonora consegue intensificar as cenas de suspense e tensão, deixando o espectador ainda mais imerso na trama e nas lutas entre os seguidores de Mother Abagail e de Randall Flagg.

José Manuel Leite

A banda sonora de O Vírus Assassino consegue capturar a essência do livro de Stephen King, enriquecendo a experiência audiovisual para o espectador.

Beatriz Sousa

A banda sonora de O Vírus Assassino é simplesmente incrível! Cada música consegue capturar perfeitamente a atmosfera sombria e intensa do mundo pós-apocalíptico criado por Stephen King. Os arranjos são poderosos e envolventes, adicionando uma camada extra de emoção a cada cena.

Catarina Almeida

Cada nota musical parece ter sido cuidadosamente escolhida para complementar e realçar as emoções presentes em cada momento da trama. É impossível não se envolver e se emocionar com a música de O Vírus Assassino, tornando-a uma parte essencial e inesquecível da experiência audiovisual.

Sofia Baptista

Os arranjos musicais são poderosos e emotivos, conseguindo captar com maestria a dualidade entre o bem e o mal presente na história de The Stand.

Francisco Figueiredo

As músicas escolhidas conseguem transmitir com eficácia a sensação de desolação e desespero que permeia o mundo devastado pela pandemia de gripe.

Beatriz Castro

A banda sonora de O Vírus Assassino é simplesmente envolvente. Cada faixa musical consegue transmitir perfeitamente a atmosfera sombria e angustiante do mundo pós-apocalíptico criado por Stephen King.

Luisa Gomes

A banda sonora de O Vírus Assassino é um elemento fundamental para a imersão na atmosfera pós-apocalíptica do filme.

Pedro Lopes

A escolha de instrumentos e arranjos é acertada, criando uma ambientação sonora envolvente que acompanha de maneira brilhante as cenas de ação e suspense.

Mariana Sousa

A trilha sonora contribui para a construção da tensão crescente entre os seguidores de Mother Abagail e Randall Flagg, refletindo a dualidade entre o bem e o mal que permeia a narrativa.