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Wild Blood
Valenti e Ferida - executados por partidários. Idolatrados pelo público, um casal famoso e infame dentro e fora das telas. Estrelas do cinema 'telefone branco' endossado pelos fascistas, suas vidas privadas eram tão selvagens quanto os personagens vilões e depravados que retratavam. Impulsionados por um desejo incontrolável por sensação e hábitos de consumo de cocaína avassaladores. Bem, pelo menos era o rumor.
Eles negaram todas as acusações feitas contra eles, alegando que os crimes atribuídos a eles eram invenções, frutos de inveja. No entanto, Valenti e Ferida emprestaram seu glamour ao regime fascista e colaboraram com os alemães. Eles tiveram que pagar. Assim, o pano caiu sobre esses dois atores celebrados, Valenti como sempre no papel de vilão e Ferida mais uma vez interpretando a mulher condenada.
Toque | Título | Artista |
Sangue de Guerra
Geralt of Rivia
Toss A Coin To Your Witcher
Happy Childhoods Make For Dull Company
The Time of Axe and Sword Is Now
They're Alive
Tomorrow I'll Leave Blaviken For Good
Her Sweet Kiss
It's an Ultimatum
Round of Applause
Marilka That's My Name
I'm Helping the Idiot
The Knight Who Was Taught to Save Dragons
The Last Rose of Cintra
Late Wee Pups Don't Get to Bark
You Will Rule This Land Someday
The Fishmonger's Daughter
Blaviken Inn
Man in Black
The Great Cleansing
The Law of Surprise
Battle of Marnadal
Pretty Ballads Hide Bastard Truths
Giltine the Artist
Everytime You Leave
Rewriting History
The End's Beginning
Gold Dragons Are the Rarest
Children Are Our Favorite
Do You Actually Have What It Takes
Point Me to Temeria
Djinni Djinn Djinn
Here's Your Destiny
Two Vows Here Tonight
Bread, Breasts and Beer
Would You Honor Me With a Dance
Four Marks
The Pensive Dragon Inn
A Gift for the Princess
You're in Brokilon Forest
Today Isn't Your Day Is It
Lovely Rendez-vous à la Montagne
Blame Destiny
The White Flame Has Brought Us Together
He's One of the Clean Ones
You Lost Your Chance to Be Beautiful
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Shouldn't You Know When Someone Is Pretending
You'll Have to Fight It Until Dawn
I'm the One with the Wishes
Chaos Is All Around Us
The Curse of the Black Sun
Battle of Sodden
The Song of the White Wolf
The Trail
Marcin Przybyłowicz:
Eredin, King Of The Hunt
Marcin Przybyłowicz:
Wake Up, Ciri
Mikolai Stroinski:
Aen Seidhe
Mikolai Stroinski: