The Darkness Banda sonora (

The Darkness Banda sonora (2016) cobrir

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Avaliação: 4.50/10 do 17000 votos
Etiquetas: criança autista, demônio, impressão da mão, objeto amaldiçoado
Nomes alternativos:
Título em Español:

La oscuridad

Título em Italiano:

The Darkness

Título em English:

The Darkness


The Darkness

Em uma pequena cidade do interior, um grupo de amigos decide explorar uma antiga mansão abandonada. O que eles não sabiam era que a mansão escondia um segredo sombrio que os colocaria em perigo.

Conforme exploram os corredores escuros da mansão, os amigos começam a sentir uma presença sinistra os observando. Ruídos estranhos e sombras misteriosas os deixam apreensivos, mas eles continuam sua busca por respostas.

Quando finalmente descobrem a verdade por trás da mansão, eles percebem que estão lidando com forças sobrenaturais além de sua compreensão. Agora, eles precisam lutar pela própria sobrevivência enquanto tentam desvendar o mistério do The Darkness.

Faça o download e reproduza a lista da trilha sonora

Toque Título Artista
The Darkness
Flight of the Elevator
Martin Rowberry: Writer
Martin Rowberry: Performer
Bee Sting
Mozart Piano Sonata in A
Deep in the Darkness
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
The Deighton Residence
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Rise of the Isolates
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Welcome to Ashborough
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
A Good Fit
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Infiltrating the House
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Don't Trust Lady Zellis
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
You Can Protect Me
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Eyes in the Distance
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
They're Coming for You
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Lauren Hunter Is Hunted
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Black Light Beauty
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
It's Too Late
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Page Returns
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Ashborough Assimilation
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
We're Not Going Back
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Make the Best of It
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
The Swarm
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Crawling for Jessica
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
Back Into the Light
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
COMPLETE SCORE: Opening Title (Tall Grass)*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Train To Catch
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
First Time**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Over There*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
One Shot*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Claws – Revised
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Mahina's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Funeral*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Wall**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Starling's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Lions Reign
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Near Miss*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Prepare For Battle**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
You've Been Hit**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Preparations – Revised
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Trap
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Lions Attack*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Cave*+
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
After You*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Baboon
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
First Kill
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
John's Nightmare*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Remington's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Final Attack – Revised*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Welcome to Tsavo #2 – Revised**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Claws – Revised*+
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Box Car
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Near Miss
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Stand Off
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Disc Time:
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Thicket
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Welcome To Tsavo #2
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
ORIGINAL 1996 ALBUM: Theme From The Ghost And The Darkness
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Bridge
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Catch A Train
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Lions Attack
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
First Time
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Lions Reign
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Prepare For Battle
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Final Attack
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Welcome To Tsavo
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Hamara Haath (“Our Hands Unite”)
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Dueling Chants, Part 1: “Jungal Bahar”
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Safari Ya Bamba (“Journey To Bamba”)
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Terere Obande
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Iye Oyeha
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Theme From " The Ghost And The Darkness"
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Hamara Haath ("Our Hands Unite")
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Dueling Chants, Part I : "Jungal Bahar"
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Safari Ya Bamba ("Journey To Bamba")
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
The Lord of the Rings - Fellowship Theme
David Arnold: Performer
Harry Potter
David Arnold: Performer
My Heart Will Go On
David Arnold: Performer
Love Is All Around
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
David Arnold: Performer
Schindler's List
David Arnold: Performer
The James Bond Theme
David Arnold: Performer
Kissing You
David Arnold: Performer
As Good As It Gets
David Arnold: Performer
Last of the Mohicans
David Arnold: Performer
Robert and Mary
David Arnold: Performer
Streets of Philadelphia
David Arnold: Performer
Nearer My God To Thee
David Arnold: Performer
Star Wars
David Arnold: Performer
Men In Black
David Arnold: Performer
The X-Files
David Arnold: Performer
E.T. - Flying Theme
David Arnold: Performer
Close Encounters
David Arnold: Performer
2001: A Space Odyssey
David Arnold: Performer
Independence Day
David Arnold: Performer
Theme from Mission: Impossible
David Arnold: Performer
Dr. Who
David Arnold: Performer
Beauty and the Beast
David Arnold: Performer
Jurassic Park
David Arnold: Performer
Blade Runner
David Arnold: Performer
The Ghost and the Darkness
David Arnold: Performer
Sleepy Hollow
David Arnold: Performer
The Lord of the Rings - May It Be (Enya)
David Arnold: Performer
We Summon The Darkness
Timothy Williams: Performer
You Bitch
Timothy Williams: Performer
Window Toss
Timothy Williams: Performer
Timothy Williams: Performer
When Will The Sun Rise?
Timothy Williams: Performer
Which One For The Knife?
Timothy Williams: Performer
Parents Away
Timothy Williams: Performer
Get Out!
Timothy Williams: Performer
Jaw Breaker
Timothy Williams: Performer
Cop Killer
Timothy Williams: Performer
Kitchen Courage
Timothy Williams: Performer
Timothy Williams: Performer
Step Moms Home
Timothy Williams: Performer
It's On
Timothy Williams: Performer
Wanna Have Fun?
Timothy Williams: Performer
Pantry Prisoner
Timothy Williams: Performer
Not My Fault
Timothy Williams: Performer
Timothy Williams: Performer
Lock Down
Timothy Williams: Performer
Escape Gone Wrong
Timothy Williams: Performer
Timothy Williams: Performer
Don't Believe Everything
Timothy Williams: Performer
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Dead of Night (A Darkness At Blaisedon) Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
The Night Stalker Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
The Night Strangler Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Dracula Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Trilogy of Terror Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Burnt Offerings Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Dead of Night Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Curse of the Black Widow Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Dark Shadows Suite
Robert Cobert: Performer
Opening Music (feat. Caitlin Sullivan, Kyle Armbrust)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Women's Dance from Aleko (Excerpt) (feat. Tim Fain)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
La mer (Charles Trenet)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Swing Sequence (feat. Caitlin Sullivan, Kyle Armbrust)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
The Monk's Tale
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Main Theme in F# / Poème in F# (feat. Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
The Soldier's Tale
Nicholas Britell: Performer
War Footage
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Post-War Jerusalem (feat. Caitlin Sullivan)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Arieh Goes Out
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Amos Sees Arieh (feat. Caitlin Sullivan, Kyle Armbrust)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Pioneer on the Mountain (feat. Caitlin Sullivan, Kyle Armbrust)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Cossack Lullaby (Traditional) (Natalie Portman)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Emunah V'omanut (feaat. Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Dance of Death (Gavotte)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Into the Darkness
Rick Balentine: Performer
I Don't Want
Rick Balentine: Performer
Permission to Speak
Rick Balentine: Performer
Guardian Angel
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Boat Chase
Rick Balentine: Performer
Keep Your Word (A Chance to Meet Up)
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Rock of Gibraltar
Rick Balentine: Performer
To Your Reward
Rick Balentine: Performer
Rick Balentine: Performer
Maybe Its the Wind
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Tunnels
Rick Balentine: Performer
Security Risk
Rick Balentine: Performer
Walking for Hours
Rick Balentine: Performer
Do You Trust Me?
Rick Balentine: Performer
Something Bad Happened Here
Rick Balentine: Performer
We're Rich!
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Death of Chelsea
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Rock (He's a Monster)
Rick Balentine: Performer
Remember Your Training
Rick Balentine: Performer
It's Been an Honor
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Key
Rick Balentine: Performer
Cave Chase
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Moment of Truth (Go to Hell)
Rick Balentine: Performer
Josh Is Dead
Rick Balentine: Performer
Thats Not Bravo Team Anymore
Rick Balentine: Performer
We Can Out Run Them
Rick Balentine: Performer
In Tenebras
Rick Balentine: Performer
Don't Trust Lady Zellis
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
They're Coming for You
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
It's Too Late
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
We're Not Going Back
Matthew Llewellyn: Performer
I Don't Want
Rick Balentine: Performer
We're Rich!
Rick Balentine: Performer
The Rock (He's a Monster)
Rick Balentine: Performer
It's Been an Honor
Rick Balentine: Performer
Mahina's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Starling's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
You've Been Hit**
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
John's Nightmare*
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Remington's Death
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Jerry Goldsmith: Performer
Schindler's List
David Arnold: Performer
It's On
Timothy Williams: Performer
Don't Believe Everything
Timothy Williams: Performer
Women's Dance from Aleko (Excerpt) (feat. Tim Fain)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
The Monk's Tale
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Main Theme in F# / Poème in F# (feat. Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev)
Nicholas Britell: Performer
The Soldier's Tale
Nicholas Britell: Performer
Emunah V'omanut (feaat. Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev)
Nicholas Britell: Performer

Críticas de usuários

Sara Reis

A escolha das músicas complementa perfeitamente as cenas do filme, intensificando as emoções dos personagens e do público.

Rui Nunes

A banda sonora de The Darkness é simplesmente incrível. Cada música consegue criar uma atmosfera de suspense e terror que complementa perfeitamente a história do jogo.

Paula Ramos

A trilha sonora consegue criar um ambiente imersivo e assustador, fazendo com que o espectador se sinta parte da história.

José Campos

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na banda sonora é impressionante, cada faixa contribui de forma única para a narrativa.

Mónica Correia

Por outro lado, em certos momentos, a música pode parecer um pouco repetitiva e não conseguir se destacar tanto quanto em outros momentos do jogo. Algumas faixas poderiam ter sido mais variadas para manter o interesse do jogador ao longo da experiência.

Joaquim Costa

A banda sonora de The Darkness consegue elevar a qualidade do filme, agregando camadas emocionais e de suspense à trama.

Daniel Guerreiro

Cada música parece ter sido cuidadosamente escolhida para potencializar as cenas e os momentos de tensão do filme.

Fernando Correia

A banda sonora de The Darkness não conseguiu criar uma atmosfera de suspense e terror adequada para a trama envolvente da história. As músicas escolhidas pareciam genéricas e não se conectavam de forma significativa com as cenas de tensão do filme.

Sara Figueiredo

As músicas conseguem captar a essência da trama, tornando a experiência auditiva ainda mais impactante e envolvente.

Carlos Almeida

Os temas musicais escolhidos para acompanhar as diferentes cenas do jogo se encaixam perfeitamente, intensificando as emoções dos jogadores e os mantendo imersos na história. A trilha sonora é bem elaborada e ajuda a construir a ambientação sombria do cenário.

Francisco Correia

Alguns momentos da banda sonora de The Darkness conseguem causar arrepios, principalmente quando combinados com os eventos assustadores que os personagens vivenciam na mansão. A escolha de instrumentos e arranjos musicais é eficaz em aumentar a sensação de medo e suspense.

Sara Fonseca

No geral, a banda sonora de The Darkness cumpre bem o seu papel de complementar a narrativa e a atmosfera do jogo, contribuindo para a imersão dos jogadores no mundo sombrio e perigoso da mansão abandonada.

Luisa Soares

Além disso, a trilha sonora não conseguiu potencializar os momentos de suspense e medo, deixando as cenas impactantes menos eficazes do que poderiam ter sido. A falta de sincronia entre a música e a narrativa acabou prejudicando a imersão do espectador na história assustadora de The Darkness.

Marta Marques

Os temas musicais são memoráveis e conseguem permanecer na mente do público mesmo após o término do filme.

Joaquim Guerreiro

Os arranjos musicais são muito bem elaborados, criando uma sensação de suspense e tensão que envolve o ouvinte do início ao fim.

José Alves

A variedade de estilos musicais presentes na trilha sonora é impressionante, desde composições mais sutis até aquelas que fazem o coração acelerar. Definitivamente, a música desempenha um papel fundamental em tornar a experiência de jogar The Darkness ainda mais cativante e arrepiante.

António Soares

Os sons sinistros e as melodias envolventes conseguem transportar o jogador para o mundo sombrio da mansão abandonada, aumentando a imersão e a tensão a cada momento.

Rita Antunes

A banda sonora de The Darkness é simplesmente incrível. Cada música consegue transmitir perfeitamente a atmosfera sinistra e misteriosa da história.

Francisco Dias

A forma como a trilha sonora se integra à narrativa de The Darkness é simplesmente brilhante, elevando a experiência cinematográfica a outro nível.

Miguel Cardoso

A banda sonora de The Darkness contribui para a atmosfera sinistra e misteriosa do jogo, criando uma sensação de suspense constante. As músicas conseguem transmitir a tensão e o perigo que os personagens enfrentam ao explorar a mansão abandonada.