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'White Dwarf' é uma mistura de história e documentário que examina a cultura de Hollywood quando estrelas cadentes eventualmente perdem seu brilho. O filme narra um dia (e noite) na vida de Gregory, um aspirante a ator surfista de sofá, seu grupo de amigos da 'indústria' e as falsas vidas que eles levam.
Toque | Título | Artista |
White Dwarf
I'm Wishing / One Song - From "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"/Soundtrack Version
Animal Friends / With a Smile and a Song
Adriana Caselotti:
Whistle While You Work
Adriana Caselotti:
The Dwarf Chorus:
Bluddle-Uddle-Um-Dum (The Dwarf's Washing Song)
The Dwarf Chorus:
The Silly Song (The Dwarfs' Yodel Song)
The Dwarf Chorus:
Some Day My Prince Will Come - From "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" / Soundtrack Version
Adriana Caselotti:
Music in Your Soup
The Dwarf Chorus:
You're Never Too Old To Be Young
The Dwarf Chorus:
When You Wish Upon a Star
Give a Little Whistle
Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee (An Actor's Life for Me)
Walter Catlett:
I've Got No Strings
Dickie Jones:
A Real Boy
Main Title - Dumbo - From "Dumbo"/Score
Look Out For Mister Stork - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Chorus - Dumbo:
Loading The Train / Casey Junior / Stork on a Cloud / Straight from Heaven / Mother and Baby / Arrival at Night - Fro...
Chorus - Dumbo:
Song Of The Roustabouts - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Chorus - Dumbo:
Circus Parade - From "Dumbo"/Score
Bathtime / Hide and Seek - From "Dumbo"/Score
Ain't That The Funniest Thing / Berserk / Dumbo Shunned / A Mouse! / Dumbo and Timothy / Dumbo the Great - From "Dumb...
The Pyramid of Pachyderms - From "Dumbo"/Score
No Longer An Elephant / Dumbo's Sadness / A Visit In The Night / Baby Mine - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Betty Noyes:
Clown Song - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Chorus - Dumbo:
Hiccups / Firewater / Bubbles / Did You See That? / Pink Elephants On Parade - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Chorus - Dumbo:
Up A Tree / The Fall / Timothy's Theory - From "Dumbo"/Score
When I See An Elephant Fly - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
You Oughta Be Ashamed - From "Dumbo"/Score
The Flight Test / When I See An Elephant Fly (Reprise) - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Save My Child / The Threshold Of Success - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Dumbo's Triumph / Making History / Finale (When I See An Elephant Fly) - From "Dumbo"/Soundtrack Version
Spread Your Wings (Demo Recording) - From "Dumbo"
Oliver Wallace:
Main Title (Love Is a Song) - Soundtrack
Sleepy Morning In The Woods/The Young Prince/Learning to Walk - From "Bambi"/Score
Exploring / Say Bird / Flower - From "Bambi"/Score
Little April Shower - From "Bambi"/Soundtrack Version
Disney Studio Chorus:
Amy Lou Barnes: Artista Sally Mueller: Artista Mary Moder: Artista Alice Sixer: Artista Betty Bayne: Artista |
The Meadow / Bambi Sees Faline / Bambi Gets Annoyed - From "Bambi"/Score
Gallop Of The Stags / The Great Prince of the Forest / Man - From "Bambi"/Score
Autumn / The First Snow / Fun on the Ice - From "Bambi"/Score
The End Of Winter / New Spring Grass / Tragedy in the Meadow - From "Bambi"/Score
Wintery Winds - From "Bambi"/Score
Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song - From "Bambi"/Soundtrack Version
Disney Studio Chorus:
It Could Even Happen to Flower - From "Bambi"/Score
Bambi Gets Twitterpated / Stag Fight - From "Bambi"/Score
Looking for Romance (I Bring You a Song) - From "Bambi"/Soundtrack Version
Man Returns - From "Bambi"/Score
Fire / Reunion / Finale - From "Bambi"/Soundtrack Version
Rain Drops (Demo Recording) - From "Bambi"/Soundtrack Version
Disney Studio Chorus:
Walt Disney Interview
Walt Disney:
Ollie Johnston & Frank Thomas Interview
Henry Mancini Interview
Henry Mancini:
Main Title / Cinderella - From "Cinderella"/Soundtrack Version
Cinderella Chorus:
A Dream Is a Wish Your Heart Makes - From "Cinderella" / Soundtrack Version
A Visitor / Caught In A Trap / Lucifer / Feed The Chickens / Breakfast Is Served / Time On Our Hands
The King's Plan
The Music Lesson / Oh, Sing Sweet Nightingale / Bad Boy Lucifer /A Message From His Majesty
Little Dressmakers / The Work Song / Scavenger Hunt /A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes / The Dress / My Beads / Esca...
Mice Chorus:
Where Did I Put That Thing / Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo (The Magic Song)
Verna Felton:
Reception At The Palace / So This Is Love
The Stroke Of Midnight / Thank You Fairy Godmother