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Yesterday I Asked You
Yesterday I asked you to remember the first time you fell in love. I asked you to remember the way your heart raced, the way your palms sweated, the way your stomach flipped. I asked you to remember the way you couldn't stop thinking about that person, the way you felt like you were walking on air. I asked you to remember the way you smiled every time you saw them, the way your whole world seemed to revolve around them.
Yesterday I asked you to remember the way you felt when they looked at you, the way their eyes seemed to see right through you. I asked you to remember the way their touch sent shivers down your spine, the way their voice made your heart skip a beat. I asked you to remember the way you felt when they said they loved you, the way your whole being seemed to light up with joy.
Yesterday I asked you to remember all of this, not to dwell on the past or to pine for lost love, but to remind yourself that love is a powerful force. It can make us feel alive, it can make us feel whole, it can make us feel like we are truly living. So take a moment today to remember the first time you fell in love, and let that memory fill you with gratitude for the love that surrounds you now.