13. gün Film müziği (

13. gün Film müziği (2009) örtmek

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Değerlendirme: 5.50/10 itibaren 116000 oy
Etiketler: kamp ateşi, su kayağı, slasher hareketi, kan
Alternatif İsimler:
Başlık Español:

Viernes 13

Başlık Italiano:

Venerdì 13

Başlık Português:

Sexta-Feira 13

Başlık English:

Friday the 13th

Başlık Français:

Vendredi 13

Başlık Deutsch:

Freitag der 13.


Bir grup genç yetişkin, 1980'de bir dizi korkunç cinayetin işlendiği söylenen terk edilmiş yaz kampının yakınında çadır kurdu. Fail, yaslı bir anneydi ve inandığı çocuğu Jason'ın boğulmasıyla deliye döndü. kamp danışmanları tarafından ihmal edildi. Efsaneye göre, saldırılardan kurtulan son kişi kadının kafasını kesti. Ama sonra Jason geri geldi ve şimdi o, arbaletler, kılıçlar, baltalar ve diğer keskin aletler kullanan intikamcı ve amansız bir katil. Bu kampçıların çabucak keşfettiği gibi, efsane korkunç bir şekilde doğru çıkıyor. Altı hafta sonra, o kampçılardan birinin erkek kardeşi, kayıp kız kardeşinin posterlerini dağıtır. Polis onun erkek arkadaşıyla kaçtığını düşünüyor; ama o daha iyisini bilir. Kardeşinin yolları, kız arkadaşını ve arkadaşlarını ailesinin kulübesine getiren gergin genç zengin bir adamla kesişir. Kardeşi, kız kardeşine saldıran herkesin üzerine saldırmadan hemen önce kendini kulübede bulur.

Soundtrack listesini indirin ve oynatın

Oyna Başlık Artist
13. gün
Jason Vocal EFX
Sister Christian
Night Ranger: Icracı
Kelly Keagy: Yazar
I Like It, I Love It
Lyrics Born: Icracı
Get 'em Up
Ali Dee: Yazar
Chris Classic: Icracı
Freak Ya Loneliness
Bumblebeez: Icracı
Post Millennium Extinction Blues
She Does
Locksley: Icracı
My Favorite Book
Stars: Icracı
Amy Millan: Yazar
Tick Tick Boom
Nicholaus Arson: Yazar
The Hives: Icracı
Night Train
The Kills: Icracı
Jamie Hince: Yazar
Shove It
Santigold: Icracı
Santigold: Yazar
Friday The 13th Jason Vocal Effects
Sister Christian (Night Ranger)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Freak Your Loneliness (Bumblebeez)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Get Em Up (Classic)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Post Millennium Extinction Blues (Living Things)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
She Does (Locksley)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
My Favourite Book (Stars)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Tick Tick Boom (The Hives)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Doin' Things (Three A.M.)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
I Like It, I Love It (Lyrics Born)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Night Train (The Kills)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
No Way To Stop It (Jimmy Gresham)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Shove It (Santogold)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Friday The 13th Opening Title (Steve Jablonsky)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Overlay of Evil
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Barn / Main Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Banjo Travelin' (source)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Goes to the Lake / The Arrow*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Say, Isn't That the Road? / Jeepers / Annie Gets It
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Transition to Lake*† / Brenda Sees Something**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Death of a Snake**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph in the Pantry / Ralph Leaves
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Hello, Can I Help You?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ned in Bed / Don't Smoke in Bed!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Not Tonight Jack, I Have a Headache
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Brenda in the Bathroom / Help Me / Brenda in Lights
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Bed Axe / The Light Flash / Lights Out
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice on the Couch
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Bill Hangs Around**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Run Alice, Run!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Brenda Drops In
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I'm Mrs. Voorhees
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Kill Her Mommy
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
No Place to Hide
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Hides in the Pantry*† / Pantry Fight
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Walks Along the Lake*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Last Fight
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Boat on the Water / Jason in the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Final Shot *†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS TRACKS: Ned Whistles (Alternate Source)*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Värmlandsvisan (Guitar Source)*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph in the Pantry / Ralph Leaves (w/o Flanger)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Bed Axe (w/o Flanger)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Flashback Overlay*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Boat on the Water (Complete)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Boat on the Water (Complete w/o Flanger)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sail Away Tiny Sparrow (Angela Rotella)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Overlay of Evil / Main Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Banjo Travelin'
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Goes to the Lake (Parts 1 and 2)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Back Up to Annie Alone
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mrs. V Watches
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph in the Pantry
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Don't Smoke in Bed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Not Tonight, I've Got a Headache
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Brenda in Lights
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Bed Axe
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Runs to Cabin
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mrs. V Comes Clean
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Runs to Light
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Last Fight / The Chop to the End
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Boat on the Water - Closing Theme 1 / Jason in the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Closing Theme
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS CUE: Sail Away Tiny Sparrow
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Theme from Friday the 13th, Part III ((H. Manfredini, M. Zager, performed by Hot Ice)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Introduction to Horror
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Excerpts in Terror
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Moments of madness
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Goes To the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Run To Light
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Boat On The Water / Closing Theme 1 / Jason In The Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sail Away Tiny Sparrow
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Boat on the Water - Closing Theme 1 / Jason in the Lake (contains music from "Sail Away Tiny Sparrow")
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS CUEUE: Closing Theme
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sail Away Tiny Sparrow (Music and lyrics by Harry Manfredini and John R. Briggs)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Disc Time:
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alice Hangs Up
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Keep a Cool Head (aka Main Title)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph Gets Cursed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Terry Looks for Muffin
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jeff and Sandy are Watched
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Chase / Sheriff Visits Villa Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Terry in Lake / Dolly In, Scott Out
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vickie is Watched / Jason at Door
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vickie Goes Up
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason and Paul Meet
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ragtop and Running Ragged
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ginny Under the Bed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ginny Visits Villa Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's at the Door
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Return to Chez Jason / Titles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Part 2 Flashback*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Theme from Friday the 13TH Part 3
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The General Store*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Meat Cleaver*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Arriving at the Barn / Fake Axe*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Go for a Swim*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's Up There?*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Barn*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Pipe Wrench*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Bedroom*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Flashback to Meeting Jason*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chuck Walks to Outhouse*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Lake Dock*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Shelly Goes to The Barn*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Wallet in the Lake*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Debbie Takes a Shower*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Walking On Hands*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Fuse Box*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chili Bites the Big One
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Nobody Home
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Eyes Have It
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Down Stairs to Barn
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Hung
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Grabs Rope
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Dead in Barn / End Credit Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
What Boy, Ma'am? / Main Titles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Morgue*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Hacksaw to Throat*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Squeezing the Banana*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dock Prank*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Stalled Car*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy's Room
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Midnight Skinny Dip*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Paul Gets the Point*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mom Looks for Kids*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lights Out*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jimmy is Screwed* / Tina Thrown* / Ted Watches Movie*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lights! Camera! Hacktion!*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
You Give Me Cleaver*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Trish and Rob
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy Reads / Trish Pleads / Rob and Trish Meet Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Main Titles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy Alone
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy Scares Reggie / Tommy Watches
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vic Chops / Roy Reacts
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Peter in the Woods
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vinnie's Front Seat / Jason in the Mirror
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy and Mask / Lana in the Diner
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Billy's Head
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy at Window
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Drive to Demon's / Tommy Meets Jr / Anita and Demon
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Junior's Head / Jake's Head
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Robin Covers Reggie
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Robin and Jake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Pam and Reggie Meet Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Reggie is Caught / Pam Attacks
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Pam and Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy's Dream
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason's Final Visit
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Window / Tommy at Door / End Titles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS TRACKS: Heavy Metal**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Cemetery / Coffins and Maggots and Worms--Oh My!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Here We Go Again (Opening Titles)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
He Only Takes Visa
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Caretaker***
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Survivalists
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Marty, Kathleen, Steve, Annette, and Who Else?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Play "Camp Blood"
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
He Was Everywhere, Like TV
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Cort and Nikki Check Wire***
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Megan Balances Business with Pleasure
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Real TV Nightmare***
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Paula Feels the Tension
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
You Drive, Hot Lips
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Gang's All Here
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I Wanna Hold Your Head / Jason Takes a Dip
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Out
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Unused Cue (No Title)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Rescue / Finale
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Dream
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Keep a Cool Head / Main Title**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Prowler in the Woods**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ginny Gets Followed*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph Gets Cursed**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Looking for Muffin**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jeff and Sandy Sneak Off to Camp Blood
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Chase / The Sheriff Visits Villa Jason**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Terry in the Lake / Scott's Out / Terry Finds Scott
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vickie Gets Ready / Mark Meets Jason**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jeff and Sandy Get a Visit from Guess Who?**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vickie Visits Jeff, Sandy, and You Know Who**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Paul and Ginny Meet Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ragtop, Running Ragged / Ginny Under Bed**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chairman of the Boards**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ginny Pays a Visit to Chez Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's at the Door? / Jason Pops In **†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Return to Chez Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS TRACKS: The Dream Bed (Complete)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ralph Gets Cursed (w/o Flanger)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Rock + Roll Source #1 (Mono)**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Rock + Roll Source #2 (Mono)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Rock + Roll Source #3 (Mono)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harmonica Source**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Random Dissolves*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Random Dissolves (no Brass, Mono)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Title Buttons (Mono)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Theme from Friday the 13TH Part 3 (Harry Manfredini and Michael Zager)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE A: Flashback
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Keep a cool Head (Main Title)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Chase / Sheriff Visits / Villa Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE B: Vickie Is Watched / Jason at Door
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's At The Door?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Return To Chez Jason / End Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part 2 Flashback
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Theme from Friday the 13th Part 3 (Hot Ice)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The General Store
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Meat Cleaver and Knitting Needles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Shelly Fake Stabs Andy*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Arriving at Higgins Haven / Fake Axe
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Go For a Swim
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's Up There?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Barn / The Pipe Wrench
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Bedroom
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Flashback to Meeting Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chuck Walks to Outhouse
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Lake Dock
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Shelly Goes to the Barn
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Wallet in the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Debbie Takes a Shower
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Walking on Hands
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Debbie's Demise / The Fuse Box
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Shelly is Really Dead
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Where Is Everybody?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chris Discovers the Bodies**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Chris Escapes Jason and Hides in the Barn
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Hung (film version)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Remember Me?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Canoe on the Lake**†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Dead in the Barn**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
End Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
BONUS TRACKS: Shelly and Vera Bug Out*†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Hung (original version)**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Rock Bottom (performed by Hot Ice)*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Part 2 Flashback
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Theme from Friday the 13th, Pt. 3 (Michael Zager)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Meat Cleaver
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Arriving at the Barn / Fake Axe
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
In the Barn
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Pipe Wrench
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Fuse Box
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE A: Part 2 Flashback
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE B: Let's Go for a swim
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE C: Walking On Hands
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE D: Jason Hung
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Dead in Barn/ End Credit Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Heavy Metal
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Punk Funk
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
La Muerte De Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Punk Funk**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Cemetery / Coffins and Maggots and Worms -- Oh My!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Caretaker*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Play “Camp Blood”
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Cort and Nikki Check Wire*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Real TV Nightmare*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Main Title (Cast and Crew)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dad's Death
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina's Theme
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Pier 12 Years Later
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Matchbook Exercise
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina Summons
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Resurrected
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina's Vision
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
This Is Some Birthday
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mom, I Saw Him Again**
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dan and Judy*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Impales Dan
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sleeping Bag Bash*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Nick and Tina
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Pearls Go Flying
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I Hate This Place*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Flying TV
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Skinny Dip***
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Russel Gets Axed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mom in the Study
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina Overhears Crashes
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Death From Above
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Kate's Murder
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Nick and Tina Find Mike
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Blood on the Floor*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
It Was Him in the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Robin's Death
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Human Body Shield*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Death by Bush Trimmer*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina Finds Mom and Meets Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Melissa Meets Jason / Confrontation
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Comes up for Air / Jason Unmasked
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason Grabs Tina / Nails / Tina Burns Jason
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Resurrecting Dad
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ambulance / Where's Jason We Took Care of Him
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
End Credits
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Main Title
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mom, I Saw Him Again
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dan and Judy
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sleeping Bag Bash
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I Hate This Place
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Skinny Dip
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Russell Gets Axed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Blood on the Floor
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Human Body Shield
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Death by Bush Trimmer
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ambulance / Where's Jason? We Took Care of Him
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - The New Blood
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Prologue/Hockey Mask
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Dad's Dead/The Pier/Matchbook/Tina Summons/Dan's Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Nick & Tina/Pearls Go Flying
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Flying TV/Russell's Head/Sandra Pulled Down/Mom In The Study
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Hearing Crashes/Kate's Murder/Nick & Tina Find Mike
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - More Nick & Tina/Robin's Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII: The New Blood - End Credits
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Story Of Jason/Jason Resurrected/Impractical Joke/End Of Jimmy
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Goodbye Suzie/Ghost Boat/Jason On Board
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Porthole/False Alarm/Sauna Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Rennie Overboard/Mirror/Sayonara Tamera/The Bridge
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Discovering Dad/McCullock Angry/Drop Anchors/Eva Finds Tamera/Wayne's Demise
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Wayne Fries/Jason Kills/Cabin Flashback/The Galley/Jump Ship
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - The Lifeboat/Arriving In NY/Jason In The Apple/Rennie's Abduction/Jason & The Punk/Jason
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Sean Finds Rennie/Police Car/After Collision/Sink Or Swim/Goodbye McCullock/Sean & Renni
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“The Darkest Side of the Night” (Mollin/Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Story of Jason / Jason Resurrected / Impractical Joke
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The End of Jimmy / Goodbye Suzi
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Ghost People / Jason on Board / Porthole Flashback
Fred Mollin: Icracı
False Alarm / Sauna Death / Rennie Overboard
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Mirror Flashback / Sayanara Tamara / To the Bridge, Masked Man
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Discovering Dad / McCulloch Gets Angry / Dropping the Anchor / Eva Finds Tamara / Wayne's Demise / Wayne Fries
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Jason Kills Two / Flashback in the Cabin / In the Galley / Jump Ship
Fred Mollin: Icracı
In the Lifeboat / Arriving in New York / Jason Arrives in New York / Rennie's Abduction
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Rennie and the Punks / Jason and the Punk / Jason and Julius / Heads Up, Julius
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean Finds Rennie / Freeze!* / Police Car Adventure
Fred Mollin: Icracı
After the Collision / Sink or Swim / Goodbye McCulloch
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean and Rennie / Jason Breaks It Up / Into the Subway / Subway Chase / Jason Fries
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Safe at Last (Just Kidding) / Rennie and Sean See Jason / Jason and the Waitress / Down to the Sewer / Goodbye Sewer Wor
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sewer Chase / Toxic Flood / The End of Jason
Fred Mollin: Icracı
BONUS TRACKS: “Broken Dream” (Mollin/Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“Livin' in the City” (S. Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“J.J.'s Blues” (S. Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“The Darkest Side of the Night” (instrumental)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
SIDE A: Story of Jason / Jason Resurrected / Impractical Joke / End of Jimmy
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Goodbye Suzie / Ghost Boat / Jason on Board
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Porthole / False Alarm / Sauna Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Rennie Overboard / Mirror / Sayonara Tamera / The Bridge
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Discovering Dad / McCullock Angry / Drop Anchors / Eva Finds Tamera / Wayne's Demise
Fred Mollin: Icracı
SIDE B: Wayne Fries / Jason Kills / Cabin Flashback / The Galley / Jump Ship
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Lifeboat / Arriving in NY / Jason in the Big Apple / Rennie's Abduction / Jason and the Punks / Jason and Julius / H
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean Finds Rennie / Police Car / After the Collision / Sink or Swim / Goodbye McCullock / Sean and Rennie / Jason Breaks
Fred Mollin: Icracı
SIDE C: Jason An the Punks
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Jason And Julius
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Heads Up, Julius
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean Finds Rennie
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Police Car Adventure
Fred Mollin: Icracı
After the Collision
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sink or Swim
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean And Rennie
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Jason Breaks It Up
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Jason Fries
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Rennie And John See Jason
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Jason And the Waiters
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Down to the Sewer
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Goodbye Sewer Worker
Fred Mollin: Icracı
SIDE D: Sewer Chase / The Toxic Flood
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The End of Jason
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Rennie And the Punks
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Into the Subway
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Subway Chase
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Safe at Last
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Darkest Side of the Night
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Morgue
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Hacksaw to Throat
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Squeezing the Banana
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dock Prank
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Stalled Car
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Midnight Skinny Dip
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Paul Gets the Point
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Mom Looks for Kids
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lights Out
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jimmy is Screwed / Tina Thrown / Ted Watches Movie
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lights! Camera! Hacktion!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
You Give Me Cleaver
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Welcome to Your Nightmare
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Camp Blood
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lessons in Fear
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Massacre on the Lake
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Consumed by the Woods
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Terror Comes in Many Forms
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Kill Zone
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Begging for Your Life
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Make a Run for It
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
No One Makes It Out Alive
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
A Cabin In the Woods
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I Think I'm Alone Now (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
No One Can Help Me (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Slow and Painful (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
A New Beginning (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Alone and Dying (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Sheer Terror
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Final Gasp (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Lakeside Rampage
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Friday the 13th: The Game – Release Trailer
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Laying The Traps
Dream Attack
Rod Hanged / Night Stalking
Jail Cell
Sleep Clinic
Terror In The Tub
No Escape
School Horror / Stay Awake
Telephone Terror
Fountain Of Blood
Evil Freddy
Final Search
Run Nancy
BONUS / UNRELEASED: Horror Movie (source cue)
Nancy Glen
Freddy's Hat
Bridge Talk
Bars On Windows
Freddy's Glove
Dad At Glen's
Boiler Room
Show Yourself
Morning After
DEMOS: Freddy #1 (mono)
Weird #1 (stereo)
Chase #1 (stereo)
Chase #2 (mono)
Rhythm #1 (stereo)
Theme Sketch (stereo)
Concert Overture: A Nightmare On Elm Street (Home Mockup Sketch, Summer 2015) (stereo)
...And Leave The Driving To Us
Furnace Flare-Up
Kissing Freddy On The Catwalk
Jump Rope
Fire Bird
Dream Heat
Necromancer's Spell
Kill For Me
Sports Attack / Threatening Angela
Freed Of Her
BONUS / UNRELEASED (mono & stereo): The Horror In My Head
Wake Up
My Sick Toaster (stereo)
Any Dream Will Do (stereo)
Daymare (stereo)
Which Witness
Not Again
Wrong Turn Right
Head On Fire
Feet On Fire
Sting Thing #1
Sting Thing #2
Sting Thing #3
Sting Thing #4
Hells Bells
Nightmare On Elm Street Suite – “Suite Dreams” (stereo)
Opening (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Puppet Walk
Save The Children
Taryn's Deepest Fear
Deceptive Romance
Snake Attack
Magic Butterfly
The Embrace
Quiet Room / Wheelchair / Icy Bones
Rumbling Room
The Dream House
Is Freddy Gone? / Trouble Starting / Prime Time TV / Icy Window
Grave Walk
Nursery Theme
Light's Out
BONUS / UNRELEASED MUSIC (mono): Main Title (Film Version)
Dreaming / Basement Chase (composed by Ken Harrison)
Bathroom Attack / Computer
The Snake (composed by Ken Harrison) (Film Version)
Sleepwalk (composed by Ken Harrison) (Film Version)
Prime Time
Junkyard Intro / Mom's Head
Alley Part A (composed by Ken Harrison) / Alley Part B (composed by Ken Harrison) (Film Version)
Freddy Hell (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Skeleton Fight (composed by Ken Harrison) / Mirrors
Dad Descends / Nancy Dies (composed by Ken Harrison)
Kristen's Haunted Dream (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Freddy's Back (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Kincaid Killed In Junkyard
Joey's Wet Dream
Drugged To Death
Alice Lured Into Dream
Rick's Kung Fu Death
Freddy's Pizza Restaurant
Debbie Checks In / Time Circles
Sheila Sucks Face
Freddy's Calliope
Alice Battles Freddy
Corpus Krueger
BONUS / UNRELEASED (mono): Locker Scare / Boiler Scare (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein) / Bug Scare / Daydream B
Alice At Mirror / Mom Discovers Joey / Kristen Faints / Freddy As Nurse / Daytime House (composed by Charles Bernstein)
Alice Looks At Sidewalk / Kristen Dies Part D / Burning Bed / Alice Smokes In Bathroom
Alice Laments / Sleep Clinic (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein) / Daydream C
Freddy Reflection (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein) / Alice Wakes / Mind Over Matter / Hospital Arrival
Resurrection (songtrack album score suite) (stereo)
Prologue – Elm Street Kids
It's A Boy!
Freddy Delivers
Family Plot
Yvonne Takes The Plunge
Mr. Sandman, Bring Me A Dream
Don't Dream And Drive
Like Father, Like Son
Mark Visits Elm Street (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Hell On Wheels
Another Brick In The Wall
Stuffed / Choked (Gag Me With A Spoon)
The Asylum
There Was A Crooked Man
Freddy's Stroller
Super Freddy
Freddy Cuts Up
Mr. And Mrs. Jordan
Party At Club Fred
Amanda's Tune
Jacob's Story
Bewitched, Bothered And Bewildered
Don't Look Down
St. Elm Street's Child
Toys For Tots
I've Got You Under My Skin
Kicking And Screaming
Womb With A V.U.
BONUS/UNRELEASED (stereo): Nightmare Theme Insert A (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Nightmare Theme Insert B (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Bed Fred Sting
BONUS / UNRELEASED (mono): New Line Logo / Main Title (Film Version)
Rape / Bed Fred / Freddy Sting
Elm Street Kids (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Delivery Room (Birth)
Crash / You Are Pregnant
Jacob / Greta's Room
Greta's Room Reprise
Mark's World Continued (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein) / Jacob Wait / Resolute Mark
The Womb / Keep The Baby
Greta's Doll
Yvonne Goes To The Asylum
Opening Titles
Doc's Dream Theory
John's Eyeball
Maggie's First Dream
Wizard Of Odd
The Dream Continues
John's Dream
Crossing The Line
No Kids At The Fair
Map Hell
Freddy “101”
There's No Way Out
Checking Out The House
Mama's Q-Tip
Freddy Wins
I Hate This House
Back With Doc
Defend Myself (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Maggie Faces Freddy
Tracy's Dad
Tracy And Freddy's Fight
It's Me Or Him
Freddy's Dad
Freddy Is Made Forever
Freddy Into Reality
It's Me or Him II
Happy Father's Day
BONUS / UNRELEASED MUSIC (mono): Little Girl On Place / Awakening I
Going My Way / John On The Bus
Slam Dunk / Van To Fair / Jesus
Tracy Finds Hearing Aid
The Orphanage
Maggie Sees Watertower / Trying To Save Spencer / Inside Spencer's Dream / Freddy Wins Spencer B / Spencer's Fall
Freddy Gets John's Soul
Doc Looks For Tracy / Freddy Out / The Dream People
Video Game Suite (Ashley Irwin)
Opening & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson and Charles Bernstein)
Claw Attack
Chase And Heather
Wall Scratches & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Freddy Calls
TV Show Source (written By Charles Bernstein, arranged by J. Peter Robinson)
Freddy's Back & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Dylan / Rex Saved Me / Heather Explains / Bedtime Story (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Cha
Chase's Blues (written by J. Peter Robinson, Tom Canning, Mike Rockwell)
Chase Gets The Claw
Funeral Part A & B
Nosebleed (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
The Park
Dylan Meets God
Painting At Robert Englunds Part A & B
Dylan Attacks Heather
Childhood Schizophrenia
Wes & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Miss Me??!!
Everything Is NOT Fine
Julie Killed
Transformation / Emergence & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Be
Dylan / Eels / Chasing Dylan / Heather To Rescue / Explosions
Read Me A Story & Theme Overlay (written by J. Peter Robinson and Charles Bernstein) / End Credits
Nightmare Theme / Boiler Room / Freddy Recap
Make Em Remember
Outside The Window
Open Back Door
Gibbs Shower, Trey Gets Killed
Police Station
Girl With No Eyes
Blake Meets Freddy
Dad Loses Head
Psych Ward At Night
Orange Juice
Lori Passes Out
Mark Hassles Lori
Got Your Nose
Run From School
Library / Will And Mark In Van
Gibb In The Cornfield / Into The Silo
Gibb Meets Freddy
Jason Sees Raver
Pig To Fuck
I Was There Lori
Bathtub / Mark Dies
You Understand
French Kiss
Security Control Room
Stoner Bug
Destroying Hypnocil
Attack in Control Room
Jason's First Dream
Dream Fight Part A
Dream Fight Part B
Jason's Weakness
Jason Unmasked
Freddy Gets Young Jason
Wake Up Lori
Jason Goes After Freddy
Linderman Dies
Man The Torpedoes
The Dock
Freddy Dies / Finale - Friday the 13th: The Series (composed by Harry Manfredi)
Opening Title
John Corlis: Icracı
Jason Can't Be Killed
John Corlis: Icracı
Rodent Box
John Corlis: Icracı
Screaming Eagle
John Corlis: Icracı
Pass the Blow
John Corlis: Icracı
Hot Commodity
John Corlis: Icracı
Living Through the 80s Is Hard
John Corlis: Icracı
Is This a Joke
John Corlis: Icracı
Camp Crystal Lake
John Corlis: Icracı
Black Market Mission
John Corlis: Icracı
80s Fever
John Corlis: Icracı
Drive Me Mad
John Corlis: Icracı
Crystal Lake Memories
John Corlis: Icracı
Get Out
John Corlis: Icracı
Sacrifice in the Woods
John Corlis: Icracı
Strip or Smoke
John Corlis: Icracı
John Corlis: Icracı
Jason in Outer Space
John Corlis: Icracı
Going with the Times
John Corlis: Icracı
End Times
John Corlis: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - The Lifeboat/Arriving In NY/Jason In The Apple/Rennie's Abduction/Jason & The Punk/Jason
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Sean Finds Rennie/Police Car/After Collision/Sink Or Swim/Goodbye McCullock/Sean & Renni
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Safe at Last (Just Kidding) / Rennie and Sean See Jason / Jason and the Waitress / Down to the Sewer / Goodbye Sewer Wor
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Lifeboat / Arriving in NY / Jason in the Big Apple / Rennie's Abduction / Jason and the Punks / Jason and Julius / H
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean Finds Rennie / Police Car / After the Collision / Sink or Swim / Goodbye McCullock / Sean and Rennie / Jason Breaks
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Dylan / Rex Saved Me / Heather Explains / Bedtime Story (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Cha
Transformation / Emergence & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Be
Doin' Things (Three A.M.)
Steve Jablonsky: Icracı
Banjo Travelin' (source)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Say, Isn't That the Road? / Jeepers / Annie Gets It
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ned in Bed / Don't Smoke in Bed!
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I'm Mrs. Voorhees
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Banjo Travelin'
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Don't Smoke in Bed
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Not Tonight, I've Got a Headache
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's at the Door
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Go for a Swim*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's Up There?*
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
What Boy, Ma'am? / Main Titles
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy's Room
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Vinnie's Front Seat / Jason in the Mirror
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Billy's Head
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Drive to Demon's / Tommy Meets Jr / Anita and Demon
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Junior's Head / Jake's Head
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tommy's Dream
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Jason's Final Visit
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Play "Camp Blood"
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
The Gang's All Here
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Terry in the Lake / Scott's Out / Terry Finds Scott
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's at the Door? / Jason Pops In **†
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's At The Door?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Go For a Swim
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Who's Up There?
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Debbie's Demise / The Fuse Box
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
SIDE B: Let's Go for a swim
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Let's Play “Camp Blood”
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Dad's Death
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina's Theme
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Tina's Vision
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Kate's Murder
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Robin's Death
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ambulance / Where's Jason We Took Care of Him
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Ambulance / Where's Jason? We Took Care of Him
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Dad's Dead/The Pier/Matchbook/Tina Summons/Dan's Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Flying TV/Russell's Head/Sandra Pulled Down/Mom In The Study
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - Hearing Crashes/Kate's Murder/Nick & Tina Find Mike
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VII - More Nick & Tina/Robin's Death
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Discovering Dad/McCullock Angry/Drop Anchors/Eva Finds Tamera/Wayne's Demise
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - The Lifeboat/Arriving In NY/Jason In The Apple/Rennie's Abduction/Jason & The Punk/
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Friday The 13th Part VIII - Sean Finds Rennie/Police Car/After Collision/Sink Or Swim/Goodbye McCullock/Sean & Renni
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Discovering Dad / McCulloch Gets Angry / Dropping the Anchor / Eva Finds Tamara / Wayne's Demise / Wayne Fries
Fred Mollin: Icracı
In the Lifeboat / Arriving in New York / Jason Arrives in New York / Rennie's Abduction
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Safe at Last (Just Kidding) / Rennie and Sean See Jason / Jason and the Waitress / Down to the Sewer / Goodbye Sewer Wor
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“Livin' in the City” (S. Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
“J.J.'s Blues” (S. Meissner)
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Discovering Dad / McCullock Angry / Drop Anchors / Eva Finds Tamera / Wayne's Demise
Fred Mollin: Icracı
The Lifeboat / Arriving in NY / Jason in the Big Apple / Rennie's Abduction / Jason and the Punks / Jason and Juliu
Fred Mollin: Icracı
Sean Finds Rennie / Police Car / After the Collision / Sink or Swim / Goodbye McCullock / Sean and Rennie / Jason Breaks
Fred Mollin: Icracı
You Can Run, But You Can't Hide
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
I Think I'm Alone Now (Single Player)
Harry Manfredini: Icracı
Freddy's Hat
Freddy's Glove
Dad At Glen's
Necromancer's Spell
Taryn's Deepest Fear
Light's Out
Junkyard Intro / Mom's Head
Kristen's Haunted Dream (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Freddy's Back (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Joey's Wet Dream
Rick's Kung Fu Death
Freddy's Pizza Restaurant
Freddy's Calliope
It's A Boy!
Don't Dream And Drive
Freddy's Stroller
Amanda's Tune
Jacob's Story
Don't Look Down
St. Elm Street's Child
I've Got You Under My Skin
Jacob / Greta's Room
Greta's Room Reprise
Mark's World Continued (Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein) / Jacob Wait / Resolute Mark
Greta's Doll
Doc's Dream Theory
John's Eyeball
Maggie's First Dream
John's Dream
There's No Way Out
Mama's Q-Tip
Tracy's Dad
Tracy And Freddy's Fight
It's Me Or Him
Freddy's Dad
It's Me or Him II
Happy Father's Day
Maggie Sees Watertower / Trying To Save Spencer / Inside Spencer's Dream / Freddy Wins Spencer B / Spencer's F
Freddy Gets John's Soul
Freddy's Back & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Bernstein)
Dylan / Rex Saved Me / Heather Explains / Bedtime Story (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Cha
Chase's Blues (written by J. Peter Robinson, Tom Canning, Mike Rockwell)
Transformation / Emergence & Theme (Overlay) (written by J. Peter Robinson, including Elm Street Theme by Charles Be
Jason's First Dream
Jason's Weakness
Jason Can't Be Killed
John Corlis: Icracı

Kullanıcı yorumları

Melek Bozkurt

Enstrüman seçimi ve düzenlemeler, korku ve gerilim duygusunu başarılı bir şekilde iletiyor.

Hatice Erdoğan

Müzik, filmdeki gizem ve sürpriz unsurlarını daha vurgulu bir şekilde ortaya koyuyor.

Hasan Bayrak

Melodiler, filmdeki gerilimi ve heyecanı arttırarak seyirciyi daha fazla içine çekiyor.

İsmet Kurtuluş

Film müziği, karakterlerin duygusal derinliklerini ve iç çatışmalarını vurgulamada etkili bir rol oynuyor.

Mehmet Tekin

Temponun doğru ayarlanması, sahnelerin ritmine ve atmosferine uygun bir şekilde ilerlemesini sağlıyor.

İsmail Yaman

Film müziği, izleyiciyi olayların gelişimine daha yakından bağlayarak heyecanı arttırıyor.

Zehra Yıldız

Genel olarak, 13. gün film müziği, korku ve gerilim türündeki bir yapım için oldukça başarılı ve etkileyici bir soundtrack sunuyor.

Feride Erdoğan

Müzik, izleyiciyi olayların içine çeken etkileyici bir atmosfer oluşturuyor.

Sevim Çelik

Film müziği, gerilim ve korku unsurlarını mükemmel bir şekilde yansıtıyor.

Nur Toprak

Akıcı ve dinamik bir yapıya sahip olan film müziği, sahneleri daha etkileyici hale getiriyor.