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Dime Quién Soy: Mistress of War
Madrid, 1998. A man by the name of Albert James leaves a thick biography on the desk of Javier, a successful publisher. It is the story of Javier's mother he never knew, Amelia Garayoa. Before fate can finally reunite mother and son, Amelia will have taken a long journey, starting in tumultuous Madrid of 1934. First forced into marriage, then with her newborn baby taken from her, well-off Amelia meets Pierre, a charismatic young French journalist and revolutionary whom Amelia accompanies to Buenos Aires out of love and sheer lust for adventure. There, opera diva Carla Alessandrini takes Amelia under her wing, becoming the young Spanish woman's surrogate mother and best friend. Amelia's lifelong personal, romantic and political journey as a spy for a noble cause eventually takes her full circle, back home to Madrid - but not before life-changing experiences every step of the way in Moscow, London, Rome, Paris and Berlin.