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In Chicago, nachdem sie einen weiteren wichtigen Fall gewonnen hat, wird die prominente Anwältin Jennifer "Jenny" Haines vom zynischen David Edgar Greenhill angesprochen, der des Mordes an seiner Frau beschuldigt wird.
Greenhill ist ein arroganter, selbstbewusster Frauenheld, der wohlhabende Frauen ausnutzt, und Jenny lehnt den Fall ab.
However, she finds Greenhill an intriguing blunt man and she decides to accept the challenge of defending him in court seeking the promotion of the trial by the press and the chance to prove how good she is again.
But soon she regrets since her friend and veteran investigator Moe Plimpton finds that Greenhill has a suspicious past with other wealthy women that died and her boyfriend Phil Garson has problems with him.
But the manipulative Greenhill creates a situation and Judge D. Tompkins forces Jenny and her firm to defend Greenhill.
Soon Greenhill confidentially discloses other murders to Jenny using the lawyer-client privilege.
Trapped to a criminal, what will Jenny do?