A Hidden Life Soundtrack (

A Hidden Life Soundtrack (2019) cover

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Rating: 7.40/10 from 29000 votes
Tags: anti nazism
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Vida oculta

Title in Italiano:

La vita nascosta - Hidden Life

Title in Português:

Uma Vida Escondida


WWII. Hard-working husband and wife farmers Franz and Fani Jägerstätter, parents to three infant daughters, are part of the tight-knit rural community, which includes extended family members, of St. Radegund nestled in the Austrian Alps.

Along with his colleagues, Franz was sent home from basic training early in the conflict when it looked the war might be over with France's surrender to Germany. But in 1941 as the war continues, Franz is called back into military service.

The problem now is that the Austrian military members must swear loyalty to Adolf Hitler, something that he in good conscience cannot or is unwilling to do. This stance places not only him but his family at greater odds with those in the community, each person objecting not always for the same reason, and thus leads to them being increasingly ostracized and isolated.

With Fani by his side, Franz has to decide what to do, his continuing objections which they know could lead to him being imprisoned or possibly executed for treason. Beyond what he is to do, the further associated question becomes if there is a breaking point for him in the pressure placed by those around him and by the Nazis.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
A Hidden Life
St Matthew Passion, BWV 244, Kommt, ihr Töchter
Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125
Israel in Egypt, And Believed the Lord
Czech Suite
Antonín Dvorák: Writer
Antoni Wit: Conducted
Kleines Requiem Für Eine Polka
Symphony No. 3, Op. 36
Inside the Walls
Aaron Gilhuis: Writer
Aaron Gilhuis: Performer
Approaching, Concerto Grosso Balcanico, The Little Faust
Agnus Dei
Wojciech Kilar: Writer
Dorje Ling
David Parsons: Writer
David Parsons: Performer
Sarah Was Ninety Years Old
Arvo Pärt: Writer
Sarah Leonard: Performer
Tabula Rasa
Arvo Pärt: Writer
Psalms of Repentance
A Hidden Life
James Newton Howard: Performer
Israel in Egypt, HWV 54, Part I, No. 15 "Double Chorus: And Israel Saw That Great Work" & 16 "Chorus:
James Newton Howard: Performer
Surrounded by Walls
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
Morality in Darkness
James Newton Howard: Performer
Love and Suffering
James Newton Howard: Performer
Tabula rasa: II. Silentium (Jean Jacques Kantorow, Jan Söderblom, Tero Latvala, Tapiola Sinfonietta & Jouko Lai
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
Czech Suite in D Major, Op. 39: I. Allegro moderato (Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra & Antoni Wit)
James Newton Howard: Performer
Kleines Requiem für eine Polka, Op. 66: IV. Adagio Cantabile (I Fiamminghi)
James Newton Howard: Performer
James Newton Howard: Performer
There Will Be No Mysteries
James Newton Howard: Performer

User reviews

David King

The soundtrack skillfully conveys Franz's internal conflict and moral dilemma as he faces the difficult decision of refusing to swear loyalty to Hitler.

Paul Mitchell

The score of A Hidden Life showcases a delicate balance of hope and despair, mirroring the resilience of the human spirit in the face of overwhelming adversity. The music resonates long after the film ends, leaving a lasting impact on the viewer and enhancing the overall storytelling experience.

Mark Martin

The haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of foreboding and uncertainty, mirroring the dangerous political climate of the time.

Matthew Turner

The use of traditional Austrian instruments in the soundtrack adds authenticity to the setting and enhances the emotional depth of the story.

Edward Smith

The soundtrack effectively underscores the themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and resistance present throughout the film, enhancing the overall storytelling.

Nancy Lopez

Additionally, the use of repetitive motifs and melodies throughout the film's soundtrack became tiresome and distracting, rather than enhancing the viewing experience. The lack of diversity in the musical themes made it difficult to fully engage with the story, leaving me feeling disconnected from the characters' journey and the historical context of the film.

Mark Nelson

The soundtrack of A Hidden Life beautifully captures the emotional depth and tension of the characters' moral dilemma. The haunting melodies and powerful orchestration perfectly convey the inner turmoil of Franz as he grapples with his conscience.

William Parker

The emotional impact of the music is palpable, drawing the audience into the characters' struggles and dilemmas with its poignant melodies.

Joshua Johnson

The soundtrack of A Hidden Life beautifully captures the emotional turmoil and tension of the WWII era, reflecting the inner struggles of the characters.

Karen Walker

The music effectively portrays the sense of community and belonging in the rural Austrian Alps, setting the scene for the strong bond between Franz and Fani Jägerstätter.

Emily Phillips

The orchestral arrangements in the soundtrack of A Hidden Life are masterfully crafted, creating a sense of time and place within the Austrian Alps. The music seamlessly weaves traditional elements with modern compositions, reflecting the duality of Franz and Fani's existence within their rural community amidst the chaos of war.

Ashley Scott

Overall, the soundtrack of A Hidden Life is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the poignant narrative, enriching the viewing experience with its emotive musical compositions.

William Young

The hauntingly beautiful score of A Hidden Life perfectly captures the emotional depth and turmoil of the WWII era, immersing the audience in the struggles of Franz and Fani Jägerstätter. The evocative music enhances the tension and conflict of Franz's internal struggle, adding layers of complexity to his character development.

Susan Harris

The music intensifies the feeling of isolation and ostracism that Franz and his family experience within their community due to his refusal to comply with the Nazi regime.

Daniel Taylor

The use of traditional Austrian folk music in the soundtrack adds a layer of authenticity and cultural richness to the film. It helps to transport the audience to the rural setting of St. Radegund and creates a strong sense of place and community within the story.

Laura White

The soundtrack of A Hidden Life failed to effectively capture the emotional depth and complexity of the characters' struggles during WWII. The music felt generic and uninspired, lacking the necessary gravitas to convey the weight of the moral dilemmas faced by Franz and Fani Jägerstätter.