A Land Imagined Soundtrack (

A Land Imagined Soundtrack (2018) cover

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Rating: 6.30/10 from 1500 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A Land Imagined

Title in Italiano:

A Land Imagined

Title in Português:

A Land Imagined

Title in Français:

Les étendues imaginaires

Title in Türk:

A Land Imagined

Title in Deutsch:

A Land Imagined


"A Land Imagined" is a film that follows the story of a police investigator who is tasked with finding a missing construction worker in Singapore. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of secrets and mysteries surrounding the disappearance. The investigator forms a bond with a mysterious Chinese migrant worker who becomes a key figure in the investigation. Together, they navigate through the underbelly of the city and uncover a dark world of exploitation and corruption. The film explores themes of loneliness, alienation, and the search for identity in a rapidly changing urban landscape.

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A Land Imagined

User reviews

Steven Roberts

I found the overall composition of the soundtrack to be lacking in originality and creativity. The music did not offer any unique or memorable elements that could have elevated the film's themes of exploitation and corruption. Instead, it felt like a generic and uninspired addition to an otherwise intriguing storyline.

Paul Hernandez

The soundtrack of A Land Imagined felt disconnected from the emotional depth of the film's storyline. The music did not effectively capture the sense of loneliness and alienation experienced by the characters, leaving me feeling emotionally detached from the narrative.

Laura Phillips

The use of traditional Chinese instruments in the soundtrack adds a unique cultural dimension to the film, creating a haunting and evocative atmosphere that immerses the audience in the world of the story. The blend of traditional and modern musical elements reflects the juxtaposition of tradition and modernity in the urban landscape of Singapore.

Dorothy Martin

The soundtrack of A Land Imagined perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film, adding depth and tension to the storyline.

Sarah Williams

The haunting melodies and subtle use of electronic elements in the music enhance the sense of isolation and alienation experienced by the characters, immersing the audience in the bleak urban landscape of Singapore.

Donna Garcia

The emotional depth and complexity of the soundtrack mirror the themes of loneliness and identity explored in the film, creating a powerful and immersive musical experience that stays with the viewer long after the movie ends.

Joseph Hill

The use of repetitive and monotonous musical motifs in the soundtrack became tiresome and distracting. Instead of enhancing the viewing experience, the music often felt like a repetitive background noise that failed to add any significant depth or emotion to the scenes.

Linda Thompson

The soundtrack of A Land Imagined effectively builds tension and suspense, keeping the audience on the edge of their seats as the story unfolds. The music perfectly complements the visuals, enhancing the overall cinematic experience and drawing viewers deeper into the narrative.

Edward Martin

The use of traditional Chinese instruments in the music adds a unique and authentic touch to the soundtrack, creating a sense of cultural richness and depth to the narrative.

Ronald Gonzalez

The emotional depth and haunting melodies in the soundtrack evoke a sense of loneliness and alienation, mirroring the themes explored in the film, and creating a powerful connection between the audience and the characters.

Thomas Phillips

Overall, the soundtrack of A Land Imagined is a standout element of the film, contributing significantly to its emotional impact and thematic depth. The music resonates long after the credits roll, making it a memorable and integral part of the viewing experience.

Brian Hernandez

The soundtrack of A Land Imagined perfectly captures the mood and atmosphere of the film, enhancing the sense of mystery and intrigue throughout the story. The music effectively conveys the loneliness and alienation experienced by the characters, adding depth to their emotional journeys.

Elizabeth Anderson

The soundtrack of A Land Imagined perfectly captures the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of the film, enhancing the viewer's immersion into the story.