A Modern Affair Soundtrack (

A Modern Affair Soundtrack (1995) cover

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Rating: 5.80/10 from 163 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A Modern Affair

Title in Italiano:

A Modern Affair

Title in Português:

A Modern Affair

Title in Français:

A Modern Affair

Title in Türk:

A Modern Affair

Title in Deutsch:

Schwanger von Nr. 247


"A Modern Affair" is a romantic comedy about the strain of contemporary relationships, one woman's urgent desire for parenthood, and a solution to it all. Grace Rhodes is the perfect corporate executive -- bright, successful, attractive and with just professional touch. With her career in place, Grace feels she has everything she needs -- until she bumps into an ex-boyfriend bearing photos of his young kids. Feeling the irresistible urge to have a child, but not sure about waiting around for Mr. Right," Grace knows what she wants, but not how best to get it. Elaine, her wryly pragmatic best friend, suggests that Grace do the unthinkable and enlist the services of a sperm bank. After choosing a donor from the "DNA menu," Grace becomes pregnant and deeply curious about the identity of the donor #247. Enter Peter Kessler, a handsome photographer who divides his time between his craft, his casual affair with a married woman, and his "other job:" depositing specimens as a sperm donor to earn a little extra cash. When Grace and Peter finally meet, they begin the journey down the rocky road to parenthood and possibly from there to love.

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Play Title Artist
A Modern Affair
Walls Can Tumble
Carl Sealove: Writer
Beloved One
Dee Carstensen: Performer
Dee Carstensen: Writer