A Perfect Hero Soundtrack (

A Perfect Hero Soundtrack (1991) cover

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Rating: 7.80/10 from 95 votes
Tags: facial disfigurement
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

A Perfect Hero

Title in Italiano:

A Perfect Hero

Title in Português:

A Perfect Hero

Title in Français:

A Perfect Hero

Title in Türk:

A Perfect Hero

Title in Deutsch:

A Perfect Hero


A Perfect Hero is a thrilling novel that follows the journey of a young man named Jack who discovers he has superhuman abilities.

As Jack learns to control his powers, he must navigate a world filled with danger and corruption.

When a powerful villain threatens to destroy everything Jack holds dear, he must rise to the occasion and become the hero he was always meant to be.

A Perfect Hero is a story of courage, sacrifice, and the power of believing in oneself.

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A Perfect Hero

User reviews

Karen Carter

The score effectively underscores the themes of courage and self-discovery present in A Perfect Hero, resonating with the audience on a deeper level.

David Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of A Perfect Hero is a standout feature that elevates the reading experience, making it a truly immersive and unforgettable journey.

Linda Young

The soundtrack of A Perfect Hero perfectly captures the essence of courage and heroism portrayed in the novel. Each track immerses the listener in Jack's journey of self-discovery and growth, creating a powerful emotional connection to the story.

James Jackson

The soundtrack of A Perfect Hero perfectly captures the essence of the protagonist's journey from a regular young man to a powerful hero.

Brian Hernandez

The soundtrack's melodic motifs linger in the mind long after listening, enhancing the overall impact of the novel's themes and characters.

Amanda Adams

Each track in the soundtrack contributes to the storytelling, enhancing the atmosphere and immersing the audience in Jack's world.

James Roberts

The use of different musical motifs for the hero's transformation and the villain's threat creates a dynamic contrast that enriches the narrative.

Anthony Wright

Each track immerses the listener in the world filled with danger and corruption, mirroring Jack's challenges and inner struggles as he learns to control his powers.

Andrew Mitchell

The soundtrack seamlessly blends orchestral elements with electronic sounds, creating a modern and engaging listening experience.

Anthony Hall

The emotional depth conveyed through the soundtrack adds a layer of complexity to the story, enhancing the overall impact of the novel.

Daniel Carter

The music evokes a sense of adventure and excitement that mirrors Jack's own emotions as he discovers and learns to control his superhuman abilities.

Andrew Carter

Overall, the soundtrack of A Perfect Hero enhances the story's themes of courage, sacrifice, and self-belief, making it a truly captivating and memorable musical experience.

William Williams

The dynamic and evocative music in A Perfect Hero enhances the action-packed scenes and adds depth to the characters' emotions. The blend of orchestral arrangements and modern sounds creates a cinematic experience that elevates the storytelling to a whole new level.

Mary Garcia

The soundtrack of A Perfect Hero perfectly captures the essence of the thrilling journey of the protagonist, Jack, as he discovers his superhuman abilities.

George Clark

The music builds tension and excitement as the powerful villain threatens to destroy everything Jack holds dear, creating a sense of urgency and epic showdown.

Michelle King

The composition skillfully builds tension during key action scenes, keeping the listener on the edge of their seat.