A.D. Police Soundtrack (

A.D. Police Soundtrack (1999) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 156 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Português:

A.D. Police: To Protect and Serve


A.D. Police is a Japanese animated series that follows the story of the Advanced Police, a special unit created to deal with the rise of violent crimes committed by androids known as Boomers.

The series is set in the futuristic city of Mega-Tokyo, where the A.D. Police must navigate the complex world of technology and corruption to protect the citizens from these dangerous machines.

As the team faces various challenges and conflicts, they must also confront their own personal demons and struggles, adding depth to the characters and the overall storyline.

A.D. Police explores themes of morality, identity, and the consequences of technological advancements, making it a thought-provoking and engaging watch for fans of cyberpunk and dystopian fiction.

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A.D. Police

User reviews

Elizabeth Davis

The use of synthesizers and industrial sounds in the music of A.D. Police adds a unique and edgy flair to the series, setting it apart from other anime soundtracks. The music not only complements the action-packed scenes but also evokes a sense of unease and introspection, reflecting the complex themes explored in the show.

Susan Brown

Overall, the musical score of A.D. Police enhances the overall viewing experience by creating a sense of urgency and unease that perfectly complements the gritty visuals and thought-provoking themes of the series. The soundtrack serves as a powerful storytelling tool, elevating the narrative and making it a memorable and impactful watch.

Melissa Roberts

The soundtrack of A.D. Police perfectly captures the futuristic and gritty atmosphere of Mega-Tokyo, immersing the audience in the cyberpunk world of the series.

Nancy Moore

The soundtrack of A.D. Police effectively sets the tone for each scene, enhancing the overall storytelling and creating a memorable viewing experience for the audience.

Joshua Garcia

The blend of electronic beats and orchestral elements in the soundtrack creates a unique and captivating sound that complements the themes of technology and corruption explored in the series.

Donna Hall

Overall, the music of A.D. Police is a standout feature of the series, elevating the storytelling and contributing to its immersive and engaging nature.

Daniel Thompson

The repetitive use of generic electronic beats and synthesizers became monotonous over time, making it difficult to stay engaged with the series. I believe a more dynamic and diverse soundtrack could have greatly enhanced the viewing experience and added depth to the emotional moments in the show.

Dorothy Jackson

The use of haunting melodies and eerie soundscapes in the soundtrack adds a layer of complexity to the characters and their inner struggles. The music effectively conveys the emotional turmoil and moral dilemmas faced by the A.D. Police officers, deepening the audience's connection to the story.

William Martinez

While watching A.D. Police, I found the soundtrack to be quite lackluster and uninspired. The music failed to capture the futuristic and intense atmosphere of Mega-Tokyo, which left me feeling disconnected from the storyline and characters.

Stephanie Hill

The music enhances the action sequences and suspenseful moments, adding intensity and excitement to the narrative.

Matthew Hall

The emotional depth of the music resonates with the character development in A.D. Police, effectively conveying the inner struggles and personal demons faced by the members of the Advanced Police unit.

Ashley Moore

The soundtrack of A.D. Police truly enhances the cyberpunk atmosphere of the series, with its pulsating electronic beats and haunting melodies. Each track perfectly captures the tension and mystery of Mega-Tokyo, immersing the viewer in its futuristic world.

Melissa Scott

The soundtrack of A.D. Police perfectly captures the dark and gritty atmosphere of the futuristic world of Mega-Tokyo. The electronic beats and industrial sounds enhance the tension and suspense of the series, immersing the viewer in the dystopian setting.