Alcarràs Soundtrack (

Alcarràs Soundtrack (2022) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:


Title in Italiano:

Alcarràs - L'ultimo raccolto


The life of a family of peach farmers in a small village in Catalonia changes when the owner of their large estate dies and his lifetime heir decides to sell the land, suddenly threatening their livelihood.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
La Patrona
Lao Ra: Writer
Lao Ra: Performer
Yo no soy esa
Mari Trini: Writer
Anna Otin: Performer
La cançó del pandero
Ernest Pipó: Arrangement
Arnau Vilaró: Traditional adapted
Josep Abad: Performer
Ainet Jounou: Performer
And the Violence of the Images Overwhelms Some Listeners
Andrea Koch: Writer
Andrea Koch: Performer
Birds and Bees
Clayton Hibbert: Writer
Clayton Hibbert: Performer
Plan 10
Jordi Manyà: Writer
Dr. Calypso: Performer
Ya verás
Systema Solar: Performer
Floridian Chair
Andrea Koch: Writer
Andrea Koch: Performer