Alien Nation: Dark Horizon is a science fiction novel that follows the story of Detective Matthew Sikes and his alien partner, George Francisco, as they investigate a series of brutal murders in Los Angeles.
The murders are linked to a secret organization that is targeting both humans and aliens, threatening to ignite a war between the two races. As Sikes and Francisco delve deeper into the case, they uncover a sinister plot to destabilize the fragile peace between humans and aliens.
With tensions rising and time running out, Sikes and Francisco must race against the clock to uncover the truth behind the murders and prevent a catastrophic conflict. Along the way, they must confront their own prejudices and biases as they work together to solve the case.
Alien Nation: Dark Horizon is a gripping tale of mystery, intrigue, and suspense that explores themes of identity, tolerance, and coexistence in a world where humans and aliens must learn to live together or risk destroying each other.