Alien Nation Soundtrack (

Alien Nation Soundtrack (1989) cover

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Rating: 7.00/10 from 1300 votes
Tags: fearmongering
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Alien Nation

Title in Italiano:

Alien Nation

Title in Português:

Alien Nation

Title in Français:

Alien Nation

Title in Türk:

Alien Nation

Title in Deutsch:

Alien Nation


Alien Nation is a science fiction film set in a future where aliens have integrated into human society after arriving on Earth as refugees. The story follows a human detective, Matthew Sykes, who is paired with an alien partner, Sam Francisco, to solve a series of murders.

The film explores themes of prejudice, discrimination, and integration as the two detectives navigate their differences and work together to uncover a conspiracy that threatens the fragile peace between humans and aliens.

As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover dark secrets and face dangerous adversaries, testing their partnership and challenging their beliefs about each other.

Alien Nation is a thought-provoking film that blends elements of science fiction with social commentary, offering a unique perspective on the complexities of coexistence and understanding in a diverse society.

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Alien Nation

User reviews

Andrew White

I found myself humming the main theme from Alien Nation long after watching the movie. It's a testament to the powerful impact that the music had on me, staying with me even after the credits rolled.

Joseph Parker

The soundtrack of Alien Nation effectively captures the futuristic and mysterious atmosphere of the film. The music enhances the tension and suspense during key moments, adding depth to the storytelling and immersing the audience in the sci-fi world.

Donald Phillips

The soundtrack of Alien Nation effectively conveyed the themes of prejudice and integration present in the film. It resonated with me on a deeper level, highlighting the struggles and triumphs of the characters.

Kimberly Walker

The soundtrack of Alien Nation perfectly captures the futuristic and mysterious atmosphere of the film. Each track immerses you in the world of humans and aliens coexisting, creating a sense of tension and intrigue that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Elizabeth Davis

The music enhances the themes of prejudice and integration explored in the movie, adding emotional depth to the relationship between the human detective and his alien partner. The haunting melodies and pulsating rhythms mirror the characters' struggles and the challenges they face as they uncover dark secrets and confront dangerous adversaries.

Linda Evans

I absolutely loved the atmospheric and haunting score of Alien Nation! It perfectly captured the tension and mystery of the film, immersing me in the futuristic world of humans and aliens.

Kenneth Hall

The music in Alien Nation often felt generic and uninspired, lacking the distinctiveness and innovation needed to enhance the futuristic setting and unique dynamics between humans and aliens portrayed in the film.

Melissa Lopez

Overall, the soundtrack of Alien Nation is a powerful and evocative accompaniment to the film, enhancing its storytelling and bringing an extra layer of depth to the complex themes it explores. It's a memorable musical experience that lingers long after the credits roll.

Lisa Phillips

The score of Alien Nation truly elevated the overall viewing experience for me. It heightened the drama, suspense, and emotional connections between the characters, making it a standout aspect of the film for me.

Ronald Davis

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Alien Nation feel repetitive and lack originality. While the music serves its purpose in creating ambiance, it fails to leave a lasting impression or elevate the emotional impact of the scenes. More diversity in the musical themes could have added a richer layer to the overall listening experience.

Daniel Thomas

The soundtrack of Alien Nation failed to capture the emotional depth and intensity of the film's themes, leaving me feeling disconnected from the story and characters.

Charles Garcia

The musical themes in Alien Nation were so well-crafted and memorable. They enhanced the emotional depth of the story and added an extra layer of intrigue to the plot.