All That Divides Us Soundtrack (

All That Divides Us Soundtrack (2017) cover

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Rating: 5.30/10 from 784 votes
Tags: smoking pot
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

All That Divides Us

Title in Italiano:

All That Divides Us

Title in Português:

All That Divides Us

Title in Français:

Tout nous sépare

Title in Türk:

Tout nous sépare

Title in Deutsch:

Tout nous sépare


All That Divides Us

In a world where war has torn apart nations and divided families, two sisters find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that threatens to destroy everything they hold dear.

As they navigate the tensions and betrayals that come with being on opposing sides, they must confront their own beliefs and loyalties in order to find a way to bridge the gap that divides them.

Will they be able to overcome the barriers that stand between them, or will the forces that seek to keep them apart prove to be too strong?

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All That Divides Us

User reviews

Dorothy Thomas

The haunting melodies and powerful orchestration evoke a sense of tension and drama that enhances the overall atmosphere of the film.

Susan Campbell

The emotional depth and complexity of the soundtrack for All That Divides Us truly captured the essence of the sisters' struggle to reconcile their differences amidst a world torn apart by war. Each melody and instrument seemed to echo the turmoil of their conflicting loyalties, creating a sense of tension and resolution that resonated deeply with me.

Joshua Garcia

The emotional impact of the music is undeniable, drawing me further into the narrative and allowing me to empathize with the characters' conflicting emotions.

Mary Lee

The music seamlessly transitions between moments of quiet reflection and intense action, perfectly complementing the shifts in the sisters' relationship and the unfolding events of the plot.

Charles Davis

The use of different musical themes for each sister effectively highlights their individual struggles and perspectives, adding a layer of complexity to their characters.

Andrew Mitchell

One aspect that stands out in the soundtrack is the diversity of musical styles and instruments used. From somber piano pieces to epic orchestral arrangements, the range of sounds adds richness and texture to the overall listening experience, evoking a wide range of emotions.

Mary Brown

The use of thematic motifs in the soundtrack helps to underscore the inner conflict of the characters, adding depth and nuance to their struggles. The music serves as a powerful storytelling tool, guiding the audience through the emotional journey of the protagonists.

Lisa Hernandez

I appreciate how the soundtrack incorporates cultural influences from the warring nations, adding authenticity and depth to the storytelling.

Kimberly Hill

The lack of diversity in musical styles and themes within the soundtrack makes it repetitive and monotonous. There is a missed opportunity to explore different genres and tones that could have added layers of depth and richness to the overall listening experience.

Edward Gonzalez

The seamless integration of traditional instruments and modern compositions in the soundtrack of All That Divides Us was a testament to the skill and creativity of the composers. The blending of different musical styles and influences not only enriched the storytelling experience but also highlighted the universal themes of love, sacrifice, and the enduring bond between family members even in the face of adversity.

Steven Phillips

The soundtrack of All That Divides Us captures the emotional complexity of the story with haunting melodies and powerful orchestration. Each track enhances the tension and drama of the film, immersing the listener in the world of the two sisters.

Patricia Walker

The soundtrack of All That Divides Us fails to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the storyline. The music feels generic and uninspired, missing the opportunity to enhance the narrative and connect with the characters' inner struggles.

Joseph Jackson

The scoring in All That Divides Us often feels disconnected from the on-screen action, failing to create a cohesive and immersive viewing experience. The music sometimes feels like an afterthought rather than a crucial element in shaping the mood and atmosphere of the story.

Betty Lewis

Overall, the soundtrack of All That Divides Us is a standout element of the film, enhancing the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impression with its powerful and moving compositions.

Steven Campbell

The soundtrack of All That Divides Us beautifully captures the emotional turmoil and conflict experienced by the two sisters, adding depth and intensity to the storyline.

Andrew Parker

The evocative use of thematic motifs in the music of All That Divides Us helped to underscore the poignant moments of reconciliation and confrontation between the sisters. I found myself drawn into the story even more through the haunting melodies and powerful crescendos, which added layers of depth and meaning to their journey of self-discovery and forgiveness.

Carol Williams

Overall, the soundtrack of All That Divides Us is a masterful work that elevates the film to new heights. It complements the story perfectly and leaves a lasting impact, making it a memorable and integral part of the viewing experience.