Anego is a Japanese drama series that follows the life of Naoko Noda, a successful businesswoman in her thirties who is known as "anego" by her colleagues, which means "older sister" in Japanese. Naoko is respected and admired by her coworkers for her intelligence, beauty, and strong work ethic.
However, Naoko's personal life is not as successful as her professional life. She is single and struggling to find love, often attracting younger men who are not serious about a relationship. Naoko's friends and family worry about her and encourage her to settle down and start a family.
Throughout the series, Naoko navigates the challenges of balancing her career and personal life, as well as dealing with societal expectations and pressures. She learns valuable lessons about love, friendship, and self-acceptance along the way.
Anego is a heartwarming and relatable story that explores the complexities of modern womanhood and the pursuit of happiness in both professional and personal spheres.