Anjaan is a 'marital thriller' that revolves around the lives of a husband and wife who are disrupted by a mysterious stranger. Aditya, a film-maker, is struggling with his career after his last two films failed. He is working on a script that he sees as his last chance for success. His relationship with his wife, Meneka, has suffered due to his failures, leaving her feeling neglected and lonely.
Meneka misses the caring and loving Aditya she once knew, who she gave up her successful modeling career for. When a stranger named Shoaib enters their lives, he brings with him an exploration of morality and temptation. Shoaib's mysterious and charming presence opens up new possibilities for Meneka, challenging her innermost thoughts and desires.
As Shoaib's influence grows, questions arise about his true identity and the impact he will have on the couple's marriage. Will Meneka's loyalty be tested to its limits? And how will Aditya react when he discovers the deception that threatens to unravel his personal life?