Another Woman Soundtrack (

Another Woman Soundtrack (2015) cover

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Rating: 6.10/10 from 117 votes
Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

234 Shuo ai ni

Title in Italiano:

Another Woman

Title in Português:

Another Woman

Title in Français:

Another Woman


Another Woman

Marion is a middle-aged woman who is going through a midlife crisis. She rents an apartment to have some peace and quiet to work on her new book. However, she soon realizes that she can hear everything that happens in the apartment next door through the vent in her bedroom.

As Marion listens to the conversations of the woman next door, she becomes intrigued by her life and starts to reflect on her own choices and relationships. She begins to question her own identity and the decisions she has made in her life.

Through her interactions with the people around her, Marion starts to see herself in a new light and begins to understand the impact of her actions on those around her. She learns to confront her past and make peace with her present, ultimately finding a new sense of self and purpose.

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Play Title Artist
Another Woman
Forget Love
Alex Chang Jien: Composer
Alex Chang Jien: Lyrics
Alin Huang: Performer
Rosie Yang: Performer

User reviews

Matthew Thompson

The music enhances the audience's connection to Marion's journey, inviting us to empathize with her struggles and triumphs as she navigates her midlife crisis.

Melissa Young

The soundtrack of Another Woman perfectly captures the introspective and contemplative mood of the film.

Patricia Baker

The use of subtle piano melodies and soft strings in the soundtrack creates a sense of intimacy and vulnerability, reflecting Marion's inner turmoil and self-reflection. The music beautifully underscores the emotional weight of the story and enhances the character development.

George Lopez

The soundtrack of Another Woman felt repetitive and lacked diversity in terms of musical styles. The same melodies and tones seemed to be used repeatedly throughout the film, making it monotonous and uninspiring.

Kenneth Hill

The seamless integration of the soundtrack with the visual storytelling creates a powerful cinematic experience that immerses the audience in Marion's world, allowing us to empathize with her struggles and triumphs on a profound level. The music becomes a character in itself, guiding us through Marion's emotional landscape and enriching the overall viewing experience.

Dorothy Green

The haunting and ethereal quality of the music creates a sense of introspection and self-examination that resonates with Marion's character development.

Michael Lopez

I found the music in Another Woman to be overly dramatic and intrusive at times, overshadowing the emotional subtleties of the characters and their interactions. It often felt like the soundtrack was trying too hard to manipulate the audience's feelings rather than enhancing the storytelling.

Susan Garcia

The soundtrack's delicate and nuanced composition mirrors the complexity of Marion's emotions and the internal conflicts she faces throughout the film.

Karen Carter

The emotive and nuanced soundtrack of Another Woman enriches the storytelling by providing a subtle yet powerful emotional undercurrent to Marion's journey of self-exploration and realization. The music enhances the film's themes of identity, regret, and personal growth, making it a compelling and immersive viewing experience.

Daniel Young

Overall, the soundtrack of Another Woman is a powerful and evocative complement to the film, enriching the viewing experience and leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

Matthew Adams

From the haunting piano solos that mirror Marion's sense of isolation and introspection to the uplifting orchestral pieces that symbolize her moments of self-discovery and growth, the music truly enhances the storytelling and adds a layer of depth to the narrative.

Joshua Martinez

The soundtrack of Another Woman effectively conveys the themes of introspection and self-discovery through its evocative musical score. The compositions enhance the atmosphere of the film and elevate the viewer's emotional connection to Marion's journey of personal growth.

Charles Roberts

The melancholic melodies in the music evoke Marion's emotional journey and inner turmoil as she reflects on her life choices.

Kimberly Thompson

The haunting and poignant musical motifs in the soundtrack of Another Woman evoke a sense of melancholy and introspection, mirroring Marion's internal struggles and existential questioning. The music adds depth and complexity to the narrative, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Joshua Baker

The soundtrack effectively underscores the themes of self-discovery and personal growth portrayed in the movie, adding depth and emotion to the storytelling.

Jennifer Clark

The soundtrack of Another Woman beautifully captures the emotional depth and complexity of Marion's journey. Each note and melody resonates with the inner turmoil and self-reflection that Marion experiences throughout the film.

Amanda White

The soundtrack of Another Woman failed to capture the essence of the characters' internal struggles and conflicts. The music seemed disconnected from the emotional depth of the narrative, resulting in a lack of resonance with the audience and diminishing the impact of the film's themes.

Edward Roberts

The soundtrack of Another Woman perfectly captures the introspective and contemplative mood of Marion's journey through her midlife crisis. The music enhances the emotional depth of the film and immerses the viewer in Marion's internal struggles.

Stephanie Rodriguez

The use of subtle piano and string arrangements enhances the somber atmosphere of the film, drawing the audience deeper into Marion's emotional world.