Appleseed is a science fiction manga series written and illustrated by Masamune Shirow. The story is set in a post-apocalyptic world where humans and bioroids coexist. Bioroids are artificial humans with superior physical abilities and intelligence.
The main character, Deunan Knute, is a former soldier who now works as a police officer in the city of Olympus, a utopian society ruled by bioroids. Deunan is partnered with Briareos, a bioroid who was once her lover before his body was heavily damaged in a battle.
Together, Deunan and Briareos must navigate the complex political landscape of Olympus and uncover the truth behind a conspiracy that threatens the fragile peace between humans and bioroids.
Appleseed explores themes of technology, humanity, and the nature of consciousness, making it a thought-provoking and visually stunning series that has captivated readers for decades.
Play | Title | Artist |
Crystal Celebration
Risa Yuuki: