Emergence is a science fiction thriller series that follows Jo Evans, a small-town police chief who discovers a young girl named Piper at the site of a mysterious plane crash. As Jo tries to unravel the truth behind Piper's identity and the events surrounding the crash, she uncovers a web of conspiracy and danger that threatens the safety of her community.
With the help of her friends and colleagues, Jo must protect Piper from those who want to exploit her unique abilities while also uncovering the truth about her own past. As Jo delves deeper into the mystery, she realizes that Piper may hold the key to a larger, more sinister plot that could have far-reaching consequences.
As Jo races against time to uncover the truth and protect Piper, she must confront her own fears and doubts while navigating a world where nothing is as it seems. Emergence is a gripping and suspenseful series that explores themes of identity, family, and the power of connection in the face of adversity.