As You Are is a coming-of-age drama that follows the lives of three teenagers as they navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and identity. Set in a small town, the film explores the intertwined relationships between Jack, Sarah, and Mark as they struggle to find themselves amidst the pressures of adolescence.
Jack is a brooding loner who finds solace in his friendship with Sarah, a free-spirited artist who challenges him to open up and embrace his true self. Meanwhile, Mark is the popular jock who harbors a secret crush on Jack, leading to a complicated love triangle that threatens to tear their friendship apart.
As the three friends grapple with their feelings and desires, they must confront their own insecurities and fears in order to accept themselves as they are. Through moments of heartbreak, joy, and self-discovery, they learn that true acceptance comes from within, and that being true to oneself is the key to finding happiness and fulfillment.