Attenberg Soundtrack (

Attenberg Soundtrack (2010) cover

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Rating: 6.20/10 from 7700 votes
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Marina, 23, is growing up with her architect father in a prototype factory town by the sea. Finding the human species strange and repellent, she keeps her distance from it. Instead she observes it through the songs of Alan Vega's Suicide, the mammal documentaries of Sir David Attenborough, and the sexual education lesson she receives from her only friend, Bella.

A stranger comes to town and challenges her to a foosball duel, on her own table. Her father meanwhile is preparing for his exit from the 20th century, which he considers to be 'overrated'. Caught between the two men and her collaborator Bella, Marina investigates the wondrous mystery of the human fauna.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Ghost Rider
Martin Rev: Writer
Suicide: Performer
Be Bop Kid
Martin Rev: Writer
Suicide: Performer
Martin Rev: Writer
Suicide: Performer
Jukebox Baby 96
Martin Rev: Writer
Suicide: Performer
I Am A Baby (In My Universe)
Daniel Johnston: Writer
Tous les garçons et les filles
Françoise Hardy: Performer
Françoise Hardy: Lyrics
Roger Samyn: Performer
Le Temps de l'Amour
Françoise Hardy: Performer
Jacques Dutronc: Performer
Lucien Morisse: Lyrics
Coppin' the Bop
Wie viel kostet der Abschied?

User reviews

Kimberly Mitchell

Overall, the soundtrack of Attenberg is a standout element of the film, contributing to its overall artistic vision and making it a truly immersive cinematic experience.

Michelle Anderson

The musical score in Attenberg is subtle yet impactful, creating a haunting and memorable atmosphere throughout the film.

Ronald Rodriguez

The music in Attenberg serves as a character in itself, shaping the mood of each scene and drawing the audience deeper into Marina's world.

Patricia Lewis

The mix of music and sound effects in the film creates a mesmerizing and immersive experience for the audience, enhancing the emotional depth of Marina's journey of self-discovery and exploration of human nature.

Sarah Moore

The soundtrack's blend of different musical styles mirrors the eclectic mix of influences in Marina's life, adding richness to the narrative.

Carol Allen

The music choices in Attenberg are bold and unconventional, mirroring Marina's own unconventional view of the world.

William Hernandez

The soundtrack of Attenberg perfectly captures the eccentric and introspective nature of Marina's character. The haunting melodies and experimental sounds mirror her inner turmoil and curiosity about the human species. The music enhances the surreal atmosphere of the film, making it a truly immersive experience for the audience.

Mary Young

The soundtrack creates a sense of introspection and introspection that resonates with the themes of human nature explored in the movie.

Ashley Williams

The music selection, especially the songs by Alan Vega's Suicide, adds depth and emotion to Marina's character development.

Melissa Carter

The soundtrack enhances the sense of alienation and detachment felt by Marina, immersing the audience in her perspective.

Matthew Hernandez

The use of Alan Vega's Suicide songs adds a raw and edgy quality to the soundtrack, enhancing the rebellious and nonconformist spirit of the main character.

Mary Evans

The soundtrack of Attenberg perfectly captures the unique and unconventional atmosphere of the film, enhancing the viewing experience.

Ronald Scott

The soundtrack of Attenberg perfectly captures the unique atmosphere of Marina's world, with haunting melodies and unconventional sounds that reflect her introspective nature.

Linda Harris

The use of Sir David Attenborough's mammal documentaries in the soundtrack adds an intriguing layer of storytelling to the film.

Matthew Baker

On the other hand, some tracks in the soundtrack of Attenberg felt too repetitive and monotonous, failing to evoke the emotional depth needed to fully engage with the story. While the unconventional choices in music reflect Marina's unconventional worldview, at times it felt disconnected from the narrative, leaving me wanting more cohesion between the visuals and the auditory experience.