"Au Revoir L'Ete" is a Japanese film that follows the story of a young woman named Sakuko who spends her summer vacation in a small seaside town. She stays with her aunt and uncle, who are both academics, and becomes involved in their intellectual discussions and debates.
As Sakuko explores the town, she meets a young man named Takashi who is also staying in the area. The two develop a close friendship and spend time together, discussing their hopes and dreams for the future.
However, as the summer comes to an end, Sakuko must confront the reality of returning to her regular life in Tokyo. She grapples with the idea of leaving behind the simplicity and beauty of the seaside town, as well as her growing feelings for Takashi.
Throughout the film, Au Revoir L'Ete explores themes of youth, love, and the transient nature of summer. It captures the bittersweet feeling of saying goodbye to a season of freedom and possibility, while also looking forward to the future with hope and uncertainty.