BanG Dream! is a Japanese multimedia franchise that revolves around the formation of an all-girl band called Poppin'Party. The story follows Kasumi Toyama, a high school girl who becomes inspired to start her own band after seeing a performance by the band Glitter*Green. She recruits four other girls to join her band, each with their own unique personalities and musical talents.
As Poppin'Party works towards their goal of performing at the prestigious music festival known as "Girls Band Challenge," they face various challenges and obstacles along the way. From rival bands to personal conflicts, the members of Poppin'Party must learn to work together and overcome their differences in order to achieve success.
BanG Dream! explores themes of friendship, perseverance, and the power of music to bring people together. With its catchy music, engaging characters, and heartfelt storylines, the franchise has gained a dedicated fanbase both in Japan and around the world.