Bar Hopping Soundtrack (

Bar Hopping Soundtrack (2000) cover

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Alternate Names:
Title in Español:

Bar Hopping

Title in Italiano:

Bar Hopping

Title in Português:

Bar Hopping

Title in Français:

Bar Hopping

Title in Türk:

Bar Hopping


From happy hour to last call, men and women desperately flirt, cheat, and fantasize while cruising from bar to bar in the hopes of meeting someone and not going home alone. Don't miss this wild and hip L.A. bar scene.

Download and play the Soundtrack list

Play Title Artist
Bar Hopping
The Disillusioned
Carmen Traub: Performer
Carmen Traub: Writer
Dale Penner: Produced & mixed
Boomtang: Additional production and re-mix
We're Hot Tonight
Gael MacGregor: Performer
Gael MacGregor: Writer
Carmen Traub: Writer
Dale Penner: Produced & mixed
Boomtang: Additional production and re-mix
I'm Thru With You
Barry Coffing: Writer
In Love With A Psycho
Atomik: Performer
Boogie Man
Zu: Performer
I'm Gonna Take My Time
Sally Kellerman: Performer
Jeff Lass: Writer
Want You All The Time
Michael Hruska: Performer
Michael Hruska: Writer
Smoothe Blues
Michael Clinco: Writer
Michael Clinco: Performer
Clip So Blues
Michael Clinco: Writer
Michael Clinco: Performer
Slo Gin
Michael Clinco: Writer
Michael Clinco: Performer
Spoiled Brat
Veronica Monica: Performer
Nick Loren: Performer
Nick Loren: Writer
One More Try
Hypnogaja: Performer
Sean Shyboy Davis: Writer
Dance With Suzie
Anita Pointer: Performer
Anita Pointer: Writer
A Million Dreams
Nick Loren: Performer
Nick Loren: Writer
Catte Adams: Writer
Catte Adams: Producer
Catte Adams: Performer
I Can't Stop the Rain
Rick Kurek: Writer
Rick Kurek: Producer
Rick Kurek: Performer
Back There Now
Catte Adams: Writer
Catte Adams: Producer
Catte Adams: Performer