Battlestar Galactica: Razor is a television movie that serves as a prequel to the reimagined Battlestar Galactica series. The film follows the story of the Battlestar Pegasus and its crew, led by Admiral Helena Cain, during the initial Cylon attack on the Twelve Colonies.
The movie explores the events leading up to the destruction of the colonies and delves into the moral complexities faced by Cain and her crew as they struggle to survive in the face of overwhelming odds. It also introduces a new character, Kendra Shaw, who serves as a key figure in the Pegasus' story.
Battlestar Galactica: Razor provides a deeper insight into the experiences of the Pegasus crew and sheds light on the challenges they faced during the early days of the Cylon war. The film offers a gripping and intense look at the human cost of war and the difficult decisions that must be made in order to survive.
Play | Title | Artist |
Battlestar Galactica: Razor
Main Title Music
Richard Gibbs: