"Beats" is a coming-of-age drama that follows the story of a teenage boy named August Monroe. August is a talented young musician who is struggling to cope with the recent death of his sister. He finds solace in creating beats and music, which helps him navigate through his grief and emotions.
One day, August meets a former music producer named Romelo Reese, who sees potential in his talent and offers to mentor him. Romelo introduces August to the world of underground hip-hop and helps him hone his skills as a producer.
As August delves deeper into the music scene, he must confront his past traumas and fears in order to truly find his voice as an artist. Along the way, he forms friendships, faces challenges, and discovers the power of music to heal and inspire.
Through his journey, August learns valuable lessons about resilience, self-expression, and the importance of following his dreams. "Beats" is a heartfelt and inspiring film that explores the transformative power of music and the strength that comes from embracing one's true passion.