Between Two Ferns: The Movie is a comedy film that follows Zach Galifianakis as he embarks on a road trip to complete a series of high-profile celebrity interviews for his talk show. Along the way, Zach and his crew encounter a variety of mishaps and obstacles that threaten to derail their mission.
As Zach struggles to maintain his composure and professionalism, he must also confront his own insecurities and shortcomings. Through a series of hilarious and awkward interactions with celebrities such as Matthew McConaughey, Brie Larson, and David Letterman, Zach learns valuable lessons about friendship, humility, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
With its unique blend of deadpan humor and genuine heart, Between Two Ferns: The Movie is a must-watch for fans of Zach Galifianakis and anyone who appreciates a good laugh.
Play | Title | Artist |
Between Two Ferns: The Movie
Taxi Driver - Theme
Bernard Herrmann:
It's Real
In the Corner, at the Table, by the Jukebox
James Hand:
Soul Dance
Houston Person:
Baby, Baby, Don't Tell Me That
James Hand:
The Treatment
Walking on a String
Walking on a String (Alt)
It's Real
Baby, Baby, Don't Tell Me That
James Hand:
Little Drummer Boy
Sadie Benning: