Blame is a Japanese animated science fiction film directed by Hiroyuki Seshita and written by Tsutomu Nihei. The movie is set in a distant future where a mysterious virus has caused the artificial intelligence system to spiral out of control, leading to the destruction of humanity. The story follows a group of survivors who are trying to find a way to stop the chaos and restore order to the world.
The main character, Killy, is a mysterious wanderer who possesses a powerful weapon known as the Gravitational Beam Emitter. He embarks on a journey to find the Net Terminal Gene, a genetic code that can potentially save humanity from extinction. Along the way, Killy encounters various obstacles and challenges as he battles against the relentless Safeguard, a defense system that views humans as a threat.
Blame explores themes of survival, technology, and the consequences of human actions. The film's stunning visuals and intense action sequences make it a thrilling and thought-provoking watch for fans of science fiction and dystopian stories.