Blue Mountain State is a comedy series that follows the lives of three freshmen at the fictional Blue Mountain State University, a college known for its wild parties and football team. The show centers around Alex Moran, a talented but lazy quarterback, Thad Castle, the team captain and party animal, and Sammy Cacciatore, a socially awkward but loyal friend.
Throughout the series, the trio navigates the ups and downs of college life, from balancing academics and athletics to dealing with relationships and rivalries. As they strive to lead the team to victory, they encounter a series of hilarious and outrageous situations that test their friendship and loyalty.
With a mix of raunchy humor, over-the-top antics, and heartfelt moments, Blue Mountain State offers a unique and entertaining look at the world of college football and the bonds that form between teammates. Whether they're facing off against rival teams or throwing epic parties, Alex, Thad, and Sammy always find a way to come out on top.
Play | Title | Artist |
Blue Mountain State
Hell Yeah (Blue Mountain State Theme Song)