Bordertown is a thrilling crime drama series that follows detective Kari Sorjonen as he moves his family to a small town near the Russian border in order to lead a new special crimes unit. As Sorjonen delves into the dark and dangerous world of crime in the border region, he must navigate the complexities of his personal life while solving a series of challenging cases.
With a unique setting and a talented cast, Bordertown explores themes of family, loyalty, and the impact of crime on a community. As Sorjonen and his team work tirelessly to bring criminals to justice, they uncover a web of corruption and deceit that threatens to tear the town apart.
As the tension mounts and the stakes get higher, Bordertown keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its gripping storytelling and compelling characters. Will Sorjonen be able to solve the case and protect his family from the dangers lurking in the shadows?