Box-Office Bunny is a 1990 Looney Tunes short film starring Bugs Bunny. In this film, Bugs Bunny is working as a movie theater usher and encounters a troublesome patron named Elmer Fudd. Elmer causes chaos in the theater, but Bugs Bunny cleverly outwits him and restores order.
The film is filled with classic Looney Tunes humor and slapstick comedy, making it a favorite among fans of the franchise. The animation is top-notch, and the voice acting by Mel Blanc brings the characters to life in a hilarious way.
Box-Office Bunny is a must-watch for any Looney Tunes enthusiast, as it captures the essence of the beloved characters and their mischievous antics. The film's clever writing and fast-paced gags will keep viewers entertained from start to finish.