"Braunschlag" is a satirical Austrian television series that follows the story of the corrupt mayor of a small village called Braunschlag. The mayor, who is in deep financial trouble, comes up with a plan to save the village by faking a miracle. He convinces the villagers that a statue of the Virgin Mary is crying tears of blood, attracting tourists and bringing money to the village.
As the mayor's plan unfolds, the series explores themes of greed, corruption, and the lengths people will go to in order to achieve their goals. The show is filled with dark humor and absurd situations, making it a unique and entertaining watch.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a wild ride as they witness the mayor's schemes unravel and the consequences of his actions unfold. "Braunschlag" is a clever and witty satire that offers a sharp commentary on human nature and the pursuit of power.